Publications by authors named "Chebotar' S"

Introduction: Emerging new races of leaf rust ( Eriks) are threatening global wheat ( L.) production. Identifying additional resistance genes from all available gene pools is crucial to expanding wheat resistance to these virulent leaf rust races.

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The big-scale sand smelt (Atherina boyeri) is an Atlanto-Mediterranean amphidromous fish species found within the Black Sea. Here, we assess differences in the parasite fauna of big-scale sand smelt populations from their natural range in the northwestern Black Sea and from their expansion range in the Lower and Middle River Dnipro. In addition, we undertook a microsatellite analysis to assess the genetic similarity of fish from the different locations.

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The -encoded γ-gliadins and non-coding γ-gliadin DNA sequences for 15 different alleles of common wheat have been compared using seven tests: electrophoretic mobility (EM) and molecular weight (MW) of the encoded major γ-gliadin, restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns (RFLPs) (three different markers), -γ-gliadin-pseudogene known SNP markers (Single nucleotide polymorphisms) and sequencing the pseudogene . It was discovered that encoded γ-gliadins, with contrasting EM, had similar MWs. However, seven allelic variants (designated from I to VII) differed among them in the other six tests: I (alleles , , , ), II (, , ), III (), IV (, , ), V (), VI () and VII ().

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The present study investigated the effect of four carvacrol ethers (propyl-, butyl, octyl- and benzyl) on the viability, level of dominant lethal mutations of Drosophila melanogaster and their influence on the multiplication of the nuclear genome in salivary gland cells. The fertility and viability of fruit flies were assessed after oral administration (0.05 % to culture medium) and inhalation exposure (5 mg per 1 cm of polyvinyl alcohol film) of compounds 1‒4 and initial carvacrol.

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The degree of dominance and the coefficient of heritability have been investigated as indicators of the allelic interaction at loci Rht8 and Rht-B1, which is characterized by the partial, complete or over dominance of greater plant height and by the low or medium heritability. Alleles with a weaker or without direct negative effect dominate under alleles reducing the plant height stronger. The impact of weather conditions on a change of the dominance is discussed.

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Investigations of the pleiotropic effects of GA-sensitive (Rht8) and GA-insensitive (Rht-B1, Rht-D1) dwarfing genes and a gene that determines the response of plants to photoperiod--Ppd-D1 were carried out for three years in the southern step region of Black Sea bank on five different genetic backgrounds. It is shown that in addition to direct effects on plant height GA-sensitive and GA-insensitive dwarfing genes have pleiotropic effects on all studied traits except the number of fertile spikelets. Presence of the dwarfing genes in the genotype of tall forms led to the decrease of stem and ear length, and at the same time to the increase of ear density.

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To study the genetic causes of successful biological invasion, haplotype diversity in the mtDNA cyt b locus was examined in populations of the round goby (Neogobius malanostomus (Pallas): (Gobidae, Piscs) from the Black Sea basin, which is considered tobe the main source of irruption. It was demonstrated that the haplotype diversity of this species was much higher than was assessed earlier. At the population level, a statistically significant association of haplotype diversity with the individual variation of plastic characters was established.

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Analysis of frost resistance and microsatellite analysis of the group-5 chromosomes were performed on parental varieties and recombinant-inbred lines F7 Luzanovka odesskaya/Odesskaya krasnokolosaya. Allelic differences for Xcfd7-5B Xwmc415-5B and Xgwm 182-5D microsatellite loci were associated with the level of frost resistance of the lines.

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In the south part of Ukraine the haplotype of Rht8c and Ppd-D1a genes is highly distributed among modern bread wheat varieties. During the time of breeding program it has been selected as one of the most important adaptive complex for plants of this region. Genetic distance between Rht8c and Ppd-D1a was clarified.

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Effects of the Rht8c, Rht-B1b, Rht-B1e and Rht-D1b genes on the plant height of wheat have been investigated. Variations of these effects are significantly modified by genetic background and year conditions. Complex of the alleles Rht8c Rht-B1a Rht-D1b Ppd-D1a is advantageous for the conditions of the South Ukraine region.

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Worldwide germplasm collections contain about 7.4 million accessions of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. One of the 10 largest ex situ genebanks of our globe is located at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research in Gatersleben, Germany.

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85 winter bread wheat varieties and lines that have been developed mostly in Ukraine were analyzed with NIR for parameters of hardness and protein content. The hardness data were compared with the data of puroindoline gene alleles analysis done earlier and the published data. Significant variation of parameters of hardness was revealed when there was low polymorphism of puroindoline genes indicating the presence of additional genes that influence the hardness parameters.

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Replacement of heart valves appears to be prevailing method of surgical correction of end stage valvular heart defects. Main drawback of contemporary artificial valves is lack of growth, potential for remodeling, and inclination to degeneration. To overcome these limitations the modern science in the last decade focuses on tissue engineering of valves as an alternative to their prostheses.

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During the last decade plant growth and development have been investigated at the molecular level. Plant specific family GRAS-proteins plays one of the key roles in the molecular mechanisms of this process. In this report we highlight the importance of DELLA-proteins and show the model ofgibberellin signalling pathway in plants that starts from the binding of biologically active gibberellic acid with receptor and DELLA-protein.

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The allelic characteristics of the Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 and Glu-A3 loci of 14 bread wheat varieties and 6 near-isogenic lines derived from Bezostaya 1 have been detected by PCR analysis. The conformity of molecular-genetic data and electrophoresis of storage proteins has been determined: the allelic variants of gliadins Gli-A1o and Gi-A1m correspond to the PCR-allele GliA1.2, the gliadin variants Gli-A1f, Gli-A1b, Gli-A1c correspond to the PCR-allele GliA 1.

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Thorough characterization of the genetic variability in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is important for a better improvement of this key crop and to increase cereal yield in the context of sustainable agriculture to face human needs in the next decades. To study the genetic variability of SSRs on wheat homoeologous group 3 chromosomes, we characterized 38 hexaploid and two tetraploid wheat lines using a set of 165 microsatellites that we cytogenetically assigned to the 17 deletion bins for chromosomes group 3.

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Resistance to frost, winterhardiness, yield and its components were investigated in recombinant-inbred lines F5 Odesskaya 16/Bezostaya 1 and 61 winter wheat varieties differing on the alleles of Rht8 gene. The absence of influence of gene Rht8 different alleles on the tested traits was shown. The high frequency of distribution of alleles Rht8c in modern wheat varieties developed in Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute is a result of high frequency of use of this allele in genetic pool after 1959.

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Varieties of winter common wheat widely used in breeding programmes for the period of 1912-2002 in Ukraine were investigated using both the microsatellite Xgwm261 marker linked with the gibberellin-sensitive dwarf gene Rht8 and the biochemical test for the sensitivity of seedlings to gibberellic acid. Allelic characteristics of the locus Xgwm261 have been determined for 97 varieties. Near 98% of the modern varieties of winter common wheat derived from Odessa breeding institute and 50% of the varieties derived from the Mironovka wheat institute possess the allel 192 n.

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Human activities like urbanisation, the replacement of traditional agriculture systems by modern industrial methods or the introduction of modern high-yielding varieties may pose a danger to the biological diversity. Using microsatellite markers, we analysed samples of cultivated wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) collected over an interval of 40-50 years in four comparable geographical regions of Europe and Asia.

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The genetic integrity of six accessions represented by 14 sub-populations of the open-pollinating species rye ( Secale cereale L.) was investigated. Seeds available from a herbarium collection (first regeneration) and from the cold store (most recent regeneration) were multiplied two to fourteen times and fingerprinted using microsatellite markers.

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The genetic integrity of four accessions of the cross-pollinating species rye (Secale cereale L.) was investigated. Seeds available from the first and most recent regeneration cycles, multiplied 8, 12 (twice) or 14 times were fingerprinted using microsatellite markers.

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Determination of the variety genotype is very important for the development of theory and practice of plant breeding and for right protection of a variety originator. In this reason attention is focused on the molecular markers generated by polymerase chain reaction. On the basis of STMS-analysis principles of identification and development of database, which reflect molecular-genetics peculiarities of some varieties of the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute and other Ukrainian breeding organizations, are formulated.

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In an apartment, bone fragments were found in a fireplace. Furthermore, a varnished skull was found elsewhere in the same apartment. The tenant confessed to a murder and stated that the head of a victim, a girl, was boiled for 12 hours.

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The use of codominant microsatellite molecular markers allows one to study the inheritance and distribution of alleles linked to important agronomic characters. A microsatellite locus WMS261 tightly linked to a dwarfing gene Rht8 was analyzed in wheat cultivars and selection material of the Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetics. PCR screening of common wheat cultivars produced in the southern Ukraine showed the prevalence of a 192-bp allele at locus WMS261 that indicates adaptive significance of a corresponding allele of the Rht8 gene in the southern regions.

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Based on RAPD and SSRP analysis of wheats of different ecological-geographical origin, the procedures for composing genetic formulas of cultivars and their certification have been elaborated. The application of RAPD and SSRP analysis to the identification of wheat cultivars is discussed.

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