Publications by authors named "Charles Susanne"

The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the contribution of genetic factors on body configuration related phenotypes. The sample consisted of 119 Belgian nuclear families including 231 males and 229 females. Factor analysis with varimax rotation was carried out to analyse 13 length and circumference measures and the resulting two synthetic traits (LF and CF; linear and circumference factors, respectively) were used as summary variables.

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The major objective of this study was to determine the possible effects of common genetic and environmental factors among 18 craniofacial anthropometric traits, with special attention to the differences between skeletal and soft-tissue related phenotypes. The studied sample consisted of 122 nuclear families living in Brussels and included 251 males and 258 females aged from 13 to 72 years. Univariate and bivariate quantitative genetic analyses were performed using a variance components procedure implemented in SOLAR software.

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In this study we estimate relative genetic and environmental influences on head-related anthropometric phenotypes. The subject group consisted of 119 nuclear families living in Brussels, Belgium, and included 238 males and 236 females, ages 17 to 72 years. Two factor analyses with varimax rotation (the first one related to facial measurements and the second one to overall head morphology) were used to analyze 14 craniofacial size traits.

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Background: Growth retardation, delayed puberty and malnutrition are frequently observed in children suffering from cystic fibrosis.

Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate growth and nutritional status in children with cystic fibrosis on the basis of body proportions and body mass index.

Subjects And Methods: Anthropometric data were collected from the medical histories of 62 patients treated in three cystic fibrosis treatment centers in Poland.

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Background: Most studies of the growth of Turkish schoolchildren are limited to large cities and to subjects from high socio-economic background. Very little is known about growth and development of rural, suburban and low socio-economic children in Turkey.

Aim: The purpose of this study is to compare height and weight of school-aged children of low socio-economic background with available growth data from high socio-economic strata, and to verify the possible influences of three socio-demographic parameters on their growth.

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Though nowadays science means progress, for some people it means a moral danger. However, the progress should not be suppressed, and in every case, it should be controlled. These authors uphold that science and morality are closely linked and complementary.

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Genetic variance analysis of 13 head and facial traits is considered in samples of Northwest, Indian and Belgian twins. Modified t tests, based on the nested structure of twin data, indicate differences between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) mean values of bigonial diameter in Indian females and in Belgian males, i.e.

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