Publications by authors named "Chaitra Tr"

Dentine adhesives have demonstrated great success with permanent teeth. Though the results in primary teeth are not well documented, some studies have demonstrated lower values of bond strength in primary teeth than those found in permanent teeth. The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate the effect of grape seed extract (6.

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Aims: This study aims to examine the accuracy and comparative correlation of three regression equation-based mixed dentition analysis in children of Moradabad city, North Uttar Pradesh.

Settings And Design: Tanaka-Johnston, Bernabe-Flores-Mir, and Ling-Wong regression equations were developed from a sample of North European, Peru, and Southern Chinese children population, respectively. Hence, it becomes questionable when applied to children of Moradabad city situated in North Uttar Pradesh, India.

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Objective: To compare the effect of different endodontic irrigants on microleakage of adhesives used within pulp chamber of primary molars.

Study Design: 72 Primary molars were divided into 6 groups, according to 3 irrigants and 2 adhesives used. After de-roofing the pulp chamber, pulp was extirpated.

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Aim: To assess the applicability of two regression equations based on mixed dentition analysis and to propose and evaluate a new regression equation using the mandibular incisors and first permanent molars as predictors in calculating the size of unerupted permanent canines and premolar teeth in school children.

Methods: Dental study casts of 100 children (50 males and 50 females) aged 11-14 years from schools situated in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India were used. The analysis of Tanaka Johnston, Bernabe Flores-Mir and the proposed equation were tested on the casts.

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Background: Child abuse continues to be a social menace causing both physical and emotional trauma to benevolent children. Census has shown that nearly 50-75% of child abuse include trauma to mouth, face, and head. Thus, dental professionals are in strategic position to identify physical and emotional manifestations of abuse.

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Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of 3 different obturation techniques; motor driven lentulospiral, hand held lentulospiral and reamer in primary anterior teeth and presence of voids by analyzing with CBCT.

Study Design: 60 single rooted extracted primary teeth were prepared and obturated with ZOE paste. Obturation methods were divided into three groups.

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Background And Aim: The aim of the present study is to compare the effect of corticotomy versus prostaglandin E1 injection in human subjects on rate of tooth movement, anchorage loss and their effect on crest bone height and root length.

Settings And Design: Clinical interventional study. Split mouth design was used.

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Background: Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid, a new denomination of cicatricial pemphigoid, encompasses a group of chronic subepithelial autoimmune blistering diseases that predominantly affect the oral cavity and the eyes (conjunctivitis and symblepharon).

Case Details: A rare case of Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid (MMP) in a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patient is discussed with clinicohistopathological presentation.

Conclusion: Since our patient was HIV-positive and had lesions restricted to the oral mucosa with ocular involvement, only topical and intralesional steroids were preferred as the first line of treatment.

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Here, we report a case of 10-year-old boy who came with a complaint of missing upper front teeth and was also concerned about his aesthetics. Significant history of trauma was present in his toddler period. Diagnosis of malformed upper right central incisor (11) by radiological investigations was carried out.

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We are reporting a rare case of missing teeth in primary dentition. The case reported with the chief complaint of missing teeth in the lower front tooth region. The concern of the parents was missing primary teeth but they were also worried about the permanent successors.

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A rare case of Papillon-Lefevre syndrome is discussed with clinicoradiological presentation. The purpose of the case report is to make the medical community aware of this rare syndrome and its association with consanguinity. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome is an extremely rare genodermatosis of autosomal-recessive inheritance which usually manifests itself between the ages of 6 months to 4 years characterised by diffuse palmoplanter hyperkeratosis (keratoderma), and rapidly progressive and devastating periodontitis, affecting the primary as well as permanent dentition.

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Aim: To compare the efficacy of three caries removal techniques namely: Papacarie(®), calcium hydroxide and rotary instruments by SEM analyses of the micro-morphology of residual dentine and resin tags at resin-dentine interface.

Methods: 45 extracted human permanent molar teeth, with occlusal caries extending up to dentine, were divided into two groups (Group 1 and 2) and each group was subdivided into three subgroups: subgroup A included teeth treated with conventional rotary method, subgroup B and C included those treated with calcium hydroxide and Papacarie(®) respectively. Group 1 samples were prepared for viewing the micro-morphology of residual dentine (2000x and 5000x) and Group 2 samples were filled with composite resin and analysed for resin tag formation (1000x) under SEM.

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Aim: To determine the calcium, phosphorus and pH levels of human dental plaque after consuming different dairy products.

Methods: 68 students (34 with caries and 34 caries-free) aged 17-20 years from a private dental college, Moradabad city, who agreed to refrain from oral hygiene procedures for 48 hours were selected for the study. Calcium and phosphorus levels of harvested dental plaque were measured using an electrolyte analyser while plaque pH was measured using a digital pH meter after consuming different dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt) and compared with the control (paraffin) group.

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The goal of modern dentistry is to manage non-cavitated carious lesions non-invasively through remineralization in an attempt to prevent disease progression, and to improve strength, esthetics, and function of teeth. The emphasis currently is being given to new technologies for enamel remineralization which suggest the changes in the understanding of dental caries. The aim of this paper is to review the contemporary non-fluoridated systems available for remineralization therapy and ideas for their implementation into clinical practice.

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Macrophages are key players of the immune system and express a variety of surface receptors. CD163 is one such receptor which belongs to the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich super family (SRCR-SF) class B. It has four isoforms which differ in the structure of their cytoplasmic domains and putative phosphorylation sites.

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The long-term success of the reimplanted teeth is related to the maintenance of periodontal ligament (PDL) cell viability. Dental tissues are unique in comparison to most other tissues in the body due to their marked capacity for regeneration. Understanding the circumstances leading to repair and regeneration in oral tissues has been a formidable challenge.

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Objective: Preventive procedures using pit and fissure sealants are one of the important aspects of pediatric dental practice. The objectives of this in vitro study were to comparatively evaluate microleakage and resin tag penetration of a flowable resin used as a sealant on molars after preparation with Conventional, Enameloplasty and Fissurotomy techniques.

Method: A total of 48 teeth were divided into 3 groups (n-16).

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Children under the age of 5 years generally spend most of their time with their parents and guardians, especially mothers, even when they attend pre-schools or nurseries. It has been found that young children's oral health maintenance and outcomes are influenced by their parent's knowledge and beliefs. This study was done to assess the mother's knowledge about the oral health of their pre-school children in Moradabad, India.

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