Publications by authors named "Charlotte Johansen"

Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implantation in men with stress urinary incontinence post-radical prostatectomy and the complication burden with a focus on identifying potential risk factors for reoperation as well as determining the fate of revision surgeries.

Methods: Retrospective analysis of consecutive patients undergoing primary AUS (pAUS) and revision AUS (rAUS) implantation at a tertiary centre. Logistic regression was employed to identify risk factors for reoperation associated with non-mechanical failures.

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Hard to heal (HTH) wounds often result in a prolonged and painful healing process that affects different dimensions of patients' quality of life. Currently, there is no Danish patient-reported instrument to help professionals and patients identify and measure these different aspects of quality of life. Wound-quality of life (Wound-QoL) is a German 17-item questionnaire measuring dimensions of wound-specific quality of life.

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Pardaxin is a 33-amino-acid neurotoxin from the Red Sea Moses sole Pardachirus marmoratus, whose mode of action shows remarkable sensitivity to lipid chain length and charge, although the effect of pH is unclear. Here we combine optical spectroscopy and dye release experiments with laser scanning confocal microscopy and natural abundance (13)C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance to provide a more complete picture of how pardaxin interacts with lipids. The kinetics and efficiency of release of entrapped calcein is highly sensitive to pH.

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Background: The ionophoric coccidiostat salinomycin is widely used in chicken feed. In the near future the use of ionophore coccidiostats may be banned as has been the case for other antimicrobial growth promoters. This study was conducted to examine the effect of salinomycin on Campylobacter jejuni infection and on the composition of the caecal microflora in broiler chickens.

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The fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum produces quorum sensing signal molecules, N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs), which in several Gram-negative human and plant pathogenic bacteria regulate virulence factors. Expression of these factors can be blocked using specific quorum-sensing inhibitors (QSIs). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a QSI, furanone C-30, on mortality of rainbow trout during challenge with V.

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The microflora adhering to the processing equipment during production and after cleaning and disinfecting procedures was identified in four different processing plants. A total of 1009 microorganisms was isolated from various-agar plates and identified. A stepwise procedure using simple phenotypic tests was used to identify the isolates and proved a fast way to group a large collection of microorganisms.

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A presumed antimicrobial enzyme system, the Curvularia haloperoxidase system, was examined with the aim of evaluating its potential as a sanitizing agent. In the presence of hydrogen peroxide, Curvularia haloperoxidase facilitates the oxidation of halides, such as chloride, bromide, and iodide, to antimicrobial compounds. The Curvularia haloperoxidase system caused several-log-unit reductions in counts of bacteria (Pseudomonas spp.

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Egg white lysozyme significantly inhibited growth of Listeria monocytogenes Scott A in tryptic soy broth (TSB) at 5°C and 25°C. The inhibition, which was mainly seen as a prolonged lag phase, was enhanced when the pH was lowered from 7.2 to 5.

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