Zhongguo Shi Yan Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi
February 2014
This study was aimed to investigate the effect of exogenous VEGF on hematopoietic stem cell mobilization and immune system. The C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into the normal control group, VEGF short-term group (5 d) and VEGF long-term group (27 d). Mice in the experimental group were injected ip with VEGF (100 ng/d); mice in control group were injected ip with PBS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
December 2013
This research examines traffic-source trace elements accumulations and distributions in roadside soils and wild grasses in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. A total of 100 soil samples and 100 grass samples including Achnatherum splendens, Anaphalis nepalensis, Artemisia sphaerocephala, Carex moorcroftii, Iris lacteal, Kobresia myosuroides, Oreosolen wattii, Oxytropis ochrocephala and Stellera chamaejasme were collected at 100 sites from different road segments. The contents of metals and metalloids, including Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, Co, Ni and As, in the soil and grass samples were analyzed using ICP-MS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Pharmacol Sin
February 2014
Aim: To investigate whether human multiple myeloma (MM) cells secrete microvesicles (MVs) and whether the MVs secreted from MM cells (MM-MVs) promote angiogenesis.
Methods: RPMI8226 human MM cells and EA.hy926 human umbilical vein cells were used.
The implementation of new antiretroviral therapies targeting transcription of early viral proteins in postintegrated HIV-1 can aid in overcoming current therapy limitations. Using high-throughput screening assays, we have previously described a novel Tat-dependent HIV-1 transcriptional inhibitor named 6-bromoindirubin-3'-oxime (6BIO). The screening of 6BIO derivatives yielded unique compounds that show potent inhibition of HIV-1 transcription.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnantioselective total syntheses of (+)-fawcettidine and (+)-lycoposerramine Q as well as the first total synthesis of (-)-lycopladine D from a common intermediate have been accomplished by a divergent path. The common intermediate was derived from a Hajos-Parrish-like diketone by a stereoselective Birch reduction and a Suzuki coupling. The synthesis of (-)-lycopladine D featured an allylic oxidation and a biomimetic aminoketalization while the route to (+)-fawcettidine and (+)-lycoposerramine Q highlighted an oxidative rearrangement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider differentially private frequent itemset mining. We begin by exploring the theoretical difficulty of simultaneously providing good utility and good privacy in this task. While our analysis proves that in general this is very difficult, it leaves a glimmer of hope in that our proof of difficulty relies on the existence of long transactions (that is, transactions containing many items).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
June 2013
Concentrations of four typical heavy metals (Cu; Zn; Cd and Pb) in roadside soils close to three lakes in the Tibetan Plateau were investigated in this study. The hierarchical tree-based regression method was applied to classify concentrations of the heavy metals and analyze their potential influencing factors. It was found that the Tibetan Plateau meadow soils with higher content of sand lead to higher concentrations of Cu; Zn and Pb.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNetworks are often used to understand a whole system by modeling the interactions among its pieces. Examples include biomolecules in a cell interacting to provide some primary function, or species in an environment forming a stable community. However, these interactions are often unknown; instead, the pieces' dynamic states are known, and network structure must be inferred.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigated the spatial distribution of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni) and arsenic (As) in roadside topsoil in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and evaluated the potential environmental risks of these roadside heavy metals due to traffic emissions. A total of 120 topsoil samples were collected along five road segments in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The nonlinear regression method was used to formulize the relationship between the metal concentrations in roadside soils and roadside distance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDatabase Theory ICDT
January 2013
While there is a large and growing body of literature on differentially private mechanisms for answering various classes of queries, to the best of our knowledge "count-range" queries have not been studied. These are a natural class of queries that ask "is the number of rows in a relation satisfying a given predicate between two integers θ and θ?" Such queries can be viewed as a simple form of SQL "having" queries. We begin by developing a provably optimal differentially private mechansim for count-range queries for a single consumer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPotent anti-retroviral therapy has transformed HIV-1 infection into a chronic manageable disease; however, drug resistance remains a common problem that limits the effectiveness and clinical benefits of this type of treatment. The discovery of viral reservoirs in the body, in which HIV-1 may persist, has helped to explain why therapeutic eradication of HIV-1 has proved so difficult. In the current study, we utilized a combination of structure-based analysis of cyclin/CDK complexes with our previously published Tat peptide derivatives.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
September 2012
Transportation activities can contribute to accumulation of heavy metals in roadside soil and grass, which could potentially compromise public health and the environment if the roadways cross farmland areas. Particularly, heavy metals may enter the food chain as a result of their uptake by roadside edible grasses. This research was conducted to investigate heavy metal (Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) concentrations in roadside farmland soils and corresponding grasses around Kathmandu, Nepal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA common problem in molecular biology is to use experimental data, such as microarray data, to infer knowledge about the structure of interactions between important molecules in subsystems of the cell. By approximating the state of each molecule as "on" or "off", it becomes possible to simplify the problem, and exploit the tools of boolean analysis for such inference. Amongst boolean techniques, the process-driven approach has shown promise in being able to identify putative network structures, as well as stability and modularity properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, we utilized an integrated bioinformatics and computational biology approach in search of new BH3-only proteins belonging to the BCL2 family of apoptotic regulators. The BH3 (BCL2 homology 3) domain mediates specific binding interactions among various BCL2 family members. It is composed of an amphipathic α-helical region of approximately 13 residues that has only a few amino acids that are highly conserved across all members.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
May 2012
Emission of heavy metals from traffic activities is an important pollution source to roadside farmland ecosystems. However, little previous research has been conducted to investigate heavy metal concentrations of roadside farmland soil in mountainous areas. Owing to more complex roadside environments and more intense driving conditions on mountainous highways, heavy metal accumulation and distribution patterns in farmland soil due to traffic activity could be different from those on plain highways.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGuang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi
February 2012
In the present paper, crude biodiesel prepared with sorbifolia oil as raw material by transesterification was purified by column chromatography, then the composition of biodiesel was analyzed by gas chromatography, FTIR, GC-MS and 1H NMR. Column chromatography can separate the crude biodiesel into two fractions: petroleum ether eluted fraction (A1) and methanol eluted fraction (A2). Petroleum ether eluted fraction was mainly biodiesel fraction, which was produced from sorbifolia oil by transesterification, including methyl linoleate, methyl cis-9-octadecenoate and so on; methanol eluted fraction was mainly glycerol fraction, which came from the side reaction of transesterification.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
January 2011
Aquatic ecological carrying capacity is an effective method for analyzing sustainable development in regional water management. In this paper, an integrated approach is employed for assessing the aquatic ecological carrying capacity of Wujin District in the Tai Lake Basin, China. An indicator system is established considering social and economic development as well as ecological resilience perspectives.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
June 2010
A central challenge in systems biology today is to understand the network of interactions among biomolecules and, especially, the organizing principles underlying such networks. Recent analysis of known networks has identified small motifs that occur ubiquitously, suggesting that larger networks might be constructed in the manner of electronic circuits by assembling groups of these smaller modules. Using a unique process-based approach to analyzing such networks, we show for two cell-cycle networks that each of these networks contains a giant backbone motif spanning all the network nodes that provides the main functional response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMotivation: Chromatin states are the key to gene regulation and cell identity. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) coupled with high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is increasingly being used to map epigenetic states across genomes of diverse species. Chromatin modification profiles are frequently noisy and diffuse, spanning regions ranging from several nucleosomes to large domains of multiple genes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA designer monomeric protein with a beta alpha beta fold--two parallel beta strands connected by an alpha helix (see structure)--was constructed solely from coded amino acids. The high thermal stability of the structure is due to a large extent to tryptophan-tryptophan interactions between the two beta strands.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (cdk2) is a serine/threonine protein kinase that plays a key role in the cell cycle control system of all eukaryotic organisms. It has been a much studied drug target for potential anticancer therapy. Most cdk2 inhibitors in clinical development target almost exclusively the catalytic ATP-binding pocket of cdk2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHIV-1 manipulates cellular machineries such as cyclin dependent kinases (cdks) and their cyclin elements, to stimulate virus production and maintain latent infection. Specifically, the HIV-1 viral protein Tat increases viral transcription by binding to the TAR promoter element. This binding event is mediated by the phosphorylation of Pol II by complexes such as cdk9/Cyclin T and cdk2/Cyclin E.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe adapt a combinatorial optimization algorithm, extremal optimization (EO), for the search problem in computational protein design. This algorithm takes advantage of the knowledge of local energy information and systematically improves on the residues that have high local energies. Power-law probability distributions are used to select the backbone sites to be improved on and the rotamer choices to be changed to.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSci China C Life Sci
January 2008
Dmc1 (disrupted meiotic cDNA) is a functionally specific gene, which was firstly discovered in yeast and then found to encode a protein required for homologous chromosome synapsis during the process of meiosis. In this investigation, we cloned the partial cDNAs of Dmc1 of diploid red crucian carp, Japanese crucian carp, common carp, triploid crucian carp and allotetraploid hybrids by using a pair of degenerate primers based on the conservative sequence of amino acids of the DMC1 protein in yeast, mouse and human. The full length cDNAs were then obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE).
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