Publications by authors named "Christopher D Czaplicki"

Rationale And Objectives: Biopsy of lung nodules in the lower lung fields can be difficult because of breathing motion. Ipsilateral phrenic nerve block (PNB) before biopsy should make the biopsy safer, easier, and more precisely targeted. We describe the use of ultrasound-guided PNB before lung nodule biopsy, including relevant anatomy and variations, complications, and technique, along with our first 40 cases.

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Contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) is an imaging technique that uses iodinated contrast medium to improve visualization of breast lesions and assessment of tumor neovascularity. Through modifications in x-ray energy, high- and low-energy images of the breast are combined to highlight areas of contrast medium pooling. The use of contrast material introduces different workflows, artifacts, and risks related to the contrast medium dose.

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This review sets forth an approach to performing and interpreting shoulder ultrasound in patients with prior rotator cuff repair and presents a comprehensive review of normal expected findings, postsurgical complications and common artifacts encountered in clinical practice.

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Aortitis is aortic inflammation, which can be due to inflammatory or infectious diseases. Left undiagnosed, aortitis can lead to aneurysm formation and rupture, in addition to ischemic compromise of major organs. Infectious aortic diseases include mycotic aneurysm and graft infection; the most common inflammatory diseases are Takayasu's and giant cell arteritis.

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Endometriosis is a common condition with significant morbidity, including pain and subfertility, which is often subject to a delay in diagnosis. Ultrasound has been successfully utilized, mostly outside North America, to preoperatively stage deep endometriosis, but in these international settings, imaging is typically performed solely by expert radiologists and gynecologists. We outline a method for detailed sonographic survey of the lower abdomen and pelvis to ensure optimum detection and communication of disease extent that is geared to radiologists practicing ultrasound in the United States, with the use of diagnostic medical sonographers.

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Purpose: Renal artery anastomosis peak systolic velocity (RAA PSV) exceeding 250 cm/s and a ratio of the renal artery to the adjacent external iliac artery (RAA:EIA) exceeding 1.8 historically suggest significant transplant renal artery stenosis (TRAS). However, the range of RAA PSV in transplants without TRAS has not been established.

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Allergic contact dermatitis caused by Eriodictyon parryi, better known as poodle-dog bush, is a growing cause of contact dermatitis in California. Blooming after a large fire, E parryi is a threat to reforestation workers as well as countless outdoor enthusiasts across the state. This paper focuses on the epidemiology, identification, immunochemistry, pathophysiology, prevention, and treatment of contact dermatitis from this little-researched plant.

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