Publications by authors named "Christenson G"

In this work, we performed a detailed mathematical ligand field theory analysis of square-planar () main group complexes in p electronic configurations, and the results were subsequently used to generate an energy-level correlation diagram. We synthesized the model p tellurium(II) diphenyl thiourea coordination complex for further spectroscopic investigation. Dissolution of TeO in concentrated HCl resulted in the formation of a [TeCl] complex in acidic media, and subsequent addition of diphenyl thiourea resulted in the reduction of Te to Te (observed by Te NMR spectroscopy) and the formation of a -Te(dptu)Cl complex, which was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD).

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Purpose: Treatment options are limited in patients with metastatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN). We present the results for a phase II trial of combination nivolumab and temozolomide in patients with advanced NEN along with results of immune changes in peripheral blood.

Patients And Methods: NCT03728361 is a nonrandomized, phase II study of nivolumab and temozolomide in patients with NEN.

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Objective: Non-heterosexual populations experience poorer mental health outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts. Few studies, however, have examined how mental health varies across the continuum of sexual orientation. Nor has any study examined possible links between sexual orientation and traits of impulsivity and compulsivity, which contribute to functional impairment across a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders.

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Background And Objectives: Prescription opioid misuse is an established problem in the United States. Less information is known regarding the clinical and cognitive characteristics of prescription opioid misusers, specifically in a college age population. This study sought to characterize individuals who misuse prescription opioids and the differences between current, past and non-misusers.

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Objective: This study sought to examine the prevalence of gambling disorder (GD) in a university sample and its associated physical and mental health correlates.

Methods: A 156-item anonymous online survey was distributed via random email generation to a sample of 9449 university students. Current use of alcohol and drugs, psychological and physical status and academic performance were assessed, along with questionnaire-based measures of impulsivity and compulsivity.

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High levels of stress are common among young adults, particularly those enrolled in college. These degrees of stress have shown numerous deleterious effects across both academic and health variables. Findings regarding the role of stress in the presentation of impulse control disorders, particular among college students, are limited.

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Background: Stealing is a fairly common behaviour among young adults. Understanding the potential associations and characteristics of individuals who steal may help educational institutions, health services and young people themselves resolve difficulties before the behaviour impacts on their academic performance and health.

Aims: We aim to test the hypothesis that desires to steal among students would be associated with worse academic achievements and higher rates of mood and impulse control disorders.

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Recent statistics indicate that over one-third of college students are currently overweight or obese, however, the impact of weight in this population from academic and psychiatric perspectives is not fully understood. This study sought to examine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in college students and its association with stress, mental health disorders and academic achievement. A total of 1765 students completed the College Student Computer User Survey (CSCUS) online at a large Midwestern United States University.

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Objective: Assaultive behaviors are common among young people and have been associated with a range of other unhealthy, impulsive behaviors such as substance use and problem gambling. This study sought to determine the predictive ability of single assaultive incidents for impulse control disorders, an association that has yet to be examined, especially in young adults.

Methods: The authors conducted a university-wide email survey in the spring of 2011 on 6000 university students.

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Objective: This study examined the prevalence of mental health disorders and their clinical correlates in a university sample of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) students.

Participants: College students at a large public university.

Methods: An anonymous, voluntary survey was distributed via random e-mail generation to university students during April and May of 2011.

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Compulsive buying (CB) is a potentially devastating problem involving repetitive urges to shop and uncontrolled spending behaviors. Prevalence of CB in the general population has been estimated at 5.8%.

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Background: Compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) is estimated to affect 3% to 6% of adults, although limited information is available on the true prevalence and impact of CSB in young adults. This epidemiological study aims to estimate the prevalence and health correlates of CSB using a large sample of students.

Methods: The survey examined sexual behaviors and their consequences, stress and mood states, psychiatric comorbidity, and psychosocial functioning.

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Objective: The Internet is commonly used among young adults; however, Internet use may become a problematic behavior. Past research has examined Internet behavior in young adults and its relationship to other behaviors and health issues, yet further research is needed to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this relationship.

Method: A sample (n=2108) of college students (56.

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Objective: This study sought to examine the prevalence of skin picking disorder (SPD) in a university sample and assess associated physical and mental health correlates.

Methods: A 54-item anonymous, voluntary survey was distributed via random email generation to a sample of 6000 university students. Current psychological and physical status was assessed, along with academic performance.

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Background And Objectives: The role of mammographic casting-type microcalcifications as a prognostic factor in breast cancer has been debated. We studied the relation between mammographic features and prognosis in a population-based cohort.

Methods: In 515 women with 1-15 mm invasive breast cancer mammograms were re-classified according to Tabar et al.

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Trichotillomania and pathologic skin picking are pathologic versions of grooming behaviors. Although mentioned in the psychiatric literature for decades, little is known about how gender influences clinical presentation of these behaviors. Seventy-seven adult subjects (12 men) with trichotillomania or pathologic skin picking were examined on a variety of clinical measures including symptom severity, functioning, and comorbidity.

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Lexical decision tasks have been used to study both shifts of attention and semantic processing in Parkinson's Disease (PD). Whereas other laboratories have reported normal levels of semantic priming among PD patients, our laboratory has reported abnormally large levels. In this study, two experiments were performed to determine the influence of task structure on the extent of semantic priming during lexical decision-making and pronunciation tasks among PD patients and neurologically healthy controls.

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Background: This study was designed to address a perceived major flaw in past studies investigating tinted lenses and dyslexia; i.e., the lack of a direct, scientifically validated means of diagnosing the type and severity of dyslexia.

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Objective: The primary purpose of this research was to assess the rates of axis I and axis II psychiatric disorders, as defined in DSM-IV, in a group of pedophilic sex offenders.

Method: Forty-five male subjects with pedophilia who were participating in residential or outpatient sex offender treatment programs were recruited to participate. Subjects were interviewed by using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV.

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