Publications by authors named "Clegg S"

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  • * This research marks the first discovery of kaolinite or halloysite on another planet, alongside findings of dehydrated minerals indicating possible intense alteration processes.
  • * The rocks' formation likely resulted from intense water activity followed by heating and dehydration, possibly linked to impact events that dispersed the materials across the crater.
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  • The study investigates population divergence in silvereye birds (Zosterops lateralis) by analyzing genetic data from mainland and island subspecies in southeastern Queensland, Australia.
  • It reveals that geographic isolation, particularly due to water barriers, plays a crucial role in driving divergence among island populations despite short distances.
  • Findings indicate that while genetic diversity is similar between island and mainland populations, island populations exhibit lower inbreeding, suggesting a unique evolutionary path influenced by their isolated environments.
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Contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) causes a severe, infectious foot disease and lameness of sheep, is common within the UK and is now also emerging in other countries. As well as causing severe animal welfare issues, huge economic losses emerge from the disease due to weight loss/lack of weight gain, and veterinary treatments. CODD lesion progress is measured, with a scoring system from 1 (early lesions) to 5 (healed).

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Arterial occlusion pressure (AOP) is influenced by the characteristics of the cuff used to measure AOP. Doppler ultrasound was used to measure AOP of the brachial and superficial femoral arteries using straight and curved blood flow restriction cuffs in 21 males and 21 females. Vessel diameter and blood flow were evaluated as independent predictors of AOP.

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A 2022 canine gastroenteritis outbreak in the United Kingdom was associated with circulation of a new canine enteric coronavirus closely related to a 2020 variant with an additional spike gene recombination. The variants are unrelated to canine enteric coronavirus-like viruses associated with human disease but represent a model for coronavirus population adaptation.

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Background: Digital health, data science and health informatics are increasingly important in health and healthcare, but largely ignored in undergraduate medical training.

Methods: In a large UK medical school, with staff and students, we co-designed a new, 'spiral' module (with iterative revisiting of content), covering data science, digital health and evidence-based medicine, implementing in September 2019 in all year groups with continuous evaluation and improvement until 2022.

Results: In 2018/19, a new module, 'Doctor as Data Scientist', was co-designed by academic staff (n = 14), students (n = 23), and doctors (n = 7).

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Many countries with tropical reef systems face hard choices preserving coral reefs in the face of climate change on limited budgets. One approach to maximising regional reef resilience is targeting management efforts and resources at reefs that export large numbers of larvae to other reefs. However, this requires reef connectivity to be quantified.

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Purpose: To determine whether access to a website with an educational video would decrease postoperative opioid use in patients undergoing arthroscopic partial meniscectomy.

Methods: Enrolled patients who underwent arthroscopic partial meniscectomy at a single center were randomized to either the intervention or control group prior to surgery. The intervention group received a card with access to an online educational video regarding opioids with their postoperative instructions; the control group did not.

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Understanding lions' () space-use is important for the management of multi-species wildlife systems because lions can have profound impacts on ecosystem-wide ecological processes. Semi-arid savanna landscapes are typically heterogeneous with species space-use driven by the availability and distribution of resources. Previous studies have demonstrated that lions select areas close to water as encounter rates with prey are higher and hunting success is greater in these regions.

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Conifers are long-lived and slow-evolving, thus requiring effective defences against their fast-evolving insect natural enemies. The copy number variation (CNV) of two key acetophenone biosynthesis genes Ugt5/Ugt5b and βglu-1 may provide a plausible mechanism underlying the constitutively variable defence in white spruce (Picea glauca) against its primary defoliator, spruce budworm. This study develops a long-insert sequence capture probe set (Picea_hung_p1.

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This article draws on ethnographic research investigating experimental reform projects in local nursing practices. These are aimed at strengthening nursing work and fostering nurses' position within healthcare through bottom-up nurse-driven innovations. Based on literature on epistemic politics and critical nursing studies, the study examines and conceptualizes how these nurses promote professional and organizational change.

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While the role of selection in divergence along the speciation continuum is theoretically well understood, defining specific signatures of selection in the genomic landscape of divergence is empirically challenging. Modelling approaches can provide insight into the potential role of selection on the emergence of a heterogenous genomic landscape of divergence. Here, we extend and apply an individual-based approach that simulates the phenotypic and genotypic distributions of two populations under a variety of selection regimes, genotype-phenotype maps, modes of migration, and genotype-environment interactions.

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The "paradox of the great speciators" has puzzled evolutionary biologists for over half a century. A great speciator requires excellent dispersal propensity to explain its occurrence on multiple islands, but reduced dispersal ability to explain its high number of subspecies. A rapid reduction in dispersal ability is often invoked to solve this apparent paradox, but a proximate mechanism has not been identified yet.

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  • * This study investigated whether larvae of Lucilia sericata found on lame sheep could carry lameness-related bacteria, focusing on three key bacterial types linked to the condition.
  • * Findings revealed a notable link between lameness bacteria present in the larvae and those on sheep foot lesions, but no bacteria were found in the adult flies, indicating changes during their transformation.
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  • Interactions between wild, feral, and domestic pigeons, particularly Columba livia, affect both economic and conservation outcomes, posing threats to the rare Rock Dove through disease transmission and hybridization.
  • The study examined Trichomonas parasite infection rates among different C. livia populations in the UK, finding lower prevalence in Rock Doves compared to feral pigeons, but unclear drivers of infection across populations.
  • The research highlights the need for further investigation into how hybridization and disease interactions may jointly impact the survival of the Rock Dove, emphasizing the importance of understanding these dynamics in animal populations that live at the wild-domestic interface.
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Introduction: Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) is a rare paraneoplastic disorder where patients present with hypophosphatemia, chronic diffuse bone pain, and occasionally fractures. Benign phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors (PMT) are responsible for the TIO and are largely soft tissue tumors.

Cases: Two male patients with TIO secondary to PMT were reported-one in the bony scapula and the other in the plantar foot soft tissue.

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Identifying unequivocal signs of life on Mars is one of the most important objectives for sending missions to the red planet. Here we report Red Stone, a 163-100 My alluvial fan-fan delta that formed under arid conditions in the Atacama Desert, rich in hematite and mudstones containing clays such as vermiculite and smectites, and therefore geologically analogous to Mars. We show that Red Stone samples display an important number of microorganisms with an unusual high rate of phylogenetic indeterminacy, what we refer to as "dark microbiome", and a mix of biosignatures from extant and ancient microorganisms that can be barely detected with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment.

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The global COVID-19 pandemic made salient various paradoxical tensions, such as the trade-offs between individual freedom and collective safety, between short term and long-term consequences of adaptation to the new conditions, the power implications of sameness (COVID-19 was non-discriminatory in that all were affected in one way or another) and difference (yet not all were affected equally due to social differences), whereas most businesses became poorer under lockdown, others flourished; while significant numbers of workers were confined to home, some could not return home; some thrived while working from home as others were challenged by the erosion of barriers between their private and working lives. Rapid improvisational responding and learning at all levels of society presented itself as a naturally occurring research opportunity for improvisation scholars. This improvisation saw the arrival of a 'New Normal', eventually defined as 'learning to live with COVID-19'.

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Avian endoparasites play important roles in conservation, biodiversity and host evolution. Currently, little is known about the epidemiology of intestinal helminths and protozoans infecting wild birds of Britain and Ireland. This study aimed to determine the rates of parasite prevalence, abundance and infection intensity in wild passerines.

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Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is a common cancer among men in the United States. While malignancy is a known cause of venous thromboembolism (VTE), little is known about the effect of PCa history on postoperative complications after elective total hip arthroplasty (THA). This study aimed to evaluate the risk of hematologic complications in patients with a history of PCa taking common postoperative anticoagulants.

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  • Before the Perseverance rover, Jezero crater's floor was theorized to have different origins, including lake-related or volcanic processes.
  • SuperCam's findings over the first 286 days indicated a volcanic terrain characterized by varying compositions, primarily basaltic, with higher levels of plagioclase in upper strata and richer pyroxene in lower strata.
  • The study identified the first Martian cumulate rock, highlighting its olivine-rich content and suggesting brief past watery conditions based on the presence of various alteration materials.
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Objective: This short study describes the occurrence of pathogenic spp. in two major wet markets in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

Materials And Methods: 30 rodents (20 rats and 10 shrews) were caught in 2 wet markets, and a postmortem was performed to extract both kidneys.

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Domesticated animals have been culturally and economically important throughout history. Many of their ancestral lineages are extinct or genetically endangered following hybridization with domesticated relatives. Consequently, they have been understudied compared to the ancestral lineages of domestic plants.

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The SuperCam instrument, onboard the Perseverance rover (Mars 2020 mission) is designed to perform remote analysis on the Martian surface employing several spectroscopic techniques such as Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Time-Resolved Raman (TRR), Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TRF) and Visible and Infrared (VISIR) reflectance. In addition, SuperCam also acquires high-resolution images using a color remote micro-imager (RMI) as well as sounds with its microphone. SuperCam has three main subsystems, the Mast Unit (MU) where the laser for chemical analysis and collection optics are housed, the Body Unit (BU) where the different spectrometers are located inside the rover, and the SuperCam Calibration Target (SCCT) located on the rover's deck to facilitate calibration tests at similar ambient conditions as the analyzed samples.

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