Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
September 2022
Purpose: Transoral laser microsurgery (TOLMS) with carbon dioxide is a safe approach for laryngeal carcinoma. In literature there are three main methods for evaluating speech outcomes: acoustic and aerodynamics analysis, perceptual evaluation and patient-reported outcomes (PROs). The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature about the voice quality outcomes of TOLMS according to type of cordectomy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Fungus ball (FB) represents a granulomatous mass due to a fungal colonization which may disseminate and potentially lead to a systemic infection. Maxillary fungus ball is considered to be a complication of dental treatment and, according to relevant literature, it often stems from improper endodontic therapies.
Material And Methods: The authors report the case of a 69-year-old caucasian woman with nasal respiratory distress and frequent sinusitis symptoms.
Purpose: To test a minimally invasive flap in the lateral approach for maxillary sinus floor elevation when compared to a trapezoidal flap.
Materials And Methods: Each patient received a bilateral sinus elevation procedure based on two different randomly allocated surgical approaches according to a split-mouth design: in the test side, a horizontal incision at mucogingival line was realised; in the control side, a trapezoidal flap was elevated to prepare the lateral window. Each sinus was filled using deproteinised bovine bone and the window covered with a collagen membrane.
The purpose of the present study was to compare two different surgical procedures, connective tissue graft and guided bone regeneration, when applied in conjunction with implant placement. Probing pocket depth and the recession depth were recorded at the implant site after crown placement (T₁) and at the 1-year follow-up (T₂), while the keratinized tissue height and the buccal mucosa thickness were recorded at three different time points: at the time of implant surgery (T₀), after crown placement, and at the 1-year follow-up. No statistically significant differences in peri-implant mucosa thickness, recession, or other periodontal parameters were recorded at adjacent teeth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To test whether a reduction of bone window dimension, in a split-mouth randomized study design, focused on lateral sinus floor elevations, can achieve better results than a wider window in terms of augmented bone height and a reduction of patient discomfort and surgical complications.
Materials And Methods: Of the sixteen subjects enrolled in the study, each underwent a bilateral sinus lift procedure based on two different access flaps to maxillary sinus. Test side: small access window (6 × 6 mm) + bone filling using a special device.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
October 2017
The aim of this study was to test whether zirconia abutments exhibit the same clinical and esthetic outcomes as titanium abutments in single-tooth implant restorations in the esthetic area. The 24 treated patients were randomly assigned to a test (zirconia abutment) or control (titanium abutment) group. Objective evaluations were carried out using the Implant Crown Aesthetic Index (ICAI) and the Papilla Index (PI) at the 1-month and 12-month follow-up examinations after crown cementation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction And Hypothesis: The aim was to validate the Italian version of the Incontinence-Quality of Life questionnaire (I-QoL) in women with clinical and urodynamic urinary incontinence (UI). A secondary end point was to compare the results of women with reported UI, but negative urodynamic findings.
Methods: The Italian translation of the I-QoL was administered to 267 Italian women with pelvic organ prolapse < stage III, and who had undergone previous surgical or medical therapy for UI.
Cochlear Implants Int
November 2011
In the literature, this is the first description of a delayed retroauricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection in a child after 18 months of cochlear implantation. During surgical revision, anomalous thinning of the dura and leakage of CSF was found beneath the receiver, requiring local sealing and repositioning. Exposure of the dura is a procedure usually performed during housing of the receiver to avoid excessive protrusion of the implant in subjects with insufficient bone thickness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConclusions: The dimensions of the implant receiver and the material used have influenced the surgical approach leading to a reduction in complications. Ultrasonography of the haematoma is useful in the evaluation of dimensions, entity of fluid component and therapeutic options.
Objective: Haematoma arising in the receiver area is considered a minor complication, nevertheless it can be complicated by infection and/or flap necrosis or fibrosis leading to difficulties in magnetic adherence of the receiver and rarely to explantation of the receiver.
Objectives/hypothesis: The present study is a long-term follow-up of speech perception outcomes and cochlear implant use in three cases of meningitis that occurred after cochlear implantation.
Study Design: Case series study.
Methods: Study was performed on three children implanted with different models of Clarion devices, two of them with positioner.
Conclusions: Increased spectral resolution via implementation of perceptual channels with HiRes120 (PSP) would seem to provide better perception of music than with standard HiRes, mainly from the point of view of music appreciation as recorded via the questionnaire. More specific tests are required for appreciation of timbre, preferably by application of protocols based on perceptual attributes using rating scales, which would not be biased by knowledge of music.
Objective: The objective of this study was to verify the hypothesis whereby the implementation of perceptual channels in HiRes120 may lead to an improvement in the perception of music, owing to an increase in spectral resolution.
Conclusions: Available multichannel cochlear implants (CIs) provide effective tinnitus suppression. More sophisticated speech strategies are more effective than analogue or slow strategies. The mechanisms by which tinnitus is suppressed by CIs are unclear; however, both acoustic masking and reorganization of the right auditory association cortex induced by the CI are possible mechanisms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConclusion: Cochlear implantation (CI) may induce vestibular impairment soon after surgery as well as after implant activation. This impairment seems to be independent from the cause of deafness and can be considered a possible complication from the intra-operative trauma and, to minor degree, from the ongoing electric stimulation. It would also seem that vestibular damage occurs independently from the likelihood of post-operative hearing deterioration.
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