Publications by authors named "Changhua Xu"

() infection is a widespread gastric infectious disease, posing significant challenges due to the increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance. This study aimed to evaluate the synergistic antibacterial activity of skin peptides (TSPs) and the cell-free supernatant of (LCFS) in developing a potential green and efficient dietary supplement therapy. Using enzymatic hydrolysis and ultrafiltration techniques, the most bioactive peptide fraction, TSPb (1-3 kDa), was identified.

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Introduction: Anxiety-like insomnia is a known risk factor for the onset and worsening of certain neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. Due to the adverse effects of current anti-insomnia medications, such as drug dependence and limited safety, researchers are actively exploring natural bioactive compounds to mitigate anxiety-like insomnia with fewer side effects. Mackerel (), a traditional Chinese medicine, is known for its tonic effects and is commonly used to treat neurasthenia.

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This study aimed to identify novel umami peptides in and investigate their umami enhancing effect. We virtually screened 155 potential umami peptides from the ultrasound-assisted hydrolysate according to values, iUmami-SCM, Umami_YYDS, and Tastepeptides_DM models, and molecular docking. Five peptides (AGKNTNGSQF, DEAVARGATF, REESDFQSSF, SEETTTGVHH, and WNNDAFQSSTN) were synthesized for sensory evaluation and kinetic analysis.

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Given that current androgenetic alopecia (AGA) medications have adverse effects such as sexual dysfunction and drug dependence, researchers are actively exploring natural bioactive ingredients and innovative approaches (e.g., transdermal drug delivery systems) to effectively combat hair loss with minimal side effects.

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Given that protein peptide powders (PPPs) from different biological sources were inherited with diverse healthcare functions, which aroused adulteration of PPPs. A high-throughput and rapid methodology, united multi-molecular infrared (MM-IR) spectroscopy with data fusion, could determine the types and component content of PPPs from seven sources as examples. The chemical fingerprints of PPPs were thoroughly interpreted by tri-step infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and the defined spectral fingerprint region of protein peptide, total sugar, and fat was 3600-950 cm, which constituted MIR finger-print region.

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Pathological hair loss (also known as alopecia) and shortage of hair follicle (HF) donors have posed an urgent requirement for HF regeneration. With the revelation of mechanisms in tissue engineering, the proliferation of HFs in vitro has achieved more promising trust for the treatments of alopecia and other skin impairments. Theoretically, HF organoids have great potential to develop into native HFs and attachments such as sweat glands after transplantation.

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To solve the lack of rapid and accurate methods for allergen identification and traceability, an infrared spectroscopic chemometric analytical model (IR-CAM) was established by combining infrared spectroscopy with principal component and cluster analysis. By comparing the second derivative infrared (SD-IR) spectra of 5 proteins and 14 crustaceans and shellfish tropomyosin (TM), 8 shared peaks and unique fingerprint peaks in the amide III region were found for crabs, shrimps, and shellfish. Based on the unique fingerprint peaks coexisting with shared peaks, allergen TM in crustaceans and shellfish could be identified within 10 min (cf.

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Environmental and sustainability issues have received increasing attention in recent years. As a natural biopolymer, chitosan has been developed as a sustainable alternative to traditional chemicals such as food preservation, food processing, food packaging, and food additives due to its abundant functional groups and excellent biological functions. This review analyzes and summarizes the unique properties of chitosan, with a particular focus on the mechanism of action for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

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Due to the high addiction and side effects of medicines, people have increasingly inclined to natural and healthy peptides to improve sleep. Herein, we isolated novel peptides with sleep-promoting ability from bone peptides (PBPs) and constructed an insomniac zebrafish model as a demonstration, incorporating behavioral and transcriptomic approaches to reveal the sleep-promoting effect and mechanism of PBPs. Specifically, a sequential targeting isolation approach was developed to refine and identify a peptide with remarkable sleep-promoting activity, namely TG7 (Tyr-Gly-Asn-Pro-Trp-Glu-Lys).

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In this study, the effect of temperature fluctuations on the taste quality of tilapia fillets during frozen storage was investigated. Major temperature-responsive factors included free amino acids (FAAs) and flavor nucleotides in fish fillets, which were identified using multidimensional infrared spectroscopy (MM-IR). The main FAA in tilapia fillets is a sweet amino acid (glycine).

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The effects of condiment (salt) and processing technic (homogenization) on digestion and interfacial properties of micro/nano-sized colloidal particles (MNCPs) in bigeye tuna head soup (BTHS) using simulated gastrointestinal digestion model were investigated. For MNCPs in BTHS, the triglycerides were wrapped with proteins in the form of a ring. After salting, the average particle size of the MNCPs in salted BTHS (SBTHS) decreased compared with BTHS.

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A robust data fusion strategy integrating Tri-step infrared spectroscopy (IR) with electronic nose (E-nose) was established for rapid qualitative authentication and quantitative evaluation of red wines using Cabernet Sauvignon as an example. The chemical fingerprints of four types of wines were thoroughly interpreted by Tri-step IR, and the defined spectral fingerprint region of alcohol and sugar was 1200-950 cm. The wine types were authenticated by IR-based principal component analysis (PCA).

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Background: Although exogenous and endogenous formaldehyde in squid has led to severe health threat, an in-depth study on natural edible scavengers for formaldehyde in squid is still lacking.

Results: Response surface methodology (RSM) combined with experimental verification approaches was applied to obtain an optimal 'recipe' to achieve formaldehyde removal rate of >85%: 6 mg mL tea polyphenols, 20 mg mL chitosan, 3:2 (v/v) tea polyphenols and chitosan, a pH value of 3 and 60 min treatment time. Apart from the capability of removing formaldehyde, the scavenger derived from natural food exhibited a significant preservation effect (extension of preservation time up to 40%) on squid during chilled storage, and was safe and environmentally friendly.

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Deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination in wheat flour induces a number of adverse health effects to consumers and livestock, even at very low concentrations. Direct detection methods for massive screening of DON in wheat flour is still lacking. A new methodology integrating multi-molecular infrared spectroscopy (MM-IR) with two-trace two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2T-2DCOS) was developed for in-situ qualitative and quantitative determination of DON in wheat flour as a whole.

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The aim was to unveil the generation and variation rule of the main taste components in braised broth for 10 quantitative repeated braising cycles. The major taste compounds of three groups (MS, broth cooked with meat and spices; M, broth cooked with meat; and S, broth cooked with spices) were systematically analyzed by the state-of-art chromatography and electronic sensory technology. As braising cycles progressed, contents of free 5'-nucleotides and amino acids were increased in MS and M, while those nucleotides were not detected in S.

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Fluorescent brighteners, illegally used to whitening wheat flour, are detrimental to people health. The aim was to establish a rapid and direct method to identify and quantify fluorescent whitening agent OB-1 (FWA OB-1) in wheat flour by using multi-molecular infrared (MM-IR) spectroscopy combined with stereomicroscopy. Characteristic peak profile of FWA OB-1 used as a judgment basis was spatially revealed by stereomicroscopy with group-peak matching of MM-IR at 1614 cm, 1501 cm and 893 cm and were further unveiled by the second derivative infrared spectroscopy (SD-IR) and its two-dimensional correlation infrared (SD-2DCOS IR) spectroscopy for higher resolution, and were validated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

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We investigated the effect of temporary rearing in brackish water on the taste quality in meat of crab cooked. The main salinity-responsive factors included 5'-nucleotides and free amino acids (FAAs) in crab meat that were identified using tri-step infrared spectroscopy. Compared to the fresh water group, the contents of 5'-adenosine monophosphate and 5'-inosine monophosphate in the brackish water group significantly increased in the 2nd week and decreased in the 6th week, respectively.

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Simultaneously rapid detection of trace adulterants in the complex systems of food without extraction is considered highly challenging. Herein, a high-throughput and rapid methodology, multi-molecular infrared (MM-IR) spectroscopy was developed for simultaneous detection of multiple trace adulterants in food. Flour was applied to demonstrate the capabilities of MM-IR with spatial resolution, spectral qualitative and quantitative analysis.

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The formation and transformation mechanisms of micro-nano particles (MNPs) in broth during meat braising were systematically investigated through a sophisticated controlled process. Dynamic changes in the morphology, composition and spatial distribution of MNPs were comprehensively characterized, and subsequently the mechanisms were visually uncovered from microcosmic-spatial perspectives. MNPs formed as circular-shape colloidal systems with an aggrandizing tendency for particle number and size and gradually stabilize eventually.

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Background: With significant clinical effects, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been attracting increasing interest of the world's scientific community. However, TCM contains immense amounts of chemical components. It is a great challenge to objectively evaluate the correlation between the in vivo process and the therapeutic effect of TCM.

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We have developed a novel approach that involves inception-resnet network (IRN) modeling based on infrared spectroscopy (IR) for rapid and specific detection of the fish allergen parvalbumin. SDS-PAGE and ELISA were used to validate the new method. Through training and learning with parvalbumin IR spectra from 16 fish species, IRN, support vector machine (SVM), and random forest (RF) models were successfully established and compared.

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Direct exploration to differences between normal hair (NH) and alopecic hair (AH) at different degeneration stages is still lacking. To reveal compositional and structural variation of AH with reference to NH internally and externally, infrared spectroscopic imaging combined with scanning electron microscopy was applied to investigate integral changes of hair chemical profiles and surface texture structures, and infrared macro-fingerprinting analysis revealed detailed chemical compositions of NH and AH. Results showed that AH had excessive irregular laminated structures compared to NH, leading to a lower weight bearing capacity.

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A rapid, specific, and sensitive analysis for simultaneous determination of fourteen components (daidzein, fermononetin, apigenin, luteolin, puerarin, ononin, calycosin-7-O--D-glucoside, tanshinol, rosmarinic acid, alkanoic acid, salvianolic acid B, berberine, jatrorrhizin, and palmatine) of Yigan Jiangzhi formula (YGJZF, a clinical experienced formula for damp-heat syndrome) in rat plasma was developed and validated using ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Lower limit of quantitation ranged from 0.2-10.

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The aim of this study was to establish rapid and efficient methods based on a Tri-step infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) integrated with second derivative infrared spectroscopy (SD-IR) and two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy (2DCOS-IR)) and computer vision technology to identify and evaluate the quality of three Chinese dry-cured hams (Jinhua, Xuanwei and Rugao hams). 9 dry-cured hams (3 different quality grades of each geographical origin) had similar IR spectra. Nevertheless, they could be further discriminated visually by SD-IR and 2DCOS-IR spectra.

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Mid-infrared (MIR) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics were explored to classify Cabernet Sauvignon wines from different countries (Australia, Chile and China). Commercial wines (n = 540) were scanned in transmission mode using MIR and NIR, and their characteristic fingerprint bands were extracted at 1750-1000 cm and 4555-4353 cm. Through the identification system of Tri-step infrared spectroscopy, the correlation between macroscopic chemical fingerprints and geographical regions was explored more deeply.

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