Pac Symp Biocomput
December 2022
The following sections are included: Introduction, Understanding and Predicting Molecular Networks, Understanding and Predicting Molecular Networks, Making Use of Family Structure, Applying Traditional Graph Algorithms to Novel Tasks, Representing Uncertainty in Networks, Conclusion, References.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Representing biological networks as graphs is a powerful approach to reveal underlying patterns, signatures, and critical components from high-throughput biomolecular data. However, graphs do not natively capture the multi-way relationships present among genes and proteins in biological systems. Hypergraphs are generalizations of graphs that naturally model multi-way relationships and have shown promise in modeling systems such as protein complexes and metabolic reactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntegration of multiple, heterogeneous sensors is a challenging problem across a range of applications. Prominent among these are multi-target tracking, where one must combine observations from different sensor types in a meaningful and efficient way to track multiple targets. Because different sensors have differing error models, we seek a theoretically justified quantification of the agreement among ensembles of sensors, both overall for a sensor collection, and also at a fine-grained level specifying pairwise and multi-way interactions among sensors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe interaction of multiple types of relationships among anatomical classes in the Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) can provide inferred information valuable for quality assurance. This paper introduces a method called Motif Checking (MOCH) to study the effects of such multi-relation type interactions for detecting logical inconsistencies as well as other anomalies represented by the motifs. MOCH represents patterns of multi-type interaction as small labeled (with multiple types of edges) sub-graph motifs, whose nodes represent class variables, and labeled edges represent relational types.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAutomated function prediction (AFP) methods increasingly use knowledge discovery algorithms to map sequence, structure, literature, and/or pathway information about proteins whose functions are unknown into functional ontologies, typically (a portion of) the Gene Ontology (GO). While there are a growing number of methods within this paradigm, the general problem of assessing the accuracy of such prediction algorithms has not been seriously addressed. We present first an application for function prediction from protein sequences using the POSet Ontology Categorizer (POSOC) to produce new annotations by analyzing collections of GO nodes derived from annotations of protein BLAST neighborhoods.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: We participated in the BioCreAtIvE Task 2, which addressed the annotation of proteins into the Gene Ontology (GO) based on the text of a given document and the selection of evidence text from the document justifying that annotation. We approached the task utilizing several combinations of two distinct methods: an unsupervised algorithm for expanding words associated with GO nodes, and an annotation methodology which treats annotation as categorization of terms from a protein's document neighborhood into the GO.
Results: The evaluation results indicate that the method for expanding words associated with GO nodes is quite powerful; we were able to successfully select appropriate evidence text for a given annotation in 38% of Task 2.
The Gene Ontology Categorizer, developed jointly by the Los Alamos National Laboratory and Procter & Gamble Corp., provides a capability for the categorization task in the Gene Ontology (GO): given a list of genes of interest, what are the best nodes of the GO to summarize or categorize that list? The motivating question is from a drug discovery process, where after some gene expression analysis experiment, we wish to understand the overall effect of some cell treatment or condition by identifying 'where' in the GO the differentially expressed genes fall: 'clustered' together in one place? in two places? uniformly spread throughout the GO? 'high', or 'low'? In order to address this need, we view bio-ontologies more as combinatorially structured databases than facilities for logical inference, and draw on the discrete mathematics of finite partially ordered sets (posets) to develop data representation and algorithms appropriate for the GO. In doing so, we have laid the foundations for a general set of methods to address not just the categorization task, but also other tasks (e.
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