Publications by authors named "Coppi S"

The coherent perceptual experience of one's own body depends on the processing and integration of signals from multiple sensory modalities, including vision, touch, and proprioception. Although nociception provides critical information about damage to the tissues of one's body, little is known about how nociception contributes to own-body perception. A classic experimental approach to investigate the perceptual and neural mechanisms involved in the multisensory experience of one's own body is the rubber hand illusion (RHI).

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Introduction: In the rubber hand illusion (RHI), touches are applied to a fake hand at the same time as touches are applied to a participant's real hand that is hidden in a congruent position. Synchronous (but not asynchronous) tactile stimulation of the two hands may induce the sensation that the fake hand is the participant's own. As such, the illusion is commonly used to examine the sense of body ownership.

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Recent evidence suggests that imagined auditory and visual sensory stimuli can be integrated with real sensory information from a different sensory modality to change the perception of external events via cross-modal multisensory integration mechanisms. Here, we explored whether imagined voluntary movements can integrate visual and proprioceptive cues to change how we perceive our own limbs in space. Participants viewed a robotic hand wearing a glove repetitively moving its right index finger up and down at a frequency of 1 Hz, while they imagined executing the corresponding movements synchronously or asynchronously (kinesthetic-motor imagery); electromyography (EMG) from the participants' right index flexor muscle confirmed that the participants kept their hand relaxed while imagining the movements.

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Previous studies have shown that illusory ownership over a mannequin's body can be induced through synchronous visuo-tactile stimulation as well as through synchronous visuo-vestibular stimulation. The current study aimed to elucidate how three-way combinations of correlated visual, tactile and vestibular signals contribute to the senses of body ownership and self-motion. Visuo-tactile temporal congruence was manipulated by touching the mannequin's body and the participant's unseen real body on the trunk with a small object either synchronously or asynchronously.

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A controversial and unresolved issue in cognitive neuroscience is whether humans can experience supernumerary limbs as part of their own body. Some previous experiments have claimed that it is possible to elicit supernumerary hand illusions based on modified versions of the rubber hand illusion. However, other studies have provided conflicting results that suggest that only one rubber hand can be perceived as one's own.

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Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the differences in the growth trend of male infants fed with human milk (HM), formula feeding (FF) and both (HM+FF), focusing the attention on weight increase in the first six months of life.

Methods: We enrolled 146 healthy male infants born from a spontaneous delivery; exclusion criteria were all conditions that required parenteral nutrition; the follow-up visits were at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 months of life. All infants were subsequently divided into three groups depending on the three feeding type (HM, FF, HM+FF) and then in other three subgroups depending on birth weight and gestational age (A, B, C).

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Aim: An investigation on human milk donors among the milk banks of Tuscany's network was carried out. Milk banks select, collect, check, process, store and deliver human milk, whose donors should have certain physical and psychological well-being features. The aim of the study was to describe a personal and social profile of milk donors.

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Background: Today healthy newborns are discharged after 48 h-72 h of life until umbilical cord (UC) detachment. Complications due to an inappropriate management are: erythema, edema, bleeding, omphalitis and sepsis. Hence the importance of a safe, effective, easy to do, and cheap method.

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The determination of safe sampling volumes of benzene and acetone on air samplers filled with Porapak Q, Chromosorb 101, 102 and 103 is described. Two direct methods are employed; one method is based on frontal chromatography, while the second one is a concentration method followed by thermal desorption. The results are compared to those determined by the indirect pulse chromatographic method.

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A procedure for preparing a Chromosorb 101 liquid chromatographic column is described. Some column parameters such as the permeability, efficiency and peak asymmetry factor were calculated. The elution of some benzene and phenol derivatives from the polymeric column with different mobile phases was performed.

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