Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a highly prevalent chronic respiratory disease characterised by irreversible airways obstruction associated with chronic airways inflammation and remodelling, while the pathogenesis and the mechanistic differences between patients remain to be fully elucidated. We previously reported that alarmin cytokine IL-33 may contribute to the production of autoantibodies against respiratory epithelial cells. Here we expand the hypothesis that pulmonary autoimmune responses induced by airway microbiota also contribute to the progression of COPD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: We have previously shown that asthma-like airways inflammation may be induced by topical exposure to respiratory tract pathogens such as S. pneumoniae (SP) in concert with epithelial alarmins such as IL-33. Details of the pathogenesis of this murine surrogate remain however unexplored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a previous study we have shown that, in the presence of interleukin (IL)-33, repeated, per-nasal challenge of murine airways with () organisms induces human asthma-like airways inflammation. It is not clear, however, whether this effect is unique or manifest in response to other common respiratory pathogens. To explore this, airways of BALB/c mice were repeatedly challenged per-nasally with formaldehyde-inactivated bacterial bodies in the presence or absence of murine recombinant IL-33.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAllergen immunotherapy is a disease-modifying treatment for IgE-mediated allergies reducing disease burden and symptoms in patients with allergic rhinitis, with or without asthma. The growing evidence that allergen immunotherapy also has the potential to facilitate achieving asthma control in patients with allergic asthma resulted in its acknowledgment by international bodies (Global Initiative for Asthma and European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) as add-on treatment for mild/moderate asthma. Although there have been promising developments in biomarkers for patient selection and for allergen immunotherapy efficacy evaluation in patients with asthma, a lot more data are still required.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Many asthmatic patients are exposed to cigarette smoke actively or passively, which contributes to asthma exacerbation and poor control. This study is to explore the effects of cigarette smoke on pathological changes in murine surrogate of asthma.
Methods: C57BL/6 mice were sensitised and challenged with ovalbumin (OVA) to establish a surrogate of asthma and then administered with cigarette smoke extract (CSE).
Background: The emerging role of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) in regulating smooth muscle functions has led to the exploration of the possibility that this sphingolipid could represent a potential therapeutic target in asthma and other lung diseases. Several studies in animal surrogates have suggested a role for S1P-mediated signaling in the regulation of airway smooth muscle (ASM) contraction, airway hyperresponsiveness, and airway remodeling, but evidence from human studies is lacking.
Objective: We sought to compare the responsiveness of the airways to S1P in healthy and asthmatic individuals in vivo, in isolated human airways ex vivo, and in murine airways dissected from healthy and house dust mite (HDM)-sensitized animals.
Respiratory tract infection early in life plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of asthma. In the present study we examine, using a murine surrogate, the effects of early life respiratory infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) on adult asthma induced by sensitisation and exposure to house dust mite (HDM) allergen. Mice (one week old) were infected with SP, then 3 weeks later sensitised to HDM emulsified with Al (OH)3 intraperitoneally and challenged intranasally with same allergen for up to a further 5 weeks to establish the asthma surrogate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Inhaled medications are central to treating asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), yet critical inhaler technique errors are made by up to 90% of patients. In the clinical research setting, recruitment of subjects with poor inhaler technique may give a false impression of both the benefits and the necessity of add-on treatments such as biologic therapies.
Objective: To assess the frequency with which inhaler technique is assessed and reliably optimized before and during patient enrollment into randomized controlled trials (RCTs) addressing the efficacy of topical therapy, and the escalation of therapy for asthma and COPD.
In this review article we present the evidence to date supporting the role of the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) as a key, pluripotential molecular trigger for asthma and speculate on the likely benefits of topical therapy of asthma with negative allosteric modulators of the CaSR: calcilytics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to better understand how the immune system interacts with environmental triggers to produce organ-specific disease, we here address the hypothesis that B and plasma cells are free to migrate through the mucosal surfaces of the upper and lower respiratory tracts, and that their total antibody repertoire is modified in a common respiratory tract disease, in this case atopic asthma. Using Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) we have catalogued the antibody repertoires of B cell clones retrieved near contemporaneously from multiple sites in the upper and lower respiratory tract mucosa of adult volunteers with atopic asthma and non-atopic controls and traced their migration. We show that the lower and upper respiratory tracts are immunologically connected, with trafficking of B cells directionally biased from the upper to the lower respiratory tract and points of selection when migrating from the nasal mucosa and into the bronchial mucosa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile environmental aeroallergens and epithelial alarmins such as IL-33 are firmly implicated in asthma, the possible role of Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) antigens is less clear. To explore this, wild-type BALB/c mice were repeatedly challenged per-nasally with IL-33 and inactivated S.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough contributions of IL-33 to pulmonary diseases, including asthma, have been well documented, the complexity of such regulation warrants additional exploration. To better understand the involvement of IL-33, we used a murine asthma surrogate based on sensitisation and challenge with dust mite extract in the presence/absence of IL-33. Murine models were established with Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f) to establish (1) the effect of co-administered rmIL-33; (2) the effect of prior glucocorticoid intervention; (3) the effect of IL-33 on challenge with sub-threshold dosage Der f.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Efficient therapy and potential prophylaxis are confounded by current ignorance of the pathogenesis of airway remodelling and blockade in COPD.
Objective: To explore the role of the IL-33/ST2 axis in cigarette smoke (CS) exposure-induced airways remodelling.
Methods: C57BL/6, BALB/c and mice exposed to CS were used to establish an animal surrogate of COPD (air-exposed=5~8, CS-exposed=6~12).
Expert Rev Respir Med
August 2020
Introduction: Asthma afflicts more than 300 million people. Contemporary mainstay therapies (inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators), prescribed empirically, control symptoms resulting from airways obstruction tolerably well in many patients but it is less clear that they alter the natural history of progressive airways inflammation and remodeling resulting in severe, therapy-resistant obstruction in a significant minority (5-10%), causing lifelong symptoms and elevated risk of recurrent hospital admission and death. Furthermore, no current anti-asthma drug targets bronchial smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness, a critical contributor to airways obstruction and the fundamental physiological abnormality characterizing asthma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAsthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways and numerous cytokines contribute to this pathogenesis. It is shown that challenge of airways with IL-33 induces asthma-like pathological changes in mice, but the possible downstream cytokines in this process remain to be characterised. To explore this, we compared changes in the airways of wildtype (WT) and IL-9 deficient mice challenged with IL-33.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPatients with atopic asthma may become sensitised to the grain storage mite Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f), the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) or both, but thus far little attention has been paid to date to possible variation in their pathophysiological effects. Here we present a side by side comparison of the effects of extracts of these two dust mites in a murine surrogate of atopic asthma. Compared with the Der p-challenged mice, however, the mice-challenged with Der f had favour changes in lung tissue elasticity and expression in matrix metalloproteinases in lung tissue, while the mice challenged with Der p showed more neutrophils infiltrating around the airway and stronger expression of steroid-resistant related cytokines in the lung tissue.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Objective: Isolated blockade of IL-25, IL-33 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) has been shown to reduce airways inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in murine asthma model. The hypothesis that combined blockade of all three cytokines can accomplish this more effectively has never been addressed.
Methods: We studied a murine asthma model employing sensitization and challenge with ovalbumin (OVA) or saline control.
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease guidelines support the prescription of fixed combination inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and long-acting β-agonists in symptomatic COPD patients with frequent or severe exacerbations, with the aim of preventing them. ICS are frequently also prescribed to COPD patients with mild or moderate airflow limitation, outside guidelines, with the risk of unwanted effects. No investigation to date has addressed the views of these milder COPD patients on ICS withdrawal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe mechanisms underlying the chronic, progressive airways inflammation, remodelling and alveolar structural damage characteristic of human chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remain unclear. In the present study, we address the hypothesis that these changes are at least in part mediated by respiratory epithelial alarmin (IL-33)-induced production of autoantibodies against airways epithelial cells. Mice immunized with homologous, syngeneic lung tissue lysate along with IL-33 administered directly to the respiratory tract or systemically produced IgG autoantibodies binding predominantly to their own alveolar type II epithelial cells, along with increased percentages of Tfh cells and B2 B-cells in their local, mediastinal lymph nodes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFILC2s are implicated in asthma pathogenesis, but little is known about the mechanisms underlying their accumulation in airways. We investigated the time course of ILC2 accumulation in different tissues in murine models of asthma induced by a serial per-nasal challenge with ovalbumin (OVA), house dust mice (HDM), IL-25 and IL-33 and explored the potential roles of ILC2-attracting chemokines in this phenomenon. Flow cytometry was used to enumerate ILC2s at various time points.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe efficacy of the adaptive humoral immune response likely requires diverse, yet focused regional B cell antibody production throughout the body. Here we address, in the first study of its kind, the B cell repertoire in the bronchial mucosa, an important barrier to antigens inhaled from the atmosphere. To accomplish this, we have applied high-throughput Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Sequencing (AIRR-Seq) to 10 bronchial biopsies from altogether four different sites in the right lungs from an asthmatic patient and a healthy subject.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe alarmin cytokines IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) play a critical role in asthma pathogenesis by inducing mucosal Th2-type cytokine production. Although environmental exposure to aeroallergens has been proposed as an alarmin trigger in asthma, there has been no systematic parallel study of the effects of allergen exposure on the expression of these cytokines in the airways of human asthmatics. Using single and sequential double immunohistochemistry, we evaluated the numbers and phenotypes of IL-25-, IL-33-, and TSLP-immunoreactive cells in sections of bronchial biopsies from mild atopic asthmatics ( = 16) before and 24 h after allergen inhalational challenge.
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