Publications by authors named "Clausen T"

The Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research (SERAF) at the University of Oslo is a newly established, clinical addiction research centre. It is located at the Oslo University Hospital and has a major focus on opioid dependency, investigating Norwegian opioid maintenance treatment (OMT), with special interest in OMT during pregnancy, mortality, morbidity and criminality before, during and after OMT and alternatives to OMT, such as the use of naltrexone implants. The well-developed health registries of Norway are core assets that also allow the opportunity for other types of substance abuse research.

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Biomarker microarrays are becoming valuable tools for serological screening of disease-associated autoantibodies. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) such as glycosylation extend the range of protein function, and a variety of glycosylated proteins are known to be altered in disease progression. Here, we have developed a synthetic screening microarray platform for facile display of O-glycosylated peptides (O-PTMs).

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Objectives: This study investigates opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) patients found to have corrected QT (QTc) interval above 500 ms, with particular focus on past medical history, genetic testing and cardiac investigations.

Methods: Detailed medical and cardiac history was obtained, with particular focus upon risk factors. Cardiac investigations, including genetic testing for the five most common long QT syndrome (LQTS) mutations, exercise electrocardiography (ECG) and 24-h ECG recordings, were performed.

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Twelve-step groups (TSGs) are a valuable recovery resource for substance-dependent individuals. However, some aspects of these fellowships are controversial and may limit clinician referrals. This study describes attitude- and knowledge-based barriers to TSG participation as seen by addiction professionals in Norway, a treatment culture in which less than 5% of programs use the 12-step philosophy, and compares the findings with those of a similar study in the United States.

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Human skeletal muscles contain the largest single pool of K+ in the body (2600 mmol, 46 times the total K+ content of the extracellular space). Intense exercise may double arterial plasma K+ in one min. This is because of excitation-induced release of K+ from the working muscle cells via K+ channels.

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Background: In opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) there are documented treatment differences both between countries and between OMT programmes. Some of these differences have been associated with staff attitudes. The aim of this study was to 1) assess if there were differences in staff attitudes within a national OMT programme, and 2) investigate the associations of staff attitudes with treatment organisation, clinical practices and outcomes.

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HtrA proteases are tightly regulated proteolytic assemblies that are essential for maintaining protein homeostasis in extracytosolic compartments. Though HtrA proteases have been characterized in detail, their precise molecular mechanism for switching between different functional states is still unknown. To address this, we carried out biochemical and structural studies of DegP from Escherichia coli.

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6-Hydroxycylohex-2-en-1-one (6-HCH) has been reported as a major chemical defense of the winter-dormant internodes of balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) against feeding by herbivores such as the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus). We report that the concentration of 6-HCH in the fall internodes is triggered by a single hard frost, and then undergoes an exponential decline through volatilization over the winter that results in barely detectable quantities by early spring. We conclude that the role of 6-HCH in the defense of mature balsam poplar is more complex than simply acting as a toxin.

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Mental health disorders account for about 14% of the global burden of disease. Neuropsychiatric disorders may be responsible for more than 1.2 million deaths annually (Prince , 2007).

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We studied the effect of epidermal leaf mining on the leaf chemistry of quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides, during an outbreak of the aspen leaf miner, Phyllocnistis populiella, in the boreal forest of interior Alaska. Phyllocnistis populiella feeds on the epidermal cells of P. tremuloides leaves.

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The aims of this study were to estimate the national herd prevalence and the general spatial distribution of Neospora caninum infection in Norwegian dairy cattle. Bulk milk samples from 1657 randomly selected dairy herds were analysed by iscom ELISA for the presence of N. caninum specific antibodies.

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Structure-function analysis of DegP revealed a novel mechanism for protease and chaperone regulation. Binding of unfolded proteins induces the oligomer reassembly from the resting hexamer (DegP6) into the functional protease-chaperone DegP12/24. The newly formed cage exhibits the characteristics of a proteolytic folding chamber, shredding those proteins that are severely misfolded while stabilizing and protecting proteins present in their native state.

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The PDZ protease DegS senses mislocalized outer membrane proteins and initiates the sigmaE pathway in the bacterial periplasm. This unfolded protein response pathway is activated by processing of the anti-sigma factor RseA by DegS and other proteases acting downstream of DegS. DegS mediates the rate-limiting step of sigma E induction and its activity must be highly specific and tightly regulated.

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Accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins in cytoplasmic and/or nuclear inclusions is a hallmark of several diseases associated with premature cell death. SQSTM1/p62 is known to bind ubiquitinated substrates and aid their aggregation and degradation by macroautophagy. We show here that p62 is required to recruit the large phosphoinositide-binding protein ALFY to cytoplasmic p62 bodies generated upon amino acid starvation or puromycin-treatment.

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Background: Research questionnaires are not always translated appropriately before they are used in new temporal, cultural or linguistic settings. The results based on such instruments may therefore not accurately reflect what they are supposed to measure. This paper aims to illustrate the process and required steps involved in the cross-cultural adaptation of a research instrument using the adaptation process of an attitudinal instrument as an example.

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Our aim in this longitudinal study was to determine predictors of folate and cobalamin status in infancy. Data were collected from 364 mother-infant pairs with blood measurements from pregnancy ( approximately 18 wk; n = 149), newborns (cord serum; n = 361), and 6-mo-old partially or exclusively breast-fed children (n = 221). Serum/plasma folate, cobalamin, holotranscobalamin (holoTC), holohaptocorrin (holoHC), methylmalonic acid (MMA) and total homocysteine (tHcy) at birth and 6 mo were related to maternal vitamin status, parity, lifestyle variables, and anthropometry.

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Background: Norwegian media often claim that a disproportionately high number of deaths in Norway are caused by overdoses. The police statistics in 2007 showed an increase in the number of overdose deaths, and many media postings focused on this in autumn 2008. In this paper we investigate the basis for those police statistics and discuss problems associated with calculating deaths caused by use of illegal substances.

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Article Synopsis
  • Papyriferic acid (PA) is a triterpene secreted by young birch trees, which helps deter mammals like snowshoe hares from feeding on them.
  • Research shows that PA is poorly absorbed in the body and undergoes metabolic transformations, primarily through hydrolysis and hydroxylation.
  • PA functions as a potent inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) in various animal species, potentially leading to decreased energy production in gastrointestinal cells, which may trigger nausea and deter herbivory.
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Background: Insertion of an insulin catheter for continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion into the subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) causes a tissue trauma that may have consequences for insulin absorption. We evaluated the importance of insulin catheter wear-time on subcutaneous adipose tissue blood flow (ATBF) and absorption of the rapid-acting insulin analog insulin aspart over a period of 4 days.

Methods: Teflon insulin catheters (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) were inserted into the abdominal SAT of 10 healthy men without diabetes (mean +/- SEM age, 23.

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Two members of the widely conserved HtrA family of serine proteases, DegP and DegS, are key players in extracytoplasmic protein quality control. The underlying mechanisms of their main functions in stress sensing, regulation and protection during the unfolded protein response are discussed.

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Background: Addressing substance use disorders effectively requires a long-term approach. Substance abuse treatment is typically of short duration; referring patients to Twelve Step based self-help groups (TSGs) - e.g.

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Bacterial DegS is a regulatory protease that acts as a molecular stress sensor and initiates a periplasmic stress response pathway. Upon binding of misfolded proteins to its PDZ domain, the protease domain of DegS is allosterically activated, thereby initiating a signal cascade that results in the elevated expression of protein quality control factors. Although the structural basis of this activation mode has been elucidated previously, it is not yet fully understood if binding to the PDZ domain is sufficient for protease domain activation or if secondary interactions with the protease domain are required.

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12-Oxophytodienoate reductase 3 (OPR3) is a FMN-dependent oxidoreductase that catalyzes the reduction of the cyclopentenone (9S,13S)-12-oxophytodienoate [(9S,13S)-OPDA] to the corresponding cyclopentanone in the biosynthesis of the plant hormone jasmonic acid. In vitro, however, OPR3 reduces the jasmonic acid precursor (9S,13S)-OPDA as well as the enantiomeric (9R,13R)-OPDA, while its isozyme OPR1 is highly selective, accepting only (9R,13R)-OPDA as a substrate. To uncover the molecular determinants of this remarkable enantioselectivity, we determined the crystal structures of OPR1 and OPR3 in complex with the ligand p-hydroxybenzaldehyde.

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All living organisms face a variety of environmental stresses that cause the misfolding and aggregation of proteins. To eliminate damaged proteins, cells developed highly efficient stress response and protein quality control systems. We performed a biochemical and structural analysis of the bacterial CtsR/McsB stress response.

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Aims: This study investigates how age of opioid users is related to causes of death prior to, during and after opioid maintenance treatment (OMT), and estimates risks of death from various causes in relation to age.

Design, Setting And Participants: Data on all opiate dependents in Norway (1997-2003) who applied for and were accepted for OMT (n = 3789) were cross-linked with the Norwegian death register. The total observation time was 10 934 person-years.

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