Publications by authors named "Chantel de Beer"

One of the most critical factors for implementing the sterile insect technique for the management of tsetse is the production of large quantities of highly competitive sterile males in the field. Several factors may influence the biological quality of sterile males, but optimizing the irradiation protocols to limit unwanted somatic cell damage could improve male performance. This study evaluated the effect of fractionation of gamma radiation doses on the fertility and flight quality of male Glossina palpalis gambiensis.

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Tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) are vectors of the tropical neglected diseases sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in animals. The elimination of these diseases is linked to control of the vector. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is an environment-friendly method that has been shown to be effective when applied in an area-wide integrated pest management approach.

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An area-wide integrated pest management strategy with a sterile insect technique (SIT) component requires a radiation source for the sterilisation of male insects. Self-contained gamma irradiators, which were exclusively used in past SIT programmes, are now facing increasing constraints and challenges due to stringent regulations. As a potential alternative, new generation high output X-ray irradiators have been proposed.

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Tsetse flies, the vectors of African trypanosomes are of key medical and economic importance and one of the constraints for the development of Africa. Tsetse fly control is one of the most effective and sustainable strategies used for controlling the disease. Knowledge about population structure and level of gene flow between neighbouring populations of the target vector is of high importance to develop appropriate strategies for implementing effective management programmes.

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Tsetse flies are the cyclical vectors of African trypanosomes and one of several methods to manage this vector is the sterile insect technique (SIT). The ability to determine the sex of tsetse pupae with the objective to separate the sexes before adult emergence has been a major goal for decades for tsetse management programmes with an SIT component. Tsetse females develop faster and pharate females inside the pupae melanise 1-2 days before males.

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The sterile insect technique (SIT) is based on the inundatory field release of a target pest following their reproductive sterilization via exposure to radiation. Until recently, gamma irradiation from isotopic sources has been the most widely used in SIT programs. As isotopic sources are becoming increasingly expensive, especially for small programs, and regulations surrounding their procurement and shipment increasingly strict, irradiation capacity is one of the limiting factors in smaller or newly developing SIT projects.

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Article Synopsis
  • A new method for identifying Glossina species is crucial for controlling Human and Animal African Trypanosomiasis without relying on a few experts.
  • Current techniques like DNA barcoding and mass spectrometry are expensive and not well-suited for fieldwork.
  • The study introduces a cost-effective method using Wing Interference Patterns (WIPs) with a deep learning model, showing high accuracy in recognizing 23 Glossina species using standard microscopes.
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Article Synopsis
  • The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a non-invasive pest control method that involves releasing irradiated male insects to mate with wild females, preventing offspring and reducing pest populations.
  • Research on tsetse flies shows that their infection rates with Trypanosoma, which causes diseases like sleeping sickness, vary across Africa, with higher rates in eastern and central regions compared to western Africa.
  • The study found a correlation between the presence of Sodalis bacteria and Trypanosoma infections in certain tsetse species, suggesting that these bacteria may influence the flies' ability to transmit the infection.
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Background: Glossina austeni and Glossina brevipalpis (Diptera: Glossinidae) are the sole cyclical vectors of African trypanosomes in South Africa, Eswatini and southern Mozambique. These populations represent the southernmost distribution of tsetse flies on the African continent. Accurate knowledge of infested areas is a prerequisite to develop and implement efficient and cost-effective control strategies, and distribution models may reduce large-scale, extensive entomological surveys that are time consuming and expensive.

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The Joint FAO/IAEA Centre (formerly called Division) of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture was established in 1964 and its accompanying laboratories in 1961. One of its subprograms deals with insect pest control, and has the mandate to develop and implement the sterile insect technique (SIT) for selected key insect pests, with the goal of reducing the use of insecticides, reducing animal and crop losses, protecting the environment, facilitating international trade in agricultural commodities and improving human health. Since its inception, the Insect Pest Control Laboratory (IPCL) (formerly named Entomology Unit) has been implementing research in relation to the development of the SIT package for insect pests of crops, livestock and human health.

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An area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) strategy with a sterile insect technique (SIT) component has been proposed for the management of African animal trypanosomosis (AAT) in South Africa. In preparation for the SIT, the mating performance of colony reared males under influencing factors such as radiation dose and the development stage that is exposed to radiation, was assessed under laboratory and semi-field conditions. The radiation sensitivity of colonized 37 years ago when treated as adults and late-stage pupae was determined.

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The effective control of tsetse flies (Diptera; Glossinidae), the biological vectors of trypanosome parasites that cause human African trypanosomosis and African animal trypanosomosis throughout sub-Saharan Africa, is crucial for the development of productive livestock systems. The degree of genetic isolation of the targeted populations, which indicate reinvasion potential from uncontrolled areas, will be critical to establish a control strategy. Molecular and morphometrics markers were used to assess the degree of genetic isolation between seemingly fragmented populations of Glossina brevipalpis Newstead and Glossina austeni Newstead present in South Africa.

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African animal trypanosomosis (AAT) is caused by several species of the genus Trypanosoma, a parasitic protozoan infecting domestic and wild animals. One of the major effects of infection with pathogenic trypanosome is anaemia. Currently, the control policies for tsetse and trypanosomosis are less effective in South Africa.

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Background: Insight into the factors that regulate the circadian host-seeking flight activity of Culicoides vectors (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) will be of importance to assess the risk of transmission of Culicoides-borne pathogens. This study aimed to determine the impact of temperature and humidity on the flight activity of Culicoides imicola Kieffer, and other livestock associated Culicoides species, under both laboratory and field conditions.

Methods: Batches of 500 field-collected C.

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Background: Area-wide integrated pest management strategies that include a sterile insect technique component have been successfully used to eradicate tsetse fly populations in the past. To ensure the success of the sterile insect technique, the released males must be adequately sterile and be able to compete with their native counterparts in the wild.

Methodology/principal Findings: In the present study the radiation sensitivity of colonised Glossina brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera; Glossinidae) males, treated either as adults or pupae, was assessed.

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One of the challenges to maintain tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) colonies is the sustainable supply of high quality blood meals. The effect of using anticoagulants during collection of the blood, the addition of phagostimulants to the blood meals as well as using mixtures of bovine and porcine blood in different proportions for feeding on colony productivity was assessed. Defibrinated bovine blood was found to be suitable to maintain both the Glossina brevipalpis Newstead and Glossina austeni Newstead colonies.

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An unpredicted outbreak of African animal trypanosomosis or nagana in 1990 in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal necessitated an emergency control programme, utilising the extensive cattledipping system in the area, as well as a reassessment of the tsetse and trypanosomosis problem in the province. Since 1990, sporadic blood sampling of cattle at the dip tanks in the naganainfested areas were undertaken to identify trypanosome species involved and to determine the infection prevalence in cattle. The distribution and species composition of the tsetse populations in the area were also investigated.

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Background: For the control of Glossina brevipalpis and Glossina austeni that occur in South Africa an area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) program with a sterile insect technique (SIT) component has been proposed. The quality of the released sterile male tsetse flies will greatly determine the success of the SIT component of the programme. Sterile males need to be able to compete with wild males immediately after their release in the affected area.

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The northern KwaZulu-Natal (NKZN) region of South Africa is the southern limit of the African tsetse belt. Entomological information on Glossina brevipalpis and Glossina austeni was generated following the outbreak of trypanosomosis in cattle in 1990. However, these data have not been supported by parallel studies on epidemiology of the disease and therefore there has been no control policy in place.

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Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) are pests in the livestock and labour-intensive farming systems along the major rivers in South Africa. Since 1995, blackflies have been controlled in the Orange River with the larvicide Bacillus thuringienses var. israelensis (Bti).

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