Do movies reduce stigma, increasing healthcare product choices offered by firms? We provide causal evidence on this question in the context of Indian pharmaceutical markets. For unpacking these effects, we use an exogenous shock to the market due to the release of a Bollywood blockbuster movie - My Name is Khan (MNIK) where the protagonist, superstar Shahrukh Khan, suffers from Asperger's Syndrome (AS). Using a difference-in-differences design, we find a positive and statistically significant effect of MNIK (between 14% and 22% increase in variety sold and prescribed) on product differentiation and choices in the market for antipsychotic medicines used to clinically treat AS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInformation provision for social welfare via cheap technological media is now a widely available tool used by policymakers. Often, however, an ample supply of information does not translate into high consumption of information due to various frictions in demand, possibly stemming from the pecuniary and non-pecuniary cost of engagement, along with institutional factors. We test this hypothesis in the Indian context using a unique data set comprising 2 million call records of enrolled users of ARMMAN, a Mumbai-based nongovernmental organization that sends timely informational calls to mobile phones of less-privileged pregnant women.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe provide causal evidence that regulation induced product shocks significantly impact aggregate demand and firm performance in pharmaceutical markets. Event study results suggest an average loss between $569 million and $882 million. Affected products lose, on average, $186 million over their remaining effective patent life.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn February 2017, India capped the retail price of coronary stents and restricted the channel margin to bring Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) procedure, which uses coronary stents, within reach of millions of patients who previously could not afford it. Prior research shows that care providers respond to such regulations in a way that compensates for their loss in profits because of price control. Therefore, price control policies often introduce unintended consequences, such as distortions in clinical decision making.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRegulatory enforcement of product safety standards given health concerns, whether it is in romaine lettuce, smartphones or cars, is emerging to be a challenge for global public health. This is particularly true for developing economies with fragile institutions. In this context, recent studies on Indian pharmaceutical markets provide evidence suggesting that the sector is a hub for substandard quality of medicines.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhat is the role of spatial peers in diffusion of information about health care? We use the implementation of a health insurance program in Karnataka, India that provided free tertiary care to poor households to explore this issue. We use administrative data on location of patient, condition for which the patient was hospitalized and date of hospitalization (10,507 observations) from this program starting November 2009 to June 2011 for 19 months to analyze spatial and temporal clustering of tertiary care. We find that the use of healthcare today is associated with an increase in healthcare use in the same local area (group of villages) in future time periods and this association persists even after we control for (1) local area fixed effects to account for time invariant factors related to disease prevalence and (2) local area specific time fixed effects to control for differential trends in health and insurance related outreach activities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of drug price controls is a contentious issue globally. Low- and middle-income countries use direct price controls to improve access to essential drugs. But such price controls have little meaning if they are not designed and implemented well, and the extent to which firms coordinate in these countries to weaken price controls has been largely overlooked.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany irrational fixed-dose combination (FDC) medicines have been approved by the state and central regulatory authorities in India and their use is promoted extensively by pharmaceutical firms. In this study, we examine the previously-neglected role of physicians in India, as their prescriptions are essential for the continued proliferation of FDCs. Primarily using longitudinal data on prescriptions by 4600 physicians spanning 19 disciplinary categories for 48 months between 2008 and 2011 provided by IMS Medical Audit, we study 201 medicines in the cardiovascular and oral-antidiabetic markets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper empirically examines the consumer welfare implications of changes in government policies related to patent protection and compulsory licensing in the Indian market for oral anti-diabetic (OAD) medicines. In contrast to previous studies on the impact of pharmaceutical patents in India, we observe, and estimate the welfare effects accruing from differential pricing and voluntary licensing strategies of patent-holding innovator firms. Three novel molecules belonging to the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor class of OADs have been launched in India by the patent holders, at lower prices than those prevailing in the developed countries.
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