Objective: Due to recent increases in the use of vaping devices, there is a high demand for research addressing the respiratory health effects of vaping products. Given the constantly changing nature of the vaping market with new devices, flavors, metals, and other chemicals rapidly emerging, there is a need for inexpensive and highly adaptable vaping device exposure systems. Here, we describe the design and validation of a novel aerosol exposure system for toxicity testing of vaping devices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOuter membrane protein A (OmpA) is a key outer membrane protein found in Gram-negative bacteria that contributes to several crucial processes in bacterial virulence. In Porphyromonas gingivalis, OmpA is predicted as a heterotrimer of OmpA1 and OmpA2 subunits encoded by adjacent genes. Here we describe the role of OmpA and its individual subunits in the interaction of P.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To evaluate the prognostic significance of a bone scan index (BSI) based on the weighted proportion of tumor involvement in individual bones, in relation to other factors and to survival in patients with androgen-independent prostate cancer.
Patients And Methods: Baseline radionuclide bone scans were reviewed in 191 assessable patients with androgen-independent disease who were enrolled onto an open, randomized trial of liarozole versus prednisone. The extent of skeletal involvement was assessed by scoring each scan using the BSI and independently according to the number of metastatic lesions.
As opiate therapy is increasingly accepted for the management of chronic pain, the consultation-liaison psychiatrist is often challenged to diagnose and provide treatment recommendations for addictive disease in chronic pain patients. Reviewed are the defining characteristics of addiction within the context of chronic pain, and the interesting commonalities between addictive disease and chronic pain. Guidelines for assessment of addiction in patients with chronic pain are presented, as are suggestions for the management of these concurrent disorders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pain Symptom Manage
February 1996
Despite advances in the technology of cancer pain assessment and control, cancer pain often remains undertreated even in hospital settings. To determine whether a graphical display of cancer patients' pain levels might improve their treatment, the investigators conducted a randomized controlled trial. Patients assigned to the intervention group (N = 40) had periodic pain assessments by study staff, who graphically recorded their reported pain-intensity levels on bedside wall charts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFbeta-Adrenergic receptors on isolated human lymphocytes were enumerated using 125I-cyanopindolol (125I-CYP), after a 90-min exposure to 50 mumols/l l-isoproterenol in vitro. No change in receptor density could be shown in assays performed at 37 degrees C, although a 40% reduction was apparent in binding studies carried out at 4 degrees C. In contrast, beta-adrenergic receptors on lymphocytes from mild asthmatics after a 3-week course of oral terbutaline showed a 40% reduction in receptor density regardless of the assay temperature, in addition to a 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClinical observation and animal models of candidosis suggest that, although T lymphocytes are important in preventing superficial candidosis, defence against systemic candidosis depends upon humoral immunity. An antibody response to the immunodominant 47 kD antigen of Candida albicans is invariably associated with recovery. The presence of this antibody in patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidosis and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) could account for the rarity of disseminated candidal infection in these conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn intact human lymphocytes, cyclic AMP accumulation in response to isoproterenol was inhibited by 5 mM EDTA, by deletion of calcium ions from the medium and by 1 mM lanthanum chloride, but not by 1 microM verapamil or by 10 microM nifedipine. A23187 caused a modest increase in cyclic AMP content. Exposure of lymphocytes to 5 microM 1-isoproterenol desensitized the cells to subsequent beta-adrenergic stimulation, reducing cyclic AMP accumulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHosp Formul
February 1986
In the first of a series of exclusive P & T interviews in Hospital Formulary, Dr. Matthew Conolly describes the operation of the UCLA P & T Committee. He stresses that the role of their Committee is to educate the hospital staff--not to police prescribing habits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn 9 young subjects with mild asthma, we investigated the possibility that chronic daily administration of an inhaled muscarinic antagonist (ipratropium bromide) might increase the response of muscarinic receptors in airway smooth muscle to agonist stimulation caused by receptor upregulation. Subjects inhaled 60 micrograms of ipratropium 4 times daily for 3 wk. Methacholine bronchoprovocation (with or without acute pretreatment with ipratropium) was performed before (control period) and during 3 wk of daily ipratropium therapy (medication period).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRes Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol
May 1985
Several antibiotics have been reported to cause a bleeding diathesis in man, characterized by reduced platelet aggregation. We investigated the effects of several of the penicillins and of moxalactam on the binding of (3H)-methyl-yohimbine to intact human platelets. The (3H)-methyl-yohimbine binding met the criteria for interaction at an alpha2 adrenergic binding site and showed low interindividual variability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Clin Psychopharmacol
April 1985
Blood pressure measurements were collected from 36 depressed geriatric outpatients (ages 55 to 81 years) enrolled in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy of doxepin and imipramine. Mean systolic postural changes were 25.9 mm Hg for imipramine, significantly higher than the 10.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc West Pharmacol Soc
December 1984
In five subjects with mild asthma and in five normal subjects, we determined the effect of a 4 wk course of inhaled salbutamol (albuterol), 200 micrograms q.i.d.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Pharmacol Ther
November 1982
To investigate the effect of glucocorticoids on beta-agonist-induced desensitization, we studied the effect of a single intravenous dose of methylprednisolone (2 mg/kg) on beta-receptor density and affinity in lymphocytes from four normal and four mildly asthmatic subjects at the end of 3 to 5 wk of terbutaline therapy and from four normal subjects taking no other drug. Terbutaline decreased (-)[3H]-dihydroalprenolol binding sites by 53% in normal and by 42% in asthmatic subjects. Methylprednisolone restored the number of binding sites to levels statistically indistinguishable from the preterbutaline values in both groups of subjects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Pharmacol Ther
August 1982
Binding of (-)3H]-dihydroalprenolol (3H-DHA) to lymphocytes from five thyrotoxic patients and five age- and sex-matched contents were examined to ascertain whether beta-adrenergic receptor number or binding affinity were altered in thyrotoxicosis. Whereas an increase in beta-adrenoceptor density has been reported in triiodothyronine-induced hyperthyroidism, we did not find changes in beta-adrenergic receptor density or binding affinity. In one patient studied sequentially, we did not find alteration in 3H-DHA bindings before or after the subject was rendered euthyroid.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSubsensitization of beta-adrenoceptors in airways and lymphocytes developing during 4 to 5 wk of orally administered terbutaline (a long-acting beta 2 selective bronchodilator) was compared in 10 healthy subjects and 11 subjects with mild asthma. The following results were obtained. Normal subjects developed a significant reduction in acute bronchodilator responsiveness to inhaled isoproterenol but not to subcutaneously administered terbutaline.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Allergy Clin Immunol
January 1982
Nine patients with aspirin-induced bronchospasm were compared with age-matched normal controls to test the hypothesis that a defect in the beta-adrenergic system could lead to excessive dependence on prostaglandins to maintain bronchodilator function. Lymphocyte beta-receptor density and affinity were measured by 3H-dihydroalprenolol binding. Beta-receptor function was measured in terms of cyclic AMP accumulation in response to isoproterenol.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProstaglandins Med
February 1981
Specific evidence is presented of the release of prostaglandins from the colon in active ulcerative colitis. An increase in the levels of bioassayed prostaglandin-like activity in the stools and colo-rectal venous plasma from patients with active ulcerative colitis is described. Radioimmunoassay confirms the presence of prostaglandin E and prostaglandin F in the stools in colitis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ability of propranolol, metoprolol, acebutolol, atenolol and practolol to reverse the stimulant effect of 10 M isoprenaline on lymphocyte cyclic AMP levels was determined. The ratios of doses required to produce 50% inhibition as compared with propranolol were 1:316 for metoprolol 1:1780 for acebutolol and 1:2820 for atenolol. No ratio could be calculated for practolol as it never produced more than 35% inhibition possibly because of its intrinsic sympathomimetic activity.
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