Publications by authors named "Chotai Niketa"

A 48-year woman was found to have bilateral axillary nodal microcalcifications on screening mammogram; a new finding compared to the prior mammogram done about 8 years ago. Combining the new finding with the amorphous and fine morphology of the microcalcifications, deemed it suspicious. In the absence of a definite benign cause, that could be attributed to this finding, biopsy was performed.

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With the increasing use of MRI in clinical practice, the need for MRI-guided intervention is also increasing. Indeterminate lesions identified on MRI without mammographic or sonographic correlates will need to be approached under MRI guidance. MRI-guided biopsy is a skill that can be acquired with proper training and guidance.

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Objectives: To evaluate the potential of contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) in reducing benign breast biopsy rate, thereby improving resource utilization. To explore its potential as a value-adding modality in the management of BI-RADS 4/5 lesions.

Materials And Methods: This was a prospective study conducted between July 2016 and September 2018.

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Purpose: Automatic classification and segmentation of tumors in breast ultrasound images enables better diagnosis and planning treatment strategies for breast cancer patients.

Methods: We collected 953 breast ultrasound images from two open-source datasets and classified them with help of an expert radiologist according to BI-RADS criteria. The data was split into normal, benign and malignant classes.

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Background: Breast cancer (BC) radiogenomics, or correlation analysis of imaging features and BC molecular subtypes, can complement genetic analysis with less resource-intensive diagnostic methods to provide an early and accurate triage of BC. This is pertinent because BC is the most prevalent cancer amongst adult women, resulting in rising demands on public health resources.

Aim: To find combinations of mammogram and ultrasound imaging features that predict BC molecular subtypes in a sample of screening and symptomatic patients.

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Breast cancer metastasis to unusual locations may present as a diagnostic challenge. Recognizing the different manifestations of metastatic breast disease can help to guide patient treatment and assist in disease prognosis. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the imaging findings of some of the unusual or infrequent locations of breast metastases through a series of interesting cases and to revisit this uncommon clinical issue.

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Breast augmentation is becoming more common, be it for cosmetic reasons or post-mastectomy. Multiple articles in the literature describe the imaging findings of various types of cosmetic breast augmentation. Some articles describe imaging findings for different types of post-mastectomy reconstructions.

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A 48-year-old woman presented with progressive left hip pain over six months, along with left lower limb weakness for two weeks. Magnetic resonance imaging of the left hip showed narrowing of the left ischiofemoral space, oedema of the left quadratus femoris muscle and left sciatic nerve, and mild bone marrow oedema of the left ischial tuberosity. The diagnosis of left ischiofemoral impingement syndrome was made.

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The incidence of breast cancer reduces by almost 90% after bilateral mastectomy. This applies also to female-to-male (FtM) trans-gender who undergo bilateral mastectomy as part of gender reassignment surgery (GRS). To date, there are only four reported cases in the literature on FtM transgender breast cancer.

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Inflammatory breast disorders include a wide array of underlying causes, ranging from common benign infection, non-infectious inflammation and inflammation resulting from underlying breast malignancy. Because it is at times difficult to distinguish mastitis and breast cancer based on clinical features, awareness of detailed imaging features may be helpful for better management of inflammatory breast disorders. Therefore, this pictorial essay intends to demonstrate radiologic findings of a variety of inflammatory breast disorders, using selected cases with mammography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance images.

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Background: Borderline risk lesions such as flat epithelial atypia (FEA) are increasingly being diagnosed on biopsy. The need for surgery is being debated. In this study, we determined the frequency of histological upgrade following a diagnosis of FEA on biopsy and evaluated potential predictive factors.

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We present a case of a previously healthy 50-year-old gentleman who had recurrent vomiting and abdominal pain of two-month duration. The patient was subsequently diagnosed with abdominal cocoon on computed tomography. Idiopathic sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis, also known as abdominal cocoon, is a rare cause of small bowel obstruction.

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A seven-years-old boy presented with recurrent episodes of right parotid gland swelling that was presumptively being treated as sialoadenitis. Interrogation with ultrasonography, computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a heterogeneous mass occupying the right parapharyngeal space, imperceptibly merging with adjoining parotid gland, scalloping the vertical ramus of the mandible and involving the base skull with widening of the foramen ovale. The findings at surgery and histopathology provided a final diagnosis of parotid gland primitive neuroectodermal tumor.

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