Introduction: The aim of this paper was to evaluate the angioarchitectural factors that can induce concurrent cavernous malformation (CM) in the territory of developmental venous anomaly (DVA).
Methods: From January 2006 to December 2007, 21 patients with 23 CMs in the territory of DVA were retrospectively analyzed (M; F = 12; 9, mean age = 53.3).
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol
December 2009
Objectives: To compare tinnitus patients who have normal hearing between 250 Hz and 8 kHz with normal controls with regard to the ability of each group to hear extended high-frequency pure tone thresholds.
Methods: We enrolled 18 tinnitus patients, each of whom had a threshold of HL <25 dB and threshold differences of <10 dB between ears at frequencies of 250 and 500 Hz and 1, 2, 4, and 8 kHz. We also enrolled age- and gender-matched normal volunteers (10 ears), for each patient.
The purpose of this study was to describe relevant canine brain structures as seen on T2-weighted images following magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at 7 T and to compare the results with imaging at 1.5 T. Imaging was performed on five healthy laboratory beagle dogs using 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 6-year-old, intact female Maltese dog was presented with generalized seizures. Based on the neurological and physical examinations, intracranial lesion was suspected. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain was performed at three different magnetic field strengths (0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effects of floc aluminum (Al) on activated sludge performance and 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) removal were studied using bench-scale activated sludge systems. The results showed that higher Al-fed activated sludge led to better settling, dewatering, and effluent quality with better EE2 removal. EE2 concentrations in the effluent revealed correlations with effluent suspended solids and large particulate/colloidal effluent biopolymer (protein+polysaccharide).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThree small breed dogs were referred for the evaluation of neurologic deficits. Upon physical and neurologic examination, all dogs displayed hyperesthesia, pain, and neck stiffness. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed on the brain and spinal cord, and all three dogs presented Chiari- like malformations and syringomyelia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 10-year-old, neutered male, Maltese dog presented with a three week history of intention tremor, right hind limb rigidity, poor coordination, and occasional circling to the left. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, a mass was identified in the right occipital lobe and cerebellum. Three weeks after the initial MRI scan, we performed an (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) of the brain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSchizophrenia is a multifactorial disorder characterized by the contribution of multiple susceptibility genes that may act in conjunction with epigenetic processes and environmental factors. The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene, which is located in the 22q11 microdeletion, has been considered as a candidate gene for schizophrenia because of its ability to degrade catecholamines, including dopamine. In a genetic analysis, neurophysiological endophenotype in schizophrenia, such as smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) disturbance, is considered to be a good trait marker, because it may be under more direct genetic control.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: This article was intended to improve the efficacy of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) for appetite suppression by controlling the particle size and self-polymerization of ALA.
Methods: ALA was fabricated into micro- and nanoparticles, and the efficacy and in vitro release were investigated. Because of the self-polymerization of ALA into poly[3-(n-butane carboxylic acid)propyl]disulfide (PBCPD) by processing heat, low-speed rotation comminution was used to control PBCPD content.
Water Environ Res
August 2009
Bacterial lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins that are involved in bacterial adhesion and aggregation. To investigate whether lectins are involved in floc formation of activated sludge, hemaaggultination (HA) and HA inhibition assays were conducted on extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from activated sludges. Six sludges from both full-scale and synthetic chemical-fed laboratory activated sludge systems were subjected to EPS extraction and lectin assay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOtolaryngol Head Neck Surg
September 2009
Objective: To determine the significance of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) in benign vocal mucosal lesions.
Study Design And Setting: A case-control study at the tertiary referral medical center.
Subjects And Methods: From April 2003 to December 2006, we studied 110 patients with benign vocal mucosal lesions who had undergone 24-hour ambulatory double pH monitoring.
Osteoradionecrosis of the temporal bone is a very rare but potentially lethal complication of radiotherapy for head and neck or skull base tumors. Only two cases of osteoradionecrosis of the temporal bone complicating cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea have been reported in the literature. This report describes a case of CSF otorrhea and osteoradionecrosis of the temporal bone in a patient with meningioma who was treated with tympanomastoid surgery and autologous fat obliteration in the mastoid.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe develop a guideline for rating the physical impairment of otolaryngologic fields. Assessment of hearing disturbance and tinnitus required physical examination, pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, impedance audiometry, brainstem evoked response audiometry, Bekesy audiometry, otoacoustic emission test, and imaging examination. History taking, physical examination, and radiological examination for the vestibular organ and brain, righting reflex test, electronystagmography, and caloric test are taken for evaluation of balance disorder.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The purpose of our study was to assess the effect on image quality and radiation dose of chest multidetector computed tomography (CT) examinations with low-kilovoltage protocols for adults.
Methods: This study was approved by the institutional review board of our medical center. Two hundred ten patients (83 women, 127 men; mean age, 56.
Although distraction osteogenesis of the mandible in patients with hemifacial microsomia (HFM) before the mixed dentition period is widely performed, long-term follow-up information on dental problems is limited. We evaluated the long-term effect of distraction osteogenesis on dental development by comparing Nolla's developmental stages of the first and second molars between the affected and unaffected sides of the mandible. Forty-five patients with unilateral HFM who received distraction osteogenesis of the mandible between the ages of 5 and 8 years and whose dental status was followed for more than 2 years were selected for this study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe specific recognition and selection of the HIV-1 packaging signal psi (Psi) sequence which is mediated by Gag protein is believed to be pivotal for selective viral genomic RNA packaging and has been a basis for the development of HIV-based transgene delivery systems. However, the requirement of the psi sequence has been questioned recently by a report postulating that the psi element is not absolutely required for transgene transduction. Here, we used a four-plasmid transgene delivery system and analyzed the results by HIV p24 antigen assay, MT4 infection assay, HT1080 colony assay, and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProperties of ferritin, immobilized on dithiobis (N-succinimydyl propionate) (DTSP)-covered gold electrode, in 3-morpholino propanesulfonic acid buffer were investigated by AFM and FE-SEM. Electrochemical properties the ferritin was measured by a cyclic volatammetry. When the potentials of 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlast Reconstr Surg
April 2009
Background: During treatment of upper auricular malformations, the author found that patients with cryptotia and patients with solitary helical and/or antihelical adhesion malformations showed the same anatomical finding of cartilage adhesion. The author defined them together as upper auricular adhesion malformations.
Methods: Between March of 1992 and March of 2006, 194 upper auricular adhesion malformations were corrected in 137 patients.
Background: The group IIB constricted ear, as defined by Tanzer, shows a short helical length and an accompanying deficiency of the upper antihelix or scapha, and a cup or tubular form. The author proposes in this article a new corrective method for the deformity.
Methods: Ten ears in eight patients were corrected with the author's new method.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of the most effective treatments used in psychiatry to date. The mechanisms of ECT action, however, are the least understood and still unclear. As a tool to elucidate the mechanisms of action of ECT, we employed proteomic analysis based on the identification of differentially expressed proteins after exposure to repeated ECT in rat brains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory, immune-mediated skin disease. Recently, several psoriasis-linked genetic loci have been reported; PSORS4 contains S100A8 (calgranulin A), and PSOR6 (19p13) locus harbors JunB (19p13.2).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA dorsal tail mass (1 x 1.2 cm) was observed on a 10-year-old castrated male, Shih-tzu dog. A biopsy of the mass was performed and diagnosed histopathologically as a follicular cyst.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe fate of activated sludge extracellular proteins in sludge digestion was investigated using three different cation-associated extraction methods and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Extraction methods used were the cation exchange resin (CER) method for extracting calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), sulfide extraction for removing iron, and base treatment (pH 10.5) for dissolving aluminum.
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