Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi
March 2009
Objective: To investigate the effects of ovarian carcinoma cells on the differentiation, maturation, and function of the dendritic cells (DC).
Methods: Human epithelial ovarian carcinoma cells were isolated from specimens of ovarian carcinoma from 12 patients obtained during operation, and cultured. Peripheral blood samples were collected from these patients.
Objective: To develop a new method to promote the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from human placenta (pMSC) to uterus smooth muscle cells (uSMC) in simulated uterus microenvironment.
Methods: MSCs were isolated from human placenta, cultivated, and analyzed for their phenotype by flow cytometry. The multipotential differentiation of the pMSC was examined by chondrogenic, adipogenic, and osteogenetic induction.