While discussing the diagnostic value of the single channel electrocardiogram a set of theoretical considerations emerges inevitably, one of the most important among them is the question about dependence of the electrocardiogram parameters from the direction of electrical axis of heart. In other words, changes in what of electrocardiogram parameters are in fact liable to reflect pathological processes in myocardium, and what ones are determined by extracardiac factors, primarily by anatomic characteristics of patients. It is arguable that while analyzing electrocardiogram it is necessary to orient to such physiologically based informative indexes as ST segment displacement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis methodological work is the first part of series of papers dedicated to the modern perspective method of non-invasive diagnostics in cardiology--magnetocardiography. Definition of magnetocardiography method is given, levels of magnetocardiography data analysis as well as electrophysiological models are described. The most informative biomarkers and technologies of qualitative and quantitative interpretation of current density distribution maps and curves of total current magnitude are presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe peculiarities of the genesis of electrocardiosignal under myocardial ischemia in connection with an increase of its electrical inhomogeneity, as well as the electrophysiological mechanisms of morphological changes of the T wave of the electrocardiogram, including its "symmetrization" have been considered. A systemic approach to the problem has been used, which combines the mathematical, computer, and physiological modeling of the cardiac electrical activity with studies of the electric field of the human heart in terms of biophysical models. A database for the repolarization parameters of experimental electrocardiosignals ("Norm" and "Ischemia" samples) has been formed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe results of experimental development of the use of Quercitrol, the inhibitor of leukotrienes, and helium-neon laser acupuncture for the treatment of antiinflammatory operative neuroma decelerating the process of neural tissue regeneration are presented. The positive data of the experiments have been confirmed in the clinic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArkh Anat Gistol Embriol
March 1991
Histologically and morphometrically structural transformations in the popliteal and iliac medial lymph nodes have been studied in dogs at plasty of their ischiatic nerve by means of a cryopreserved allotransplant. In one week after the operation in the popliteal and in one month in the iliac nodes appear and then develop further certain reactions in B-dependent areas. In 4-12 weeks after the nerve transplantation certain statistically significant changes are noted in the thymus-dependent zone of the iliac medial lymph nodes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA correlation between electrophysiological and morphological indices during reinnervation of the gastrocnemius muscle in the experimental alloneuroplastics of the sciatic nerve defect by the cryopreserved graft was determined. Data obtained show that the alloneuroplastics can provide axon regeneration and restoration of the operated limb function.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVarious injuries to the sciatic nerve were modelled in experiments on 60 rats and 27 dogs to study the effect of paraaminomethylbenzoic acid on its regeneration; the efficacy of amben was compared with that of other agents used widely for the treatment of injuries to nerves. It was found that amben acts on the connective tissue of the neural scar and creates favourable conditions for growth of axons from the central to the peripheral stump of the injured nerve and accelerated their maturation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOrtop Travmatol Protez
March 1989
The authors have analysed the results of surgical treatment of 63 patients with consequences of traumatic injuries of the nerves of the lower extremities. Characteristic peculiarities of the injuries of the nerves of the lower extremities are noted. The possibilities of reconstructive microsurgery in the treatment of severe traumatic lesions in this contingent of the patients are demonstrated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArkh Anat Gistol Embriol
January 1989
Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol
September 1988
In the experiment, performed on dogs ultrastructure of the ischiatic nerve allograft, preserved in liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees) has been studied. In 7 days after the operation in the transplanted piece of the nerve trunk certain phenomena, similar to the Wallerian degeneration are noted, while viability of neurilemma cells is preserved. Processes of second degeneration are mainly completed by the end of the first month after the operation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko
February 1989
It is shown in experiments on 36 dogs that two-stage microsurgical autoneuroplasty with subsequent administration of an inhibitor of proteolytic enzymes (aminocaproic acid), an antioxidant (tocopherol acetate) and heparin makes it possible to realize more fully the histoblastic potencies of tissues which are components of the injured nerve and the graft. This circumstance leads to the improvement of the morphofunctional results of sciatic nerve restoration after its experimental injury.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko
October 1987
It was demonstrated in experiments on 24 dogs that microsurgical epineurectomy of a cryopreserved peripheral nerve improves the results of neuroplasty due to acceleration and increase of graft revascularization. From application of the developed method in 12 patients it was concluded that microsurgical alloneuroplasty with a cryopreserved graft may be the method of choice in cases in which autoplasty cannot be performed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA correlation between morphological and electrophysiological indices in the experimental alloneuroplastic of the sciatic nerve defect by the cryopreserved graft was determined. Data obtained permit recommending alloneuroplastic by cryopreserved graft for treatment of the peripheral nerve damage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArkh Anat Gistol Embriol
January 1987