Publications by authors named "Coffey T"

Objectives: To review and synthesise available evidence on carbon emissions associated with clinical trials to inform future research on design and delivery of greener trials.

Study Design And Setting: We performed a scoping review by following the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) guidance and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). A systematic search was conducted on MEDLINE (Ovid) from 1 January 2007 to 15 April 2024 with no geographic and language restrictions complemented by forward and backward citation analysis (snowballing).

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Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate how demographic factors influence medical students' attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines and their perceptions of vaccine education in medical school curricula.

Methods: A 28-question anonymous online survey was distributed to 640 medical students at one academic medical institution. Individual attitudes toward vaccines were evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale.

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Introduction: Nutrition trials are important for informing dietary and clinical guidelines. Central to the success of these trials is participant adherence to dietary behaviors. However, trials commonly experience poor adherence.

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Background: Glaucoma is a chronic disease of the optic nerve and a leading cause of severe visual loss in the UK. Once patients have been diagnosed, they need regular monitoring at hospital eye services. Recent advances in technology mean patients with glaucoma can now monitor their disease at home.

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Generic lorazepam oral solution is supplied in a 30 mL multi-dose bottle requiring protection from light and refrigeration, with a beyond use date of 90 days once the bottle is opened. The repackaging of 1 mL doses of lorazepam oral solution into oral syringes allows for facilitated dispensing, yet no available data supports repackaging and storing lorazepam oral solution in syringes. The validation and application of a stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) method for the quantification of lorazepam allowed for the determination of the stability of lorazepam oral solution when stored in oral syringes.

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The field of fish microbiome research has rapidly been advancing, primarily focusing on farmed or laboratory fish species rather than natural or marine fish populations. This study sought to reveal the distinctive gut bacteriome composition and diversity within the anadromous fish species Tenualosa ilisha (hilsa), which holds the status of being the national fish of Bangladesh. We conducted an analysis on 15 gut samples obtained from 15 individual hilsa fishes collected from three primary habitats (e.

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Context: Mentorship aids in the transition into the medical education system, which is a demanding and stressful time for learners. The development of new medical schools to offset the physician shortage has posed a challenge in that the inaugural class of students lacks an upperclassman cohort as a resource for advice and mentorship. Mentorship has proven to have positive impacts on three domains: personal and professional development (PPD), stress reduction (SR), and ease of transition (ET) into medical school.

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Background: The Online Resource for Recruitment in Clinical triAls (ORRCA) and the Online Resource for Retention in Clinical triAls (ORRCA2) were established to organise and map the literature addressing participant recruitment and retention within clinical research. The two databases are updated on an ongoing basis using separate but parallel systematic reviews. However, recruitment and retention of research participants is widely acknowledged to be interconnected.

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is a globally endemic and poorly controlled cause of bovine mastitis impacting the sustainability of the modern dairy industry. A core genome was derived from 579 newly sequenced isolates, along with 305 publicly available genome sequences of isolated from 11 countries around the world and used to develop a core genome multi-locus sequence typing (cgMLST) scheme. The core genome comprised 1475 genes, and these were used to identify 1447 curated loci that were indexed into the cgMLST scheme.

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Lacustrine sediment quality indicates the effects of both natural and anthropogenic activities on the ecosystem and communities. Despite its ecological importance, myriad complexities, and potential contaminant sources, the spatial distribution of surficial sediments in Lake Victoria's Winam Gulf has never been comprehensively documented. The purpose of this study was to assess the spatial distribution, pathways, and ecological risk of metal elements in the lake using a sediment matrix.

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Background: Trial method research produces recommendations on how to best conduct trials. However, findings are not routinely implemented into practice. To better understand why, we conducted a mixed method study on the challenges of implementing trial method research findings into UK-based clinical trial units.

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The impact of population expansion through economic growth and development has been identified as one of the key drivers of both water and sediment contamination from potentially harmful elements (PHEs). This presents a major hazard not only to aquatic ecosystems but local riparian communities and beyond who rely heavily on this natural resource for drinking water and fish-a valuable source of dietary micronutrients and protein. The present study measured biogeochemical concentration of PHEs in water, sediment and fish from locations pooled into four zones within Winam Gulf and Lake Victoria area of Kenya.

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Africa is experiencing extensive biodiversity loss due to rapid changes in the environment, where natural resources constitute the main instrument for socioeconomic development and a mainstay source of livelihoods for an increasing population. Lack of data and information deficiency on biodiversity, but also budget constraints and insufficient financial and technical capacity, impede sound policy design and effective implementation of conservation and management measures. The problem is further exacerbated by the lack of harmonized indicators and databases to assess conservation needs and monitor biodiversity losses.

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Article Synopsis
  • Clinical trials need people to join and stay in the study for the results to be trustworthy, but most focus on getting people to join instead of keeping them.
  • Researchers are creating a plan to help trial staff share important information during the sign-up process, which could help keep participants engaged.
  • They figured out a bunch of helpful techniques for trial staff to use when talking to participants and tested their ideas with a group to see if they liked the plan.
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Background: Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK) have differential tissue activity and isoenzyme profiles. LDH and CK exist as 5 and 3 isoenzymes, respectively, in both serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Studies have demonstrated that measuring LDH, CK, and their isoenzymes in CSF has diagnostic and prognostic values for dogs and people with neurologic disorders.

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Article Synopsis
  • Researchers wanted to know why some people stay in clinical trials and others leave, so they talked to trial staff.
  • They did two sets of interviews to learn from staff about how to keep participants engaged and what problems they see with retention.
  • After talking to 25 staff members, they found a bunch of themes about what helps or hinders participants from staying in trials and how well staff communicate important information when participants agree to join.
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Article Synopsis
  • Clinical trials involve a lot of steps that can be complicated, especially when trying to recruit certain patient groups and ensuring doctors can deliver treatments properly.
  • This study used a special method called a "behavioural science approach" to figure out how to make trial processes like recruitment and treatment delivery better.
  • By talking to staff from the UK-REBOA trial, researchers found 24 ways to improve how people behave during trials to make them work more effectively.
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Objectives: To identify studies that applied behavioural approaches to issues of recruitment and/or retention to trials; to describe these approaches; and to identify gaps for future research.

Design: Systematic mapping review of research undertaken in clinical trials within peer-reviewed sources. Review participants were individuals involved in clinical trials, including trial staff, participants, potential participants and former participants.

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Background: Obesity threatens to undo the improvements that have been made in life expectancy over the last two centuries. It disproportionately affects lower socioeconomic and ethnic minority groups and has become one of the most important global health challenges of the 21century. Whilst obesity is not confined to city populations, cities are home to more than half of the world's population with concentrated groups at high risk of obesity.

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is one of the leading causes worldwide of mastitis in the dairy industry, with the most likely sources of infection attributed to environmental reservoirs such as contaminated bedding materials. Early detection of those cases most likely to progress to clinical disease would lead to improved animal welfare, a critical component of overall health and productivity. A multiplex PCR-based diagnostic test was developed for detection of directly from milk and targeting two genes previously identified as important for intramammary colonisation and persistence in dairy cattle.

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It's official: The UK is in a recession. The economy has suffered its biggest slump on record with a drop in gross domestic product (GDP) of 20.4%.

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is a common cause of intramammary infection and mastitis in dairy cattle. Unlike other mammary pathogens, evades detection by mammary epithelial cells, and the host-pathogen interactions during early colonisation are poorly understood. Intramammary challenge of dairy cows with (strain 0140 J) or isogenic mutants lacking the surface-anchored serine protease, SUB1154, demonstrated that virulence was dependent on the presence and correct location of this protein.

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Tracking the genetic diversity and spread of swine influenza viruses (SIVs) in commercial swine farms is central for control and to reduce the potential emergence of SIV reassortants. We analyzed the diversity of SIVs in nasal washes or oral fluids from commercial swine farms in North Carolina using influenza M qRT-PCR and hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) subtyping. We found a predominance of H1 HAs and N2 NAs in the samples examined.

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The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Criminal Mental Health Project (CMHP), a court-based jail diversion program, was established to divert individuals with serious mental illness from the criminal justice system into treatment and support services. The CMHP's success is built on collaboration among a diverse array of community stakeholders. This column describes the establishment and maintenance of these partnerships.

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