Publications by authors named "Cook Rb"

Background: Airborne fine particulate matter with diameter < 2.5 μm (PM2.5), can reach the alveolar regions of the lungs, and is associated with over 4 million premature deaths per year worldwide.

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Extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness is fundamental in cell division, movement and differentiation. The stiffness that cells sense is determined not only by the elastic modulus of the ECM material but also by ECM geometry and cell density. We hypothesized that these factors would influence cell traction-induced matrix deformations and cellular differentiation in bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs).

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The current protocol used to determine if an individual is osteoporotic relies on assessment of the individual's bone mineral density (BMD), which allows clinicians to judge the condition of a patient with respect to their peers. This, in essence, evaluates a person's fracture risk, because BMD is a good surrogate measure for strength and stiffness. In recent studies, the authors were the first to produce fracture toughness (FT) data from osteoporotic (OP) and osteoarthritic (OA) patients, by using a testing technique which basically analyzes the prerequisite stress conditions for the onset of growth of a major crack through cancellous bone tissue.

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The accurate determination of the mechanical properties of hydrogels is of fundamental importance for a range of applications, including in assessing the effect of stiffness on cell behaviour. This is a particular issue when using thin hydrogel layers adherent to stiff substrate supports, as the apparent stiffness can be significantly influenced by the constraint of the underlying impermeable substrate, leading to inaccurate measurements of the elastic modulus and permeability of thin hydrogel layers. This study used depth profiling nanoindentation and a poroelastic model for spherical indentation to identify the elastic moduli and hydraulic conductivity of thin polyacrylamide (PAAm) hydrogel layers (∼27 μm-782 μm thick) on impermeable substrates.

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The microarchitecture of bone both results from and in turn affects the remodelling process. Bone-specific surface, for instance, is one of these important microarchitectural parameters because remodelling is also considered to be a surface-mediated phenomenon (Berli et al.[1]).

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The measurement of the elastic modulus of soft biomaterials via nanoindentation relies on the accurate determination of the zero-point of the tip-sample interaction on which the depth of penetration into the sample is based. Non-cantilever based nanoindentation systems were originally designed for hard materials, and therefore monitoring the zero-point contact presents a significant challenge for the characterisation of very soft biomaterials. This study investigates the ability of non-cantilever based nanoindentation to differentiate between hydrogels with elastic moduli on the order of single kiloPascals (kPa) using a bespoke soft contact protocol and low flexural stiffness of instrument.

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Background: We analyzed the qualitative fit test results of the filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) used at our institution to determine their performance and utility.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 12,582 qualitative fit testing results for several FFR models among 8,809 health care workers (HCWs).

Results: The overall failure rate for HCWs was 15.

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Adverse reaction to metal debris (ARMD) is an issue in metal-on-metal (MoM) total hip replacements (THR). It mainly affects large-head MoM THR, whereas 28-32 mm MoM pairings are associated with low long-term revision rates. However, the bearing surface is not necessarily the only cause of metal debris.

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Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is one of the most common dental conditions affecting most adults during their lifetime. Tubule occlusion is a widely accepted method for treating DH. Current in-vitro techniques such as focused ion beam, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), or hydraulic conductance that are used to determine tubule occlusion do not provide the depth of occlusion, are time-consuming, expensive and the volume of dentine tested is limited.

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Baleen is a resilient and keratinised filter-feeding structure attached to the maxilla of mysticete whales. It is strong and tough, yet a pliant and resilient material, that withstands extreme pressures in the oral cavity during feeding. We investigated the structure, water content, wettability and mechanical properties of baleen of the Southern right (SRW) and Pygmy right whales (PRW), to understand the effects of hydration on the physical and mechanical properties of baleen.

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The good biocompatibility and corrosion resistance of the bulk CoCrMo alloy has resulted in it being used in the manufacture of implants and load bearing medical devices. These devices, however, can release wear and corrosion products which differ from the composition of the bulk CoCrMo alloy. The physicochemical characteristics of the particles and the associated in vivo reactivity are dictated by the wear mechanisms and electrochemical conditions at the sites of material loss.

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The central shaft of a bird's flight feather bears most of the aerodynamic load during flight and exhibits some remarkable mechanical properties. The shaft comprises two parts, the calamus and the rachis. The calamus is at the base of the shaft, while the rachis is the longer upper part which supports the vanes.

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Airborne particulate matter (PM) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity. However, understanding of the range and mechanisms of effects of PM components is poor. PM generated in underground railways is rich in metals, especially iron.

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The annual peak growth of vegetation is critical in characterizing the capacity of terrestrial ecosystem productivity and shaping the seasonality of atmospheric CO concentrations. The recent greening of global lands suggests an increasing trend of terrestrial vegetation growth, but whether or not the peak growth has been globally enhanced still remains unclear. Here, we use two global datasets of gross primary productivity (GPP) and a satellite-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to characterize recent changes in annual peak vegetation growth (that is, GPP and NDVI).

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The healthcare socio-economic environment is irreversibly changing as a consequence of an increasing aging population, consequent functional impairment, and patient quality of life expectations. The increasing complexity of ensuing clinical scenarios compels a critical search for novel musculoskeletal regenerative and replacement strategies. While joint arthroplasty is a highly effective treatment for arthritis and osteoporosis, further innovation and refinement of uncemented implants are essential in order to improve implant integration and reduce implant revision rate.

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The in vivo release of wear debris and corrosion products from the metallic interfaces of total hip replacements is associated with a wide spectrum of adverse body reactions and systemic manifestations. The origin of debris and the electrochemical conditions at the sites of material loss both play a role in determining the physicochemical characteristics of the particles, and thus influence their in vivo reactivity. Debris retrieved from revised CoCrMo tapers and cement-stem interfaces consists of heterogeneous flakes that comprise mechanically mixed metal particles, corrosion products and organic material.

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Bioacoustofluidics can be used to trap and levitate cells within a fluid channel, thereby facilitating scaffold-free tissue engineering in a 3D environment. In the present study, we have designed and characterised an acoustofluidic bioreactor platform, which applies acoustic forces to mechanically stimulate aggregates of human articular chondrocytes in long-term levitated culture. By varying the acoustic parameters (amplitude, frequency sweep, and sweep repetition rate), cells were stimulated by oscillatory fluid shear stresses, which were dynamically modulated at different sweep repetition rates (1-50 Hz).

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Terrestrial ecosystems play a vital role in regulating the accumulation of carbon (C) in the atmosphere. Understanding the factors controlling land C uptake is critical for reducing uncertainties in projections of future climate. The relative importance of changing climate, rising atmospheric CO, and other factors, however, remains unclear despite decades of research.

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Bone is a living tissue whose main mechanical function is to provide stiffness, strength and protection to the body. Both stiffness and strength depend on the mineralization of the organic matrix, which is constantly being remodelled by the coordinated action of the bone multicellular units (BMUs). Due to the dynamics of both remodelling and mineralization, each sample of bone is composed of structural units (osteons in cortical and packets in cancellous bone) created at different times, therefore presenting different levels of mineral content.

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Residential endotoxin exposure is associated with protective and pathogenic health outcomes. Evaporative coolers, an energy-efficient type of air conditioner used in dry climates, are a potential source of indoor endotoxins; however, this association is largely unstudied. We collected settled dust biannually from four locations in homes with evaporative coolers (n=18) and central air conditioners (n=22) in Utah County, Utah (USA), during winter (Jan-Apr) and summer (Aug-Sept), 2014.

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The occurrence of damage on polished femoral stems has been widely reported in the literature, and bone cement has been implicated in a tribocorrosive failure process. However, the mechanisms of cement-mediated damage and the impact of cement formulation on this process are not well understood. In this study, 13 Zimmer CPT polished femoral stems, and the corresponding cement specimens were retrieved at revision surgery and analyzed using high-resolution imaging techniques.

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Concerns about energy consumption and climate change make residential evaporative coolers a popular alternative to central air conditioning in arid and semi-arid climates. However, evaporative coolers have been shown to significantly increase indoor relative humidity and dust mite allergen levels in some studies, while showing no association in other studies. Improved measurement of temporal fluctuations in indoor relative humidity may help identify factors that promote mite growth in homes in dry climates.

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Binary blend polymers offer the opportunity to combine different desirable properties into a single scaffold, to enhance function within the field of tissue engineering. Previous in vitro and murine in vivo analysis identified a polymer blend of poly(l-lactic acid)-poly(ε-caprolactone) (PLLA:PCL 20:80) to have characteristics desirable for bone regeneration. Polymer scaffolds in combination with marrow-derived skeletal stem cells (SSCs) were implanted into mid-shaft ovine 3.

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