Students are particularly vulnerable to lockdown-related problems associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study aimed to investigate mental health (anxiety and depressive symptoms, and wellbeing) during the second year of the pandemic, after three lockdowns, in relation with coping strategies. For this, 380 students participated in a longitudinal study between June and December 2021.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Traumatic glenohumeral dislocation is very rare in skeletally immature patients, and there are no reports in the literature describing the risk of associated nerve injuries. In the general population, the most commonly affected nerve is the axillary, but anatomical variations with a common origin between the musculocutaneous and median nerves exist that alter the respective positions and courses of these nerves and can make them more prone to injury during a glenohumeral dislocation.
Case Report: A 10-year-old girl presented with incomplete median nerve palsy without any recuperation 8 months after an anterior glenohumeral dislocation.
Primary ectopic extradural and extraspinal meningiomas are rare. We present a unique case of this type of meningioma in the brachial plexus. A 25-year-old man consulted us because of neuropathic supraclavicular pain and the appearance of a supraclavicular mass whose volume had increased.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntraosseous median nerve entrapment at the level of the elbow can occur after a traumatic event such as fracture and/or dislocation of the elbow. It is considered a rare and severe entity. We present a rare case of nontraumatic median nerve entrapment inside the distal humerus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Food barcode scanner apps (FBSAs) are increasingly being used to verify food quality. By scanning a product's barcode, they can provide a range of information, including nutritional quality or information on the toxicity of food components. Although they seem to be widely used, no study has yet examined their use in the general population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Young Adult Carers (YAC) are informal carers aged 18-25 years. This is an unrecognized population. The present systematic review aims to respond to: (1) how YAC are identified in research; (2) the prevalence of YAC; (3) the characteristics of YAC; and (4) how to support YAC.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDealing with the illness/disability of a relative is part of everyday life for many students, who may have to take on caring responsibilities. Fulfilling a caring role during emerging adulthood has been associated with poorer mental health. This study adopts a person-oriented approach in exploring the caring experience in relation to mental health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
June 2022
Studies that have investigated the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of adolescents facing a parental illness showed inconsistent results, and none used a person-oriented approach allowing for a deeper understanding of their experience. The aim of this study was to compare the HRQoL of adolescents facing a parental illness to that of their peers, and to explore their HRQoL through a person-oriented approach. The sample consisted of 1324 adolescents recruited in secondary schools (11-15 years old).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Young carers (YC) and young adult carers (YAC) have become of interest in research and practice. The 18-item Multidimensional Assessment of Caring Activities for Young Carers (MACA-YC18) was developed for identifying the extent and nature of caring activities across six domains: domestic chores, household management, financial/practical help, personal care, emotional care, and sibling care. The aim of this research was to investigate the psychometric properties of the French version of the MACA-YC18.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Ravin Blanc I archaeological occurrence, dated to MIS 5, provides unprecedented data on the Middle Stone Age (MSA) of West Africa since well-contextualized archaeological sites pre-dating MIS 4/3 are extremely rare for this region. The combined approach on geomorphology, phytolith analysis, and OSL date estimations offers a solid framework for the MSA industry comprised in the Ravin Blanc I sedimentary sequence. The paleoenvironmental reconstruction further emphasizes on the local effects of the global increase in moisture characterizing the beginning of the Upper Pleistocene as well as the later shift to more arid conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe end of the Palaeolithic represents one of the least-known periods in the history of western Africa, both in terms of its chronology and the identification of cultural assemblages entities based on the typo-technical analyses of its industries. In this context, the site of Fatandi V offers new data to discuss the cultural pattern during the Late Stone Age in western Africa. Stratigraphic, taphonomical and sedimentological analyses show the succession of three sedimentary units.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of our study was to evaluate the reliability of clinical examination paired with MRI to determine whether one or both of the superior C5 and C6 roots are graftable in cases of complete brachial plexus palsy. We conducted a retrospective study from 2013 to 2018. Twenty-seven patients who had total brachial plexus palsy and were more than 18 years of age were included.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdolescence and emerging adulthood are periods in life when individuals both question and define their place in society and form their identity. Meanwhile, active youth civic engagement represents a challenge for each democracy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the different forms of civic engagement among late adolescents and emerging adults and how they are related to personal identity and social identity, while adopting an integrative perspective through the lens of a person-oriented approach.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe cooperative French-Iranian Paleoanthropological Project (FIPP) discovered three Paleolithic localities in Central Alborz, Northern Iran during its 2005 field mission. In the northern foothills near Baliran in Mazandârân province, Garm Roud yielded an open-air site with an archaeological layer attributable to the last glacial period that dates from the end of OIS 3 (28,486+/-190 cal BP). These geochronological data and the typo-technical observations converge to place the Garm Roud 2 assemblage in the Upper Paleolithic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe first subatomic resolution structure of a 36 kDa protein [aldose reductase (AR)] is presented. AR was cocrystallized at pH 5.0 with its cofactor NADP+ and inhibitor IDD 594, a therapeutic candidate for the treatment of diabetic complications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr
May 2000
The crystallographic structure of the complex between human aldose reductase (AR2) and one of its inhibitors, IDD384, has been solved at 1.7 A resolution from crystals obtained at pH 5.0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAldose reductase is a NADP(H)-dependent enzyme, believed to be strongly implicated in the development of degenerative complications of Diabetes Mellitus. The search for specific inhibitors of this enzyme has thus become a major pharmaceutic challenge. In this study, we applied both X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to characterize the interactions between aldose reductase and four representative inhibitors: AminoSNM, Imirestat, LCB3071, and IDD384.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Staphylococcal epidermolytic toxins A and B (ETA and ETB) are responsible for the staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome of newborn and young infants; this condition can appear just a few hours after birth. These toxins cause the disorganization and disruption of the region between the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum--two of the three cellular layers constituting the epidermis. The physiological substrate of ETA is not known and, consequently, its mode of action in vivo remains an unanswered question.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe structure of the complex of Aeromonas proteolytica aminopeptidase, a two-zinc exopeptidase, with the inhibitor p-iodo-D-phenylalanine hydroxamate has been determined by X-ray crystallography. Refinement of the structure, which includes 220 water molecules, using data at 0.80-0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Aminopeptidases specifically cleave the amino-terminal residue from polypeptide chains and are involved in the metabolism of biologically active peptides. The family includes zinc-dependent enzymes possessing either one or two zinc ions per active site. Structural studies providing a detailed view of the metal environment may reveal whether the one-zinc and two-zinc enzymes constitute structurally and mechanistically distinct subclasses, and what role the metal ions play in the catalytic process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe heat-stable aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica has been purified using two new procedures, with the aim of preparing large single crystals for X-ray analysis. In a first procedure, we tried to avoid any drastic conditions capable of inducing microheterogeneities in the protein sample. The enzyme was purified through two chromatographic steps based on hydrophobic interactions and ion exchange.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe crystallographic structure of the synthetic oligoribonucleotide, U(UA)6A, has been solved at 2.25 A resolution. The crystallographic refinement permitted the identification of 91 solvent molecules, with a final agreement factor of 13%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRNA is involved in many biological functions, ranging from information storage and transfer to the catalysis of reactions involving both nucleic acids and proteins. Previous crystallographic studies on RNA oligomeric chains provide only averaged structures or information limited in resolution. The oligomer [U(U-A)6A]2 was chosen for the study of protein-RNA interactions in viruses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo oligobipyridine ligands containing two and three 2,2'-bipyridine subunits separated by 2-oxapropylene bridges have been synthesized and some of their complexation properties with metal ions have been investigated. In particular, with copper(I) they form, respectively, a dinuclear and a trinuclear complex containing two ligand molecules and two or three Cu(I) ions. In view of the pseudotetrahedral coordination geometry of Cu(I) X bis(bipyridine) sites and of NMR data indicating that the present complexes are chiral, one may assign to these dinuclear and trinuclear species a double-helical structure in which two molecular strands are wrapped around two or three Cu(I) ions, which hold them together.
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