Rationale And Objectives: Inversion recovery, three-dimensional, gradient-recalled echo magnetic resonance coronary angiography (IR-3D-GRE-MRCA), performed after administration of an intravascular T1-relaxing agent with prolonged permanence in the blood, is one of the most promising approaches to noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the coronaries. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of the physicochemical properties in solution, pharmacokinetics, elimination from the body, protein binding, and signal enhancement characteristics of gadocoletic acid trisodium salt (B22956/1), a candidate gadolinium-based MRI contrast agent for coronary angiography.
Methods: The pharmacokinetics and elimination from the body of gadocoletate ion, the contrastographically active component of gadocoletic acid trisodium salt, was evaluated after intravenous administration in rats and monkeys, using for assays high-performance liquid chromatography, x-ray fluorescence, and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry.