Publications by authors named "Charles West"

Background: Intra-operative electron radiotherapy (IOERT) directly delivers a large fraction of radiation to at-risk margins during surgery. However, the precise benefit of IOERT in patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent colorectal cancer (LACC/LRCC) is unclear. This study aimed to provide an updated summary of the current evidence available regarding IOERT as part of multi-modality treatment of LACC and LRCC.

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: Achieving evidence-based practice change in surgery has always been challenging, with many aspects of common clinical practice evolving through lower-level studies that are susceptible to bias and confounding rather than high-quality evidence. This challenge is even more pronounced in the setting of low-volume, high-complexity surgical oncology. Additionally, when the costs of interventions or technologies are high, designing and developing such studies within financially constrained national healthcare systems becomes even more complicated, potentially widening perceived healthcare inequalities between private and publicly funded systems.

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Bacteriophage WestPM is a siphoviral-like phage infecting isolated from environmental samples collected on Pensacola Beach, FL. The genome of this phage is 39,693 bp long and contains 59 predicted protein-coding genes and zero tRNA genes. Based on gene content similarity, WestPM is grouped in the actinobacteriophage EA11 subcluster.

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Conventional pelvic exenteration (PE) comprises the removal of all or most central pelvic organs and is established in clinical practise. Previously, tumours involving bone or lateral sidewall structures were deemed inoperable due to associated morbidity, mortality, and poor oncological outcomes. Recently however high-complexity PE is increasingly described and is defined as encompassing conventional PE with the additional resection of bone or pelvic sidewall structures.

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Objective: The empty pelvis syndrome (EPS) is common after pelvic exenteration (PE), causing fluid collections, bowel obstruction, perineal sinuses, and fistulas. The best approach to fill the pelvis to mitigate this remains controversial, and the impact of EPS on health-related quality of life (HrQoL) is unknown. This study is the first to begin to explore lived-experiences of EPS complications.

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Introduction: Chronic cancer-related pain from locally recurrent infiltrative cancers within the bony confines of the pelvis is a devastating and hard to manage condition that can be refractory to many conventional pain management methods. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an evolving and safe method of pain management and can be trialled in a quick and well-tolerated operation under local anaesthesia. To date, this has not been reported in the setting of locally recurrent inoperable pelvic cancers.

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Article Synopsis
  • Chronic radiation-induced arterial injury can often be predicted based on tumor types and where they are located in the body.
  • The case discussed involves a young patient who developed chronic aortic occlusion after receiving radiation treatment for Ewing sarcoma, leading to severe leg pain and failed endovascular treatment.
  • Successful surgical reconstruction of the aorta was achieved, emphasizing the lasting impacts of radiation on vascular health and the difficulties of surgery in previously irradiated areas.
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Few descriptions of using the femoral vein as an arterial replacement exist in the pediatric surgical literature. A 3-year-old child sustained a gunshot wound to the right subclavian artery, which resulted in ischemia to the upper extremity. The left femoral vein was harvested and used to reconstruct the subclavian artery.

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With the increase of the frequency and severity of flooding events, coupled with population growth, the risks posed to people from flooding is ever more apparent. This paper proposes a methodology to examine the risks posed to vehicles' occupants and pedestrians simultaneously in an urban context. Through considering stability functions of a range of vehicle types and pedestrian, a risk assessment profile for a vehicle occupant was derived.

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Volumetric muscle loss (VML) causes irrecoverable loss of muscle mass and strength and results in permanent disability. VML injury shows extensive fibrosis, which impedes functional tissue regeneration. Our lab has created a biosponge scaffold composed of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (i.

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Semiarid pasture management strategies can affect soil hydraulic and thermal properties that determine water fluxes and storage, and heat flow in unsaturated soils. We evaluated long-term (>10 years) perennial and annual semiarid pasture system effects on saturated hydraulic conductivity (), soil water retention curves (SWRCs), soil water thresholds (i.e.

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Groundwater is an essential resource for natural and human systems throughout the world and the rates at which aquifers are recharged constrain sustainable levels of consumption. However, recharge estimates from global-scale models regularly disagree with each other and are rarely compared to ground-based estimates. We compare long-term mean annual recharge and recharge ratio (annual recharge/annual precipitation) estimates from eight global models with over 100 ground-based estimates in Africa.

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Background: Alpine meadows, typical steppes, and deserts are among the globally important rangeland types that are generally distributed along temperature and precipitation gradients. Mineral losses caused by grazing are one of the key factors that can lead to instability or even degradation of these rangeland ecosystems.

Methods: We examined the concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in soil, forage, and livestock dungs from diverse rangeland types in northwest China, to determine the relationships between these trace elements (TEs) concentrations and climatic factors (i.

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Lack of precipitation and groundwater for irrigation limits crop production in semi-arid regions, such as the Southern High Plains (SHP). Advanced technologies, such as variable rate irrigation (VRI), can conserve water and improve water use efficiency for sustainable agriculture. However, the adoption of VRI is hindered by the lack of on-farm research focusing on the feasibility of VRI.

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This experiment evaluated forage quality, total nutrient yield, water footprint, and growth performance of beef steers receiving protein supplements while grazing Teff grass ['Tiffany' (Zucc.) Trotter] over two consecutive growing seasons. Each year, four 2.

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Volumetric muscle loss (VML) is the surgical or traumatic loss of skeletal muscle, which can cause loss of limb function or permanent disability. VML injuries overwhelms the endogenous regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle and results in poor functional healing outcomes. Currently, there are no approved tissue engineering treatments for VML injuries.

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There is a dearth of therapies that are safe and effective for the treatment of volumetric muscle loss (VML), defined as the surgical or traumatic loss of muscle tissue, resulting in functional impairment. To address this gap in orthopedic care, we developed a porous sponge-like scaffold composed of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (e.g.

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Effects of dried distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS) on ruminal fermentation, degradation kinetics, and feeding behavior of steers offered annual (Eragrostis tef; TEFF) or perennial (Bothriochloa bladhii; OWB) grass hay were evaluated. Ruminally cannulated Angus crossbred steers (n = 6; body weight [BW] = 304 ± 11 kg) were assigned to a 4 × 6 unbalanced Latin square design with four treatments arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial: hay type (OWB or TEFF) and DDGS supplementation (0% or 0.5% BW [dry matter {DM} basis]).

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The imminent depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer demands innovative cropping alternatives. Even though the benefits of cover crops are well recognized, adoption has been slow in the Southern High Plains (SHP) of the United States because of concerns that cover crops withdraw soil water to the detriment of the summer crops. This small plot experiment tested the interacting effects-production, soil water depletion of the cover crops, and subsequent teff [ (Zucc.

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Introduction: The lungs have three main fissures: the right oblique fissure (ROF), right horizontal fissure (RHF), and left oblique fissure (LOF). These can be complete, incomplete or absent; quantifying the degree of completeness of these fissures is novel. Standard textbooks often refer to the fissures as complete, but awareness of variation is essential in thoracic surgery.

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The objective of this study was to advance analytical methods for detecting oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) seepage from mining containments and discriminating any such seepage from the natural bitumen background in groundwaters influenced by the Alberta McMurray formation. Improved sampling methods and quantitative analyses of two groups of monoaromatic acids were employed to analyze OSPW and bitumen-affected natural background groundwaters for source discrimination. Both groups of monoaromatic acids showed significant enrichment in OSPW, while ratios of O/O containing heteroatomic ion classes of acid extractable organics (AEOs) did not exhibit diagnostic differences.

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Background: Addition of en bloc segmental venous reconstruction (VR) to pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) for venous involvement of pancreatic tumors increases the complexity of the operation and may increase complications. The long-term mesenteric venous patency rate and oncologic outcome has not been well defined.

Methods: Our prospective database was reviewed to assess 90-day postoperative outcomes for patients who underwent PD or PD + VR (September 2004-June 2016).

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