Current semiconductor qubits rely either on the spin or on the charge degree of freedom to encode quantum information. By contrast, in bilayer graphene the valley degree of freedom, stemming from the crystal lattice symmetry, is a robust quantum number that can therefore be harnessed for this purpose. The simplest implementation of a valley qubit would rely on two states with opposite valleys as in the case of a single-carrier bilayer graphene quantum dot immersed in a small perpendicular magnetic field (B ≲ 100 mT).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe spin degrees of freedom is crucial for the understanding of any condensed matter system. Knowledge of spin-mixing mechanisms is not only essential for successful control and manipulation of spin qubits, but also uncovers fundamental properties of investigated devices and material. For electrostatically defined bilayer graphene quantum dots, in which recent studies report spin-relaxation times T_{1} up to 50 ms with strong magnetic field dependence, we study spin-blockade phenomena at charge configuration (1,2)↔(0,3).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe implement circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) with quantum dots in bilayer graphene, a maturing material platform that can host long-lived spin and valley states. Our device combines a high-impedance ( ≈ 1 kΩ) superconducting microwave resonator with a double quantum dot electrostatically defined in a graphene-based van der Waals heterostructure. Electric dipole coupling between the subsystems allows the resonator to sense the electric susceptibility of the double quantum dot from which we reconstruct its charge stability diagram.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPauli blockade mechanisms-whereby carrier transport through quantum dots (QD) is blocked due to selection rules even when energetically allowed-are a direct manifestation of the Pauli exclusion principle, as well as a key mechanism for manipulating and reading out spin qubits. The Pauli spin blockade is well established for systems such as GaAs QDs, but is to be further explored for systems with additional degrees of freedom, such as the valley quantum numbers in carbon-based materials or silicon. Here we report experiments on coupled bilayer graphene double quantum dots, in which the spin and valley states are precisely controlled, enabling the observation of the two-electron combined blockade physics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Kondo effect is a cornerstone in the study of strongly correlated fermions. The coherent exchange coupling of conduction electrons to local magnetic moments gives rise to a Kondo cloud that screens the impurity spin. Here we report on the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and the Kondo effect, that can lead to a underscreened Kondo effects in quantum dots in bilayer graphene.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum states in graphene are 2-fold degenerate in spins, and 2-fold in valleys. Both degrees of freedom can be utilized for qubit preparations. In our bilayer graphene quantum dots, we demonstrate that the valley g-factor , defined analogously to the spin g-factor for valley splitting in a perpendicular magnetic field, is tunable by over a factor of 4 from 20 to 90, by gate voltage adjustments only.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCrystal fields occur due to a potential difference between chemically different atomic species. In van der Waals heterostructures such fields are naturally present perpendicular to the planes. It has been realized recently that twisted graphene multilayers provide powerful playgrounds to engineer electronic properties by the number of layers, the twist angle, applied electric biases, electronic interactions, and elastic relaxations, but crystal fields have not received the attention they deserve.
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