Publications by authors named "Christina Baker"

School nurses coordinate care for school-age children with various chronic diseases but rarely are included in access to electronic health records or health information exchanges. This integrative review aimed to obtain evidence-based information on health information exchange (HIE) and health information exchange organizations (HIOs) in the United States and the implications for school nurses. The review found no instances in the published literature of school nurses' access to an HIE through a regional or non-vendor-based HIO.

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Objectives: To test the psychometric properties of several dementia care-related scales among Latinos in the US.

Design: We leveraged secondary baseline data from a one-arm mHealth trial on dementia caregiver support. We included 100 responses for caregiver-focused scales and 88 responses for care recipient-focused scales.

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The Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) is a U.S. government initiative aimed at promoting the secure and interoperable exchange of electronic health information (EHI) across the healthcare ecosystem.

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Parental vaccine hesitancy has been a hotly debated issue long before the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, the emergence of a new vaccine during this public health crisis made even pro-vaccine individuals reconsider vaccines for their children. This scoping review was conducted to understand why parents expressed hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12 years old.

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Objective: To understand school nurses' perceptions and experiences of moral distress related to COVID-19 case management in the school systems.

Design: A descriptive qualitative study guided by Braun and Clarke's reflexive thematic analysis.

Sample: Twelve school nurses practicing in Colorado from December 2021 to January 2022.

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Tailored physical activity (PA) programs using digital health technologies in the home can promote family caregivers' (FCGs) physical function and psychological wellbeing. However, there is a gap in research for digital health PA interventions targeting older FCGs of persons with HF (HF-FCGs). The burden of caregiving for persons with HF may displace the FCG's self-care, including PA.

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Research on caregiver burden and related psychological distress has been widely studied. However, little research has focused on perspectives and experiences of older family caregivers of persons with heart failure on engaging in physical exercise to improve their health and wellness. We investigated barriers and facilitators influencing physical activity engagement for older family caregivers of persons with heart failure through a qualitative descriptive study design utilizing participant interviews.

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Purpose: The purpose of this synthesis of qualitative studies is to explore manifestations of ambiguous loss within the lived experiences of family caregivers (FCG) of loved ones with cancer. Grief and loss are familiar companions to the family caregivers of loved ones with cancer. Anticipatory loss, pre-loss grief, complicated grief, and bereavement loss have been studied in this caregiver population.

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Aim: To analyze the concept of systems of communication in school nurse-led care coordination to develop an operational definition that will inform intervention development.

Background: Communication has been identified as an essential attribute in care coordination. However, previous concept analyses of care coordination did not clearly define systems of communication or consider the context of school-based care coordination.

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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has negatively affected the health and well-being of family care partners of older adults with heart failure (HF-FCPs). The purpose of the current study was to examine the caregiving experiences and coping strategies of older HF-FCPs during the ongoing pandemic. Qualitative telephone interviews were conducted with 13 HF-FCPs (aged ≥65 years) from January to April 2021.

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Older family caregivers of persons with heart failure (HF-FCGs) are an understudied and vulnerable population, who are at heightened risk for age-related physical and cognitive declines. We explored caregiving experiences of older HF-FCGs and examined levels of their caregiver burden, psychological distress, caregiving self-efficacy and quality of life (QoL) using descriptive mixed methods. We conducted telephone-based surveys and semi-structured interviews (N=13).

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Background And Objectives: School-aged children with chronic conditions require care coordination for health needs at school. Access to the student's accurate, real-time medical information is essential for school nurses to maximize their care of students. We aim to analyze school nurse access to medical records in a hospital-based electronic health record (EHR) and the effect on patient outcomes.

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The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is the federal law that protects the privacy of personally identifiable information from student education records and applies to all education entities that receive funding under any program administered by the U.S. Department of Education.

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School-aged children spend around 1,080 hr at school each year and many of them have chronic diseases; therefore, it is imperative to include school nurses as part of the health care team. Care coordination between health care providers and school nurses is currently hindered by communication that relies on an inadequate system of fax, phone, and traditional mail. Using electronic health records (EHRs) to link school nurses and health care systems is usually limited in scope despite EHRs advancement in these health care systems.

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Introduction: Pediatric residents encounter issues related to school health (SH) throughout their training, particularly in their continuity clinics, and often serve as liaisons between a patient's medical home and school environment. However, there is currently a paucity of formal education on SH for pediatric residents to prepare them for this role.

Methods: We created a 3-hour interactive learning conference that was delivered to four groups of six to eight pediatric residents during their intern year by a multidisciplinary team.

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Polyaniline is a conducting polymer with incredible promise, but it has had limited use due to poor reaction control and processability associated with conventional morphologies. Polyaniline nanofibers, on the other hand, have demonstrated, through manufacturing techniques discovered during the past decade, increased processability, higher surface area, and improved consistency and stability in aqueous dispersions, which are finally allowing for expanded commercial development of this promising polymer. This review explores some intriguing applications of polyaniline nanofibers, as well as the advantages and remaining challenges in developing better products using polyaniline in this new morphology.

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We have previously shown that regulatory T cells (Tregs) infiltrating follicular lymphoma lymph nodes are quantitatively and qualitatively different than those infiltrating normal and reactive nodes. To gain insight into how such Treg populations differ, we performed RNA sequence (RNAseq) analyses on flow sorted Tregs from all three sources. We identify several molecules that could contribute to the observed increased suppressive capacity of follicular lymphoma nodal tregs, including upregulation of CTLA-4, IL-10, and GITR, all confirmed by protein expression.

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Objective: The goal of this study was to provide pilot clinical data on the effectiveness of an intensive outpatient treatment model for adolescent eating disorders that combines Maudsley-based family therapy and group dialectical behavior therapy skills training.

Method: Measures of physical and psychological status were gathered upon admission, discharge, and at 3 follow-up intervals.

Results: Adolescents who completed the program gained a significant amount of weight and experienced a significant decrease in eating disorder psychopathology.

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Obesogenic built environments may contribute to excessive eating and obesity. Twenty-three 12- to 17-year-old low-income African American adolescents created digital diaries by photographing their lunchtime food environment in a summer academic program. Digitally depicted foods were classified as appearing on the platescape (student's or others' plate) or the tablescape (food buffet).

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The efficient trafficking of immune cells into peripheral nonlymphoid tissues is key to enact their protective functions. Despite considerable advances in our understanding of cell migration in secondary lymphoid organs, real-time leukocyte recruitment into inflamed tissues is not well characterized. The conventional multistep paradigm of leukocyte extravasation depends on CD18 integrin-mediated events such as rapid arrest and crawling on the surface of the endothelium and transmigration through the endothelial layer.

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T cells spend the majority of their time perusing lymphoid organs in search of cognate antigen presented by antigen presenting cells (APCs) and then quickly recirculate through the bloodstream to another lymph node. Therefore, regulation of a T-cell response is dependent upon the ability of cells to arrive in the correct location following chemokine gradients ("go" signal) as well as to receive appropriate T-cell receptor (TCR) activation signals upon cognate antigen recognition ("stop" signal). However, the mechanisms by which T cells regulate these go and stop signals remain unclear.

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Digital production is a means through which African American adolescents communicate and express their experiences with peers. This study examined the content and the form of the digital productions of 24 urban, low-income African American adolescents who attended a summer academic program. The content of student digital productions focused on academic experiences and friendships.

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Controlling reaction temperature for a set time enables the size of gold nanoparticles autoreduced on the surface of polyaniline nanofibers to be controlled. The size of the gold nanoparticles can be used to tune the electrical bistable memory effect in gold/polyaniline nanofiber composite devices. Turn-on voltages and on/off ratios improve with decreasing nanoparticle size, making this a promising method to enhance performance and create smaller devices.

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