Background: Invasive bacterial diseases (IBD) cause significant mortality in young infants. There are limited population-based data on IBD in young infants in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Methods: We conducted population-based surveillance for IBD among infants aged 0-90 days in a demographic surveillance area in rural Gambia between 1 March 2011 and 31 December 2017.
Pan Afr Med J
November 2022
Introduction: children with perinatal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection now survive to adolescence and adulthood and so are confronted with issues related to sexuality and sexual reproductive health. This study is aimed at determining the sexual knowledge and behaviours of these adolescents, determining their procreation intention and the impact of their age, gender and understanding of the mother to child transmission risk on their procreation intention.
Methods: a hospital-based cross-sectional study of adolescents and young adults aged 15-24 years infected with HIV in the perinatal period, accessing tertiary care in Enugu.
Background: Height measurement is one of the common essential anthropometric measurements in clinical pediatrics. The most accurate method of determining a child's height is to measure the height. However, in emergency situations and some resource limited settings, obtaining the actual height of a child may not be feasible hence the need to estimate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: The aim of this study is to determine the pattern of cancer mortality (CM) seen in the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) which is a cancer reference center in the Niger Delta Region.
Methodology: This is a 6-year retrospective study of cancer-related deaths in UPTH using patients' admission registers in all the wards and emergency units. Furthermore, the death certificates of cases were reviewed.
Background: In children particularly in the developing world, there is a tendency to downplay the role of primary hypertension in their health. In adults, a number of factors have clearly been associated with the incidence of hypertension. Knowledge of the prevalence of hypertension and its associated factors among children in our environment is important and could inform the need for lifestyle changes and routine blood pressure (BP) checks in children so as to reduce BP-related health risks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Determination of weight in children is an important aspect of their assessment. It has a wide range of usefulness including assessing their nutritional status and drug dose calculation. Despite its usefulness, weight estimation in children in certain conditions can be challenging particularly in emergency situations or in children who are severely ill or cannot stand on standard scales.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Due to the health and economic benefits of breast milk, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that for infants who cannot receive breast milk from their own mothers, the next preferred option is donated breast milk. This recommendation is however rarely practiced in most developing countries where donor milk is not widely accepted.
Methods: This cross-sectional multi-center study enrolled mothers attending antenatal or pediatric clinics in six tertiary institution in south-east Nigeria using purposive and convenient sampling method.
Background: Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia is one of the commonest causes of hospital visit in the neonatal period. When severe, it is a leading cause of irreversible neurological and musculoskeletal disability. Prompt recognition and timely interventions are imperative for a drastic reduction in complications associated with severe hyperbilirubinaemia in newborns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFatalities from perinatal asphyxia remain high in developing countries, and continually assessing its risk factors will help improve outcomes in these settings. We explored how some identified risk factors predict mortality in asphyxiated newborns, to assist clinicians in prioritizing interventions. This was a 4-year prospective study conducted at the Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There is considerable debate about the two most commonly used scoring methods, namely, the formula scoring (popularly referred to as negative marking method in our environment) and number right scoring methods. Although the negative marking scoring system attempts to discourage students from guessing in order to increase test reliability and validity, there is the view that it is an excessive and unfair penalty that also increases anxiety. Feedback from students is part of the education process; thus, this study assessed the perception of medical students about negative marking method for multiple choice question (MCQ) examination formats and also the effect of gender and risk-taking behavior on scores obtained with this assessment method.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Poor nutritional practices especially in pregnancy and early childhood can result in dire consequences in the growth and development of a child.
Methods: This study using purposive sampling enrolled 149 women who had carried at least one pregnancy to term in Enugu south east Nigeria. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess association between avoidance of certain food in pregnancy and selected socio-demographic factors.
Background. Efforts to reduce child mortality especially in Africa must as a necessity aim to decrease mortality due to pneumonia. To achieve this, preventive strategies such as expanding vaccination coverage are key.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In most parts of the world, neonatal mortality rates have shown a slower decline when compared with under-5 mortality decline. A sick newborn can die within minutes if there is a delay in presentation, thus early diagnosis and treatment are essential for the survival of a critically ill newborn. This study investigated factors responsible for delays in healthcare services for the sick newborn and maternal socio-demographic variables that influence these delays in Enugu, South-East Nigeria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: According to UNICEF, 40% of all under-5 deaths occur within the first month of life and half of these within the first few days of life. Many of these deaths are related to late recognition of neonatal illness, delays in decision to seek care at household level and subsequent late intervention at healthcare facilities. Knowledge of mothers about the danger signs in newborn is imperative to reduce these delays and preventable deaths.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClinicoecon Outcomes Res
January 2014
Background: Neonatal illnesses usually require long hospital stays and specialized care and/or facilities, which usually results in huge medical bills. With more than 70% of people in Nigeria living on less than US$2 per day, these bills are not affordable to many families' livelihoods.
Aim: This study aims to determine the average cost of managing neonatal illnesses in Enugu in southeast Nigeria and the proportion of family income spent on these illnesses.
Background: Some factors are known to influence the academic performance of children with Sickle Cell Anaemia (SCA). Information on their effects in these children is limited in Nigeria. The factors which influence academic performance of children with SCA in Enugu, Nigeria are determined in this study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn 2012, an outbreak of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W135 occurred in The Gambia. The attack rate was highest among young children. The associated risk factors were male sex, contact with meningitis patients, and difficult breathing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Malaria remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, with children under 5 years accounting for 86% of all malaria deaths. For effective control of malaria, WHO recommends rapid diagnosis and effective treatment, insecticide-treated bed nets, and indoor residual spraying. The use of insecticide-treated bed nets has been shown to be the most cost-effective strategy in preventing this infection.
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