Rev Clin Esp (Barc)
March 2020
Background: Sensitization to peach and related Rosaceae fruits without clinical expression is commonly observed as the result of the extensive cross-reactivity of IgE antibodies directed toward lipid transfer proteins (LTPs), Bet v 1 homologues, profilins, and carbohydrate determinants.
Objective: We aimed to study whether there are any clinical or immunologic differences between patients allergic to peach and those who have a current clinically irrelevant sensitization to this fruit.
Methods: One hundred subjects with adverse reactions to peach were evaluated by medical history, skin prick tests with fresh peach and purified peach LTP (Pru p 3), and specific IgE determinations to peach, rBet v 1, and rBet v 2 (birch profilin).
Int J Occup Med Environ Health
November 2003
Background: Carmine is a natural coloring agent for food and cosmetics. There have been several reports of occupational asthma among employees at factories making natural dyes, however, there are no cases reported among butchers.
Objectives: We report on two male patients who presented with a history of occupational asthma.