Publications by authors named "Clay Lacefield"

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are widely used to treat mood and anxiety disorders, yet their molecular mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. Here, we show that chronic treatment with the SSRI fluoxetine reinstates a developmental plasticity program in the dentate gyrus (DG) by remodeling the extracellular matrix (ECM). Fluoxetine elicited a robust transcriptomic response in the DG, where mature granule cells adopted a juvenile-like profile.

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Background/objectives: Learning is classically modeled to consist of an acquisition period followed by a mastery period when the skill no longer requires conscious control and becomes automatic. Dopamine neurons projecting to the ventral striatum (VS) produce a teaching signal that shifts from responding to rewarding or aversive events to anticipating cues, thus facilitating learning. However, the role of the dopamine-receptive neurons in the ventral striatum, particularly in encoding decision-making processes, remains less understood.

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The serotonergic transmitter system plays fundamental roles in the nervous system in neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity, pathological processes, and therapeutic effects of antidepressants and psychedelics, as well as in the gastrointestinal and circulatory systems. We introduce a novel small molecule fluorescent agent, termed , that specifically labels serotonergic neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, and axonal projections as a serotonin transporter (SERT) fluorescent substrate. SERTlight was developed by an iterative molecular design process, based on an aminoethyl-quinolone system, to integrate structural elements that impart SERT substrate activity, sufficient fluorescent brightness, and a broad absence of pharmacological activity, including at serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) receptors, other G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), ion channels, and monoamine transporters.

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In the classical model of the basal ganglia, direct pathway striatal projection neurons (dSPNs) send projections to the substantia nigra (SNr) and entopeduncular nucleus to regulate motor function. Recent studies have re-established that dSPNs also possess axon collaterals within the globus pallidus (GPe) (bridging collaterals), yet the significance of these collaterals for behavior is unknown. Here we use in vivo optical and chemogenetic tools combined with deep learning approaches in mice to dissect the roles of dSPN GPe collaterals in motor function.

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Adult-born granule cells (abGCs) have been implicated in memory discrimination through a neural computation known as pattern separation. Here, using in vivo Ca imaging, we examined how chronic ablation or acute chemogenetic silencing of abGCs affects the activity of mature granule cells (mGCs). In both cases, we observed altered remapping of mGCs.

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The modulation of dopamine release from midbrain projections to the striatum has long been demonstrated in reward-based learning, but the synaptic basis of aversive learning is far less characterized. The cerebellum receives axonal projections from the locus coeruleus, and norepinephrine release is implicated in states of arousal and stress, but whether aversive learning relies on plastic changes in norepinephrine release in the cerebellum is unknown. Here we report that in mice, norepinephrine is released in the cerebellum following an unpredicted noxious event (a foot-shock) and that this norepinephrine release is potentiated powerfully with fear acquisition as animals learn that a previously neutral stimulus (tone) predicts the aversive event.

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Head-restrained behavioral experiments in mice allow neuroscientists to observe neural circuit activity with high-resolution electrophysiological and optical imaging tools while delivering precise sensory stimuli to a behaving animal. Recently, human and rodent studies using virtual reality (VR) environments have shown VR to be an important tool for uncovering the neural mechanisms underlying spatial learning in the hippocampus and cortex, due to the extremely precise control over parameters such as spatial and contextual cues. Setting up virtual environments for rodent spatial behaviors can, however, be costly and require an extensive background in engineering and computer programming.

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In vivo brainstem imaging with miniature microscopy has been challenging due to surgical difficulty, high motion, and correlated activity between neurons. Here, we present a protocol for brainstem imaging in freely moving mice using the dorsal raphe nucleus as an example. We describe surgical procedures to inject a virus encoding GCaMP6m and securely implant a GRIN lens in the brainstem.

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  • The classical model of the basal ganglia involves direct pathway striatal projection neurons (dSPNs) regulating motor function by projecting to specific regions, but recent findings reveal they also have collaterals in the globus pallidus externus (GPe).
  • Using advanced techniques like in vivo optical and chemogenetic tools, researchers investigated the role of these collaterals in motor function, discovering that they transmit motor-related information to the GPe.
  • Inhibiting the activity of dSPN GPe terminals negatively affects motor activity by influencing Npas1 neurons, suggesting that these collaterals work together with traditional pathways to enhance motor control by modulating feedback signals.
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It has been suggested that the dorsomedial striatum (DMS) is engaged in the early stages of motor learning for goal-directed actions, whereas at later stages, control is transferred to the dorsolateral striatum (DLS), a process that enables learned motor actions to become a skill or habit. It is not known whether these striatal regions are simultaneously active while the expertise is acquired. To address this question, we developed a mouse "Treadmill Training Task" that tracks changes in mouse locomotor coordination during running practice and simultaneously provides a means to measure local neuronal activity using photometry.

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The serotonin system modulates a wide variety of emotional behaviors and states, including reward processing, anxiety, and social interaction. To reveal the underlying patterns of neural activity, we visualized serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) of mice using miniaturized microscopy during diverse emotional behaviors. We discovered ensembles of cells with highly correlated activity and found that DRN neurons are preferentially recruited by emotionally salient stimuli as opposed to neutral stimuli.

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During exploration, animals form an internal map of an environment by combining information about landmarks and the animal's movement, a process that depends on the hippocampus. The dentate gyrus (DG) is the first stage of the hippocampal circuit where self-motion ("where") and sensory cue information ("what") are integrated, but it remains unknown how DG neurons encode this information during cognitive map formation. Using two-photon calcium imaging in mice running on a treadmill along with online cue manipulation, we identify robust sensory cue responses in DG granule cells.

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The brain's ability to process complex information relies on the constant supply of energy through aerobic respiration by mitochondria. Neurons contain three anatomically distinct compartments-the soma, dendrites, and projecting axons-which have different energetic and biochemical requirements, as well as different mitochondrial morphologies in cultured systems. In this study, we apply quantitative three-dimensional electron microscopy to map mitochondrial network morphology and complexity in the mouse brain.

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Background: Hair greying is a hallmark of aging generally believed to be irreversible and linked to psychological stress.

Methods: Here, we develop an approach to profile hair pigmentation patterns (HPPs) along individual human hair shafts, producing quantifiable physical timescales of rapid greying transitions.

Results: Using this method, we show white/grey hairs that naturally regain pigmentation across sex, ethnicities, ages, and body regions, thereby quantitatively defining the reversibility of greying in humans.

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The increasing interest in manipulating neural circuits in developing brains has created a demand for reliable and accurate methods for delivering viruses to newborn mice. Here we describe a novel 3D-printed mouse neonatal stereotaxic adaptor for intracerebral viral injection that provides enhanced precision and reliability. Using this device, we injected mice with a -dependent hM4D-mCherry viral construct at postnatal day 1 (P1) and demonstrated selective expression in the striatal indirect pathway neurons on days P7, P11 and P25.

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Complex behavioral assessment is necessary to comprehensively assess manipulations in rodent models for neuropsychiatric disorders. Operant behavioral paradigms provide rich datasets and allow for the careful analysis of behavioral phenotypes. However, one major limitation in these studies is the expense and work-load that are required using traditional methods.

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Anatomical observations, theoretical work and lesion experiments have led to the idea that an important function of the dentate gyrus of the mammalian hippocampus is pattern separation, a neural computation that ensures new memories are encoded without interference from previously stored memories that share similar features. The dentate gyrus also exhibits a unique form of neural plasticity that results from the continuous integration of newly born excitatory granule cells, termed adult hippocampal neurogenesis. However, the manner in which adult neurogenesis contributes to dentate gyrus network activity and computations is incompletely understood.

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The mammalian brain can form associations between behaviorally relevant stimuli in an animal's environment. While such learning is thought to primarily involve high-order association cortex, even primary sensory areas receive long-range connections carrying information that could contribute to high-level representations. Here, we imaged layer 1 apical dendrites in the barrel cortex of mice performing a whisker-based operant behavior.

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  • The study investigates the role of the primary somatosensory cortex in mice trained to use their whiskers for object detection and reward retrieval.
  • Both acute and chronic inactivation of this brain region led to initial deficits in sensory perception and movement, highlighting the connection between sensory and motor systems.
  • Surprisingly, mice were able to fully recover their behavioral capabilities quickly after a lesion, suggesting that the somatosensory cortex might not be essential for active sensation and object detection when other brain areas can compensate.
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We present a modular approach for analyzing calcium imaging recordings of large neuronal ensembles. Our goal is to simultaneously identify the locations of the neurons, demix spatially overlapping components, and denoise and deconvolve the spiking activity from the slow dynamics of the calcium indicator. Our approach relies on a constrained nonnegative matrix factorization that expresses the spatiotemporal fluorescence activity as the product of a spatial matrix that encodes the spatial footprint of each neuron in the optical field and a temporal matrix that characterizes the calcium concentration of each neuron over time.

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  • A new microscopy technique called SCAPE (Swept, confocally-aligned planar excitation) enables ultra-fast volumetric imaging of live samples, overcoming limitations of traditional methods.
  • Unlike confocal and two-photon microscopy, SCAPE uses a single-objective setup with an angled light-sheet, allowing for high-speed imaging without the need for sample movement.
  • This method was demonstrated by imaging real-time neuronal activity in the brains of awake mice and in freely moving larvae, showcasing its potential for advanced biomedical research.
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  • Calcium imaging is a valuable technique that captures fast neuronal activities like action potentials and slower glial events, offering a broad view of brain function.
  • Traditional bulk-loading methods often lead to uneven dye distribution and potential damage from multiple injections, prompting the need for better techniques.
  • The study utilized convection-enhanced delivery for smooth, continuous loading from a single injection, proving effective for imaging and understanding various neuronal events and neurovascular coupling.
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  • This study investigates a mouse model with a specific genetic mutation related to schizophrenia, focusing on how this affects hippocampal circuits.
  • The researchers observed significant structural changes in the dentate gyrus during both early and later brain development, including mistakes in how neurons connect and communicate.
  • They found that elevated cAMP levels from the mutation led to altered neuronal connections, suggesting that minor disruptions in how neurons connect may be a common feature in schizophrenia-related genetic risks.
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Throughout the adult life of most mammals, new neurons are continuously generated in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation. Recent work has documented specific cognitive deficits after elimination of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rodents, suggesting that these neurons may contribute to information processing in hippocampal circuits. Young adult-born neurons exhibit enhanced excitability and have altered capacity for synaptic plasticity in hippocampal slice preparations in vitro.

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Mice lacking the serotonin 1A receptor (5-HT(1A)R) show increased levels of anxiety-related behavior across multiple tests and background strains. Tissue-specific rescue experiments, lesion studies, and neurophysiological findings all point toward the hippocampus as a potential mediator of the phenotype. Serotonin, acting through 5-HT(1A)Rs, can suppress hippocampal theta-frequency oscillations, suggesting that theta oscillations might be increased in the knock-outs.

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