Publications by authors named "ChuanXiang Sheng"

The perovskite solar cell (PSC) is undergoing intense study to meet sustainable energy and environmental demands. However, large-sized solar cells will degrade the power conversion efficiency, thus concentrating light on small-size devices would be a solution. Here, we report the performance of a p-i-n structured device using CHNHPbI (MAPbI) as the active layer with an area of 6 mm.

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Reproducing neural functions with artificial nanofluidic systems has long been an aspirational goal for neuromorphic computing. In this study, neural functions, such as neural activation and synaptic plasticity, are successfully accomplished with a polarity-switchable nanofluidic memristor (PSNM), which is based on the anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) nanochannel array. The PSNM has unipolar memristive behavior at high electrolyte concentrations and bipolar memristive behavior at low electrolyte concentrations, which can emulate neural activation and synaptic plasticity, respectively.

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Generating circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) with simultaneous high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) and dissymmetry factor (g) is difficult due to usually unmatched electric transition dipole moment (μ) and magnetic transition dipole moment (m) of materials. Herein we tackle this issue by playing a "cascade cationic insertion" trick to achieve strong CPL (with PLQY of ~100 %) in lead-free metal halides with high g values reaching -2.3×10 without using any chiral inducers.

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Recently, various transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)/GaO heterostructures have emerged as excellent candidates for the development of broadband photodetection, exhibiting various merits such as broadband optical absorption, efficient interlayer carrier transfer, a relatively simple fabrication process, and potential for flexibility. In this work, vertically stacked MoSe/GaO, WS/GaO, and WSe/GaO heterostructures were experimentally synthesized, all exhibiting broadband light absorption, spanning at least from 200 to 800 nm. The absorption coefficients of these TMDs/GaO heterostructures are significantly improved compared to those of individual GaO films.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates four types of 2D layered perovskites, focusing on their absorption and photoluminescence properties associated with different organic spacers (OAPbI, ODAPbI, BDAPbI, and (GA)MAPbI).
  • It analyzes the average phonon energy and electron-phonon interaction strength in these materials, indicating that higher phonon energy corresponds to a stronger interaction involving more phonons.
  • The findings reveal that different perovskite types exhibit varying dominant photoexcitations (excitons or polarons) based on the excitation energy, suggesting that organic spacers play a crucial role in optimizing electron-phonon interactions and improving optoelectronic properties
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In situ self-assembly of semiconducting emitters into multilayer cracks is a significant solution-processing method to fabricate organic high- lasers. However, it is still difficult to realize from conventional conjugated polymers. Herein, we create the molecular super-hindrance-etching technology, based on the π-functional nanopolymer PG-Cz, to modulate multilayer cracks applied in organic single-component random lasers.

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Ultrathin 2D organic nanosheets (2DONs) with high mobility have received tremendous attention due to thickness of few molecular layers. However, ultrathin 2DONs with high luminescence efficiency and flexibility simultaneously are rarely reported. Here, the ultrathin 2DONs (thickness: 19 nm) through the modulation of tighter molecular packing (distance: ≈3.

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Coherent optical control of the magnetization in ferromagnetic (FM) mediums using ultrafast nonthermal effect paves a promising avenue to improve the speed and repetition rate of the magnetization manipulation. Whereas previously, only heat-induced or helicity-dependent magnetization dynamics are demonstrated in metallic ferromagnets. Here, the linearly-polarized light control of magnetization is demonstrated in FM Co coupled with ferroelectric (FE) BiFeO by tuning the light polarization direction.

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Stacking two dimensional tunneling heterostructures has always been an important strategy to improve the optoelectronic device performance. However, there are still many disputes about the blocking ability of monolayer (1L-) h-BN on the interlayer coupling. Graphene/h-BN/MoS optoelectronic devices have been reported for superior device results.

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Organic semiconducting emitters integrated with butterfly-mimetic photonic crystals (PhCs) are fascinating for dramatic advantages over light outcoupling efficiency and multifunctional strain sensors, as well as the key step toward electrically pumped lasers. Herein, an unprecedentedly direct mesoscale self-assembly into 1D PhCs is reported through a covalently gridization-driven approach of wide-bandgap conjugated polymers. A simple solvent-casting procedure allows for in situ self-assembly of the state-of-the-art conjugated nanopolymer, poly{[4-(octyloxy)-9,9-diphenylfluoren-2,7-diyl]grid}-co-{[5-(octyloxy)-9,9-diphenylfluoren-2,7-diyl]grid} (PODPFG), into well-defined multilayer architectures with an excellent toughness (30-40 J m ).

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Highly robust, swiftly reversible thermochromic nature of a two-dimensional (2D) perovskite of (PDMA)(CHNH)PbI, nominally prepared as = 2 is found, where PDMA = CH(CHNH). A wide band gap variation from 700 to 430 nm is observed between room temperature and >60 °C under ambient conditions, resulting from moisture absorption and desorption. X-ray diffraction and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy are performed to analyze the hydrated and dehydrated states.

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In diluted solid solution using poly(2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) or polystyrene (PS), both aggregated and extended conformations could be formed according to the weight ratio. Aggregated conformation in as-cast MEH-PPV/PMMA film presented a J-aggregate-like photoluminescence (PL) emission. After annealing at 160 °C, its PL showed characteristics of both J- and H-aggregates at the same time; however, extended conformation showed an oligomer-like emission, which was not sensitive to either measurement temperature or annealing temperature.

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The temperature dependence of absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies were used to study the optical properties of 2D perovskite films, including n = 1 and 3 of (PEA)(CHNH) [Pb I] (PEA = CH(CH)NH). In (PEA)[PbI] (PEPI), excitons coupling to optical phonons with an average energy of ∼30 meV dominate the photophysics of absorption and PL. (PEA)(CHNH)[PbI] (shortened as PMPI), nominally prepared as n = 3, actually was a mixture of multiple layered perovskites with various n.

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We used continuous wave photoinduced absorption (PIA) spectroscopy to investigate long-lived polarons in a blend of PbS quantum dot and regio-regular poly (3-hexylthiophene) (RR-P3HT). The charge transfer from RR-P3HT to PbS as well as from PbS to RR-P3HT were observed after changing the capping ligand of PbS from a long chain molecular to a short one. Therefore, PbS could be used to extend the working spectral range in hybrid solar cells with a proper capping ligand.

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Two-dimensional (2D) layered hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskite semiconductors form natural "multiple quantum wells" that have strong spin-orbit coupling due to the heavy elements in their building blocks. This may lead to "Rashba splitting" close to the extrema in the electron bands. We have used a plethora of ultrafast transient, nonlinear optical spectroscopies and theoretical calculations to study the primary (excitons) and long-lived (free carriers) photoexcitations in thin films of 2D perovskite, namely, (CHCHNH)PbI.

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Organo-lead halide perovskites show excellent optoelectronic properties; however, the unexpected inconsistency in forward-backward I-V characteristics remains a problem for fabricating solar panels. Here we have investigated the reasons behind this "hysteresis" by following the changes in photocurrent and photoluminescence under electric field poling in transverse CHNHPbI-based devices from 300 to 10 K. We found that the hysteresis disappears at cryogenic temperatures, indicating the "freeze-out" of the ionic diffusion contribution.

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Using thin stripe excitation of a 10 ns pulsed laser, we observed robust and bright random laser (RL) emission in high concentrated solutions of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) and poly[2,6-(4,4-bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b;3,4-b']-dithiophene)-alt-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)] (PCPDTBT). In particular, within the proper excitation intensity range, single line RL emission is observed in both solutions, with full width at half-maximum of 0.17 nm and 0.

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We used steady-state photoinduced absorption (PA), excitation dependence (EXPA(ω)) spectrum of the triplet exciton PA band, and its magneto-PA (MPA(B)) response to investigate singlet fission (SF) of hot excitons into two separated triplet excitons, in two luminescent and non-luminescent π-conjugated polymers. From the high energy step in the triplet EXPA(ω) spectrum of the luminescent polymer poly(dioctyloxy)phenylenevinylene (DOO-PPV) films, we identified a hot-exciton SF (HE-SF) process having threshold energy at E≈2E(T) (=2.8 eV, where ET is the energy of the lowest lying triplet exciton), which is about 0.

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We studied the ultrafast transient response of photoexcitations in two hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite films used for high efficiency photovoltaic cells, namely, CH(3)NH(3)PbI(3) and CH(3)NH(3)PbI(1.1)Br(1.9) using polarized broadband pump-probe spectroscopy in the spectral range of 0.

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Self-diffraction can be induced using a biased photorefractive crystal in the Fourier plane of an imaging system where the light beam intensity is naturally high due to the concentration effect of an optical lens. The spatial frequency spectrum of the output image is proportional to the optical power density distribution in the Fourier plane. A photorefractive crystal with small size can be used and hence an reduced amount of biased voltage is needed to obtain significant diffraction effect in the image plane.

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We have formulated composites of lead (II) tetrakis (4-cumylphenoxy) phthalocyanine (PbTCPc) doped into nematic liquid crystal (LC), 4(')-pentyl-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5-CB), that has received a 90 degree twisted alignment and investigated the nonlinear transmission properties using both pulsed (Nd:YLF 524 nm, 5 ns) and cw (532 nm) lasers. In the nanosecond regime, this compound is a reverse saturable absorber performing similarly to low-concentration solutions of PbTCPc. Under cw conditions, we observe optically self-activated polarization switching with low threshold input energy.

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We show experimental and theoretical results for enhancement of nonlinear transmission (NT) in moderate finesse cavities filled with nonlinear organic materials (NLOM). Our design for enhancement of nonlinear transmission using micro NLOM cavities compared with reference samples of the same material show that single cavities can enhance the nonlinear response by a factor of 10 or greater under high-absorption conditions. Further enhancement can be achieved in multiple-cavity structures.

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We measured transient photoinduced birefringence (delta n) in various azobenzene dye films by pumping with a nanosecond pulse at 532 nm and probing at 633 nm. The switch-on times for the photoinduced birefringence range from nanoseconds to milliseconds and are systematically related with the lowest optical transition energies for those films. Moreover, our results suggest that the transient photoinduced birefringence measurement is a convenient way to determine the relative energies of pi-pi(*) and n-pi(*) states in azo-based materials.

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