Publications by authors named "Chris Kerth"

We hypothesized that combining sensory flavor attributes, volatile aroma compounds (VAC), and fatty acid composition would better separate beef quality grades than fatty acid composition alone. Select, Choice, Prime, and Grass-fed ribeye rolls (n = 6 per group) were purchased from a local distributor, so production conditions or cattle type were unknown. Select cooked beef steaks ranked lowest for Beef Flavor, Bloody/Serumy, Brown/Roasted, and Umami (P ≤ 0.

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Wood is reportedly more difficult to maintain in hygienic condition versus other food contact materials, yet its use in produce packing and retail warrants efforts to reduce the risk of microbial pathogen contamination and attachment. This study characterized antifouling capabilities of fluorinated silanes applied to wood used in fresh edible produce handling to render the wood superhydrophobic and less supportive of bacterial pathogen attachment. Pine and oak cubic coupon surfaces were treated with 1% (w/w) silane or left untreated.

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Historically, consumer acceptance of beef was determined by tenderness. Developments in genetics and management over the last couple of decades have improved tenderness to the point that it is secondary to other factors in beef's taste. Flavor, however, is an extraordinarily complex taste attribute dependent on biological sensors in the mouth, sinus cavity, and jaws.

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Beef flavor continues to be one of the largest drivers of beef demand and a differentiation point of beef from other competing proteins. Tenderness has long been identified as the most important palatability trait for consumer satisfaction. However, as technological advancements and industry practices evolve and improve in response to tenderness management, flavor has emerged as a key driver of consumer satisfaction.

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Thirty-three USDA Select boneless top loins were selected from carcasses at a commercial major packing plant, vacuum-packaged, and aged for 14 d (4 °C). The loins were then divided into 10 portions (5 grill temperatures for each of trained sensory panel and Warner-Bratzler shear force). Flat-top electric grills were pre-heated to 1 of 5 different temperatures: 149 °C (149), 177 °C (177), 204 °C (204), 232 °C (232), or 260 °C (260).

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The impact of different cooking methods, degree of doneness, cuts, and marbling scores on beef juiciness and tenderness have been examined. However, relationships between tenderness and juiciness, the two major components of beef texture, for descriptive and consumer sensory data with Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and overall consumer liking have not been elucidated using US consumers recently. The objective was to use two data sets that measured consumer sensory and beef descriptive tenderness and juiciness attributes to understand relationships between consumer and trained descriptive tenderness and juiciness attributes, and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and overall consumer liking.

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Precursors to flavor are important to its development, yet little is known about the intrinsic products of metabolism that influence flavor. Our objective was to use untargeted metabolomics and volatile aroma compounds to predict expert and consumer sensory traits. USDA Select and upper 2/3 Choice beef strip loins were wet aged for 10 or 20 d and then cut into steaks, vacuum-packaged, and frozen.

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Consumer acceptance and overall liking has been shown to be related to beef instrumental and trained sensory attributes related to beef flavor, tenderness, and juiciness. Our objective was to understand the relationships between descriptive beef flavor and texture attributes, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF), and consumer liking attributes for light US beef eaters. It is not known if light beef eaters have different drivers of overall liking.

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Feeding anthocyanin- and antioxidant-rich forages to sheep and dairy cows can improve performance and product quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of feeding anthocyanin-rich (Hi-A) corn cobs on the growth performance and meat quality of lambs. A total of 30 eight-month-old Rambouillet ewe lambs (body weight 30.

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We evaluated the impacts of substituting cottonseed meal (CSM) and sorghum grain (SG) with dried distillers` grains with solubles (DDGS) in lamb feedlot diets on the dry matter intake (DMI), the growth performance, blood serum analysis, feces phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N), wool production and quality, carcass traits, adipose tissue fatty acid (FA) profiles, and sensory panel tests. For 72 d, Rambouillet wether lambs ( = 44, initial body weight, BW = 28.8 ± 3.

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This study determined O157:H7 and serovar Typhimurium survival on tomato skins as a function of sanitization treatment, under three differing contamination and sanitization scenarios. Sanitizing treatments consisted of the plant-derived antimicrobial (PDA) geraniol (0.5 wt.

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The U.S. rendering industry produces materials for use in further processed animal foods and feeds and is required to scientifically validate food safety hazard control.

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In a randomized design study, lambs were individually fed with ad libitum access to 70.9% concentrate diets for 56 d in individual pens. The positive control diet (CNTL) contained cottonseed meal (CSM), sorghum grain, and cottonseed hulls, but no dried distillers' grains with solubles (DDGS).

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Spinach and other leafy green vegetables have been linked to foodborne disease outbreaks of O157:H7 and around the globe. In this study, the antimicrobial activities of surfactant micelles formed from the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), SDS micelle-loaded eugenol (1.0% eugenol), 1.

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The whiskey industry is dominated by whiskey styles with recipes that contain corn as the primary grain. However, little research has been conducted to investigate whiskey specific distinctions arising from different corn varieties and growing environments (i.e.

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Ribeye, top loin, and top sirloin steaks were assigned a grilling temperature setting (177°C, 205°C, or 232°C) and consumer panel, Warner-Bratzler shear force, trained sensory panel, and GC/MS - olfactory analyses were performed. No differences (P > 0.05) in consumer overall, tenderness, juiciness, appearance, and flavor liking were detected among steak type or grill temperature.

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Sanitizer neutralizers can assist foodborne pathogen detection during routine testing by counteracting sanitizer residues carried over into fluids collected and tested from food samples. This study tested sanitizer-matched neutralizers applied at increasing concentrations to facilitate survival following exposure to cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) or peracetic acid (PAA), identifying minimum required concentrations of neutralizers to facilitate pathogen survival. isolates were individually inoculated into a non-selective medium followed immediately by CPC (0.

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Beverage quality is a complex attribute of coffee ( Coffea arabica L.). Genotype (G), environment (E), management (M), postharvest processing, and roasting are all involved.

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Raw milk is known to contain relatively high numbers of microorganisms, some of which include microbial pathogens. Electron beam (eBeam) processing is a nonthermal pasteurization food processing technology. The underlying hypothesis was that eBeam processing will not negatively influence the composition, nutrient content, and aroma profile of raw milk.

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Escherichia albertii is an emerging foodborne pathogen recovered from young children and adults exhibiting symptoms of gastroenteritis via pathogenesis factors including attaching and effacing lesions, cytolethal distending toxin, and Shiga toxin variants. Study objectives were to determine E. albertii survival following (i) exposure to lactic acid as a function of solution pH and incubation period and (ii) cooking ground beef patties to different endpoint temperatures.

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Top loin steaks with a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) grade of Select were cut 1.3cm, 2.5cm, or 3.

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This paper briefly reviews research that describes the sensation, generation and consumer acceptance of beef flavor. Humans sense the five basic tastes in their taste buds, and receptors in the nasal and sinus cavities sense aromas. Additionally, trigeminal senses such as metallic and astringent are sensed in the oral and nasal cavities and can have an effect on the flavor of beef.

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Brisket, chuck, plate, flank, and round subcutaneous fat trim were used to produce ground beef patties then evaluated for color, lipid oxidation, fatty acid composition, volatile chemical compounds and consumer sensory evaluation. Color, TBARS, consumer sensory evaluation, and cook/freezer loss did not differ (P>0.05) among carcass fat locations.

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We hypothesized that unique ground beef products could be formulated from brisket, flank, and plate primals. Primals were taken from 4 USDA Select carcasses from conventionally produced cattle, selected at random in a commercial packing plant. Lean and fat trims were separated, and ground beef was formulated from each primal to contain 10, 20, or 30% total fat.

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Translocation of Escherichia coli among beef loins processed with a mechanical tenderizer was evaluated. Two beef striploins were inoculated on the lean side with 6.4 to 7.

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