Publications by authors named "Christopher Guttler"

Importance: A leading cause of surgically remediable, drug-resistant focal epilepsy is focal cortical dysplasia (FCD). FCD is challenging to visualize and often considered magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) negative. Existing automated methods for FCD detection are limited by high numbers of false-positive predictions, hampering their clinical utility.

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Subthalamic (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients not only improves kinematic parameters of movement but also modulates cognitive control in the motor and non-motor domain, especially in situations of high conflict. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between DBS-induced changes in functional connectivity at rest and modulation of response- and movement inhibition by STN-DBS in a visuomotor task involving high conflict. During DBS ON and OFF conditions, we conducted a visuomotor task in 14 PD patients who previously underwent resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) acquisitions DBS ON and OFF as part of a different study.

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  • This study looked at how well a new computer program can help doctors find and understand brain bleeding from inside the brain (ICH).
  • They tested the program on data from over 1,000 patients and saw that it did a good job even before and after they improved it.
  • The study showed that where the bleeding happens affects how well the program works, and that retraining the program helped it perform even better for certain types of brain bleeding.
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To evaluate a commercially available mobile device for the highly specialized task of detection of intracranial arterial aneurysm in telemedicine. Six radiologists with three different levels of experience retrospectively interpreted 60 computed tomography (CT) angiographies for the presence of intracranial arterial aneurysm, among them 30 cases with confirmed positive findings. Each radiologist reviewed the angiography datasets twice: once on a dedicated medical-grade workstation and on a commercially available mobile consumer-grade tablet with an interval of 3 months.

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One outstanding challenge for machine learning in diagnostic biomedical imaging is algorithm interpretability. A key application is the identification of subtle epileptogenic focal cortical dysplasias (FCDs) from structural MRI. FCDs are difficult to visualize on structural MRI but are often amenable to surgical resection.

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Intracerebral recordings from movement disorders patients undergoing deep brain stimulation have allowed the identification of pathophysiological patterns in oscillatory activity that correlate with symptom severity. Changes in oscillatory synchrony occur within and across brain areas, matching the classification of movement disorders as network disorders. However, the underlying mechanisms of oscillatory changes are difficult to assess in patients, as experimental interventions are technically limited and ethically problematic.

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Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrode implant trajectories are stereotactically defined using preoperative neuroimaging. To validate the correct trajectory, microelectrode recordings (MERs) or local field potential recordings can be used to extend neuroanatomical information (defined by MRI) with neurophysiological activity patterns recorded from micro- and macroelectrodes probing the surgical target site. Currently, these two sources of information (imaging vs.

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Background: Levodopa is the most efficacious drug in the symptomatic therapy of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD); however, long-term treatment is often complicated by troublesome levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID). Recent evidence suggests that LID might be related to increased cortical gamma oscillations.

Objective: The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that cortical high-gamma network activity relates to LID in the 6-hydroxydopamine model and to identify new biomarkers for adaptive deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy in PD.

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Converging evidence shows that many neuropsychiatric diseases should be understood as disorders of large-scale neuronal networks. To better understand the pathophysiological basis of these diseases, it is necessary to precisely characterize in which way the processing of information is disturbed between the different neuronal parts of the circuit. Using extracellular in vivo electrophysiological recordings, it is possible to accurately delineate neuronal activity within a neuronal network.

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