Publications by authors named "Christoffer Nagel"

Animal growth is a fundamental component of population dynamics, which is closely tied to mortality, fecundity, and maturation. As a result, estimating growth often serves as the basis of population assessments. In fish, analysing growth typically involves fitting a growth model to age-at-length data derived from counting growth rings in calcified structures.

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Climate change, with its profound effects on stream sediment, hydrological, and temperature dynamics, will exacerbate impacts on habitat conditions for many species, particularly those with vulnerable early life stages relying on the hyporheic zone, such as gravel-spawning fishes. Due to the complex and interactive nature of multiple stressor effects, we employed large-scale outdoor mesocosms to systemically test how the reproductive success of three gravel-spawning fish species brown trout (Salmo trutta), nase, (Chrondrostoma nasus) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) was affected by individual and combined effects of warming (+3-4 °C), fine sediment (increase in <0.85 mm by 22 %) and low-flow (eightfold discharge-reduction).

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Climate change threatens freshwater fish species due to predicted changes in thermal, sedimentary and hydrological properties of stream ecosystems. Gravel-spawning fish are particularly sensitive to such alterations as warming, higher inputs of fine sediment and low-flow all have potentially negative effects on the functionality of their reproductive habitat, the hyporheic zone. Multiple stressors can interact in synergistic and antagonistic manners, causing surprise-effects that cannot be predicted from the additive consideration of individual stressors.

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Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an effective method for studying fish communities but allows only an estimation of relative species abundance (density/biomass). Here, we combine metabarcoding with an estimation of the total abundance of eDNA amplified by our universal marker (teleo) using a quantitative (q)PCR approach to infer the absolute abundance of fish species. We carried out a 2850-km eDNA survey within the Danube catchment using a spatial integrative sampling protocol coupled with traditional electrofishing for fish biomass and density estimation.

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