Introduction: Experts agree that there is a need for protocols to guide health professionals on how to best manage psychiatric comorbidities in patients with epilepsy (PWE). We aimed to develop practical recommendations for key issues in the management of depression in PWE.
Methods: This was a qualitative study conducted in four steps: (1) development of a questionnaire on the management of depression in PWE to be answered; (2) literature review and, if evidence from guidelines/consensus or systematic reviews was available, drafting initial recommendations; (3) a nominal group methodology for reviewing initial recommendations and formulating new recommendations on those issues without available evidence; and (4) drafting and approving the final recommendations.
Introduction: Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia is a common mitochondrial disease that shares clinical, enzymatic, and genetic features with other mitochondrial disorders. Effective treatment does not exist, and corrective surgery of the ptosis as a palliative measure is a treatment option.
Patients And Methods: This was a retrospective study of 10 years' duration gathering patients with the diagnosis.