Publications by authors named "Christopher Wilkins"

Targeted proteomics is widely utilized in clinical proteomics; however, researchers often devote substantial time to manual data interpretation, which hinders the transferability, reproducibility, and scalability of this approach. We introduce DeepMRM, a software package based on deep learning algorithms for object detection developed to minimize manual intervention in targeted proteomics data analysis. DeepMRM was evaluated on internal and public datasets, demonstrating superior accuracy compared with the community standard tool Skyline.

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Objective: The aim was to assess the prognostic impact of perfusion assessments including ankle-brachial Index (ABI) and toe-brachial Index (TBI) on survival of patients who present with diabetic foot ulceration and to analyse clinical outcomes when patients are categorised into three levels of limb ischaemia.

Method: This was a retrospective cohort analysis of consecutive patients presenting with foot ulceration. Patients continued with their standard of care, after having baseline assessments of limb perfusion.

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Top-down proteomics is an emerging analytical strategy to characterize combinatorial protein post-translational modifications (PTMs). However, sample complexity and small mass differences between chemically closely related proteoforms often limit the resolution attainable by separations employing a single liquid chromatographic (LC) principle. In particular, for ultramodified proteins like histones, extensive and time-consuming fractionation is needed to achieve deep proteoform coverage.

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In the version of this article initially published, the authors erroneously reported the search mode that was used for ProSightPC 3.0 in the Online Methods and in Supplementary Table 3.

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Lysine acetylation is a common protein post-translational modification in bacteria and eukaryotes. Unlike phosphorylation, whose functional role in signaling has been established, it is unclear what regulatory mechanism acetylation plays and whether it is conserved across evolution. By performing a proteomic analysis of 48 phylogenetically distant bacteria, we discovered conserved acetylation sites on catalytically essential lysine residues that are invariant throughout evolution.

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Top-down proteomics, the analysis of intact proteins in their endogenous form, preserves valuable information about post-translation modifications, isoforms and proteolytic processing. The quality of top-down liquid chromatography-tandem MS (LC-MS/MS) data sets is rapidly increasing on account of advances in instrumentation and sample-processing protocols. However, top-down mass spectra are substantially more complex than conventional bottom-up data.

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Motivation: Drift tube ion mobility spectrometry coupled with mass spectrometry (DTIMS-MS) is increasingly implemented in high throughput omics workflows, and new informatics approaches are necessary for processing the associated data. To automatically extract arrival times for molecules measured by DTIMS at multiple electric fields and compute their associated collisional cross sections (CCS), we created the PNNL Ion Mobility Cross Section Extractor (PIXiE). The primary application presented for this algorithm is the extraction of data that can then be used to create a reference library of experimental CCS values for use in high throughput omics analyses.

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For targeted proteomics to be broadly adopted in biological laboratories as a routine experimental protocol, wet-bench biologists must be able to approach selected reaction monitoring (SRM) and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) assay design in the same way they approach biological experimental design. Most often, biological hypotheses are envisioned in a set of protein interactions, networks, and pathways. We present a plugin for the popular Skyline tool that presents public mass spectrometry data in a pathway-centric view to assist users in browsing available data and determining how to design quantitative experiments.

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Renal cell carcinoma comprises 2 to 3% of malignancies in adults with the most prevalent subtype being clear-cell RCC (ccRCC). This type of cancer is well characterized at the genomic and transcriptomic level and is associated with a loss of VHL that results in stabilization of HIF1. The current study focused on evaluating ccRCC stage dependent changes at the proteome level to provide insight into the molecular pathogenesis of ccRCC progression.

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It is expected that clinically obtainable fluids that are proximal to organs contain a repertoire of secreted proteins and shed cells reflective of the physiological state of that tissue and thus represent potential sources for biomarker discovery, investigation of tissue-specific biology, and assay development. The prostate gland secretes many proteins into a prostatic fluid that combines with seminal vesicle fluids to promote sperm activation and function. Proximal fluids of the prostate that can be collected clinically are seminal plasma and expressed prostatic secretion (EPS) fluids.

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FLOWER FLAVONOID TRANSPORTER (FFT) encodes a multidrug and toxin efflux family transporter in Arabidopsis thaliana. FFT (AtDTX35) is highly transcribed in floral tissues, the transcript being localized to epidermal guard cells, including those of the anthers, stigma, siliques and nectaries. Mutant analysis demonstrates that the absence of FFT transcript affects flavonoid levels in the plant and that the altered flavonoid metabolism has wide-ranging consequences.

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MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is a widely used technique for serum protein expression profiling and biomarker discovery. Many profiling strategies typically employ chemical affinity beads or surfaces to decrease sample complexity of dynamic fluids such as serum or plasma. However, many of the proteins captured on a particular surface or bead are not resolved in the lower mass ranges where time-of-flight mass spectrometers are most effective.

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The gene CYTOKININ INDEPENDENT-1 (CKI-1), previously isolated by enhancer trap screening, has been hypothesised to play a role in cytokinin perception. Alternative hypotheses suggest that it is required for the production of cytokinins or that it has no direct role in cytokinin signalling but simply interferes with the pathway when overexpressed. These hypotheses were investigated by producing transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing CKI-1 cDNA in antisense orientation.

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