Publications by authors named "Cesarini C"

Background: Research on fecal microbiota changes during hospitalization of horses with colic is emerging.

Objectives: Describe changes of the fecal microbiota during hospitalization of horses with colic caused by inflammatory (INFL), simple (SIMPLE), and strangulated (STR) obstructions, and investigate associations with survival.

Animals: Twenty-three horses with colic: 9 in INFL, 5 in STR, and 9 in SIMPLE groups.

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Hypoglycin A and methylenecyclopropylglycine are protoxins responsible for atypical myopathy in equids. These protoxins are converted into toxins that inhibit fatty acid -oxidation, leading to blood accumulation of acylcarnitines and toxin conjugates, such as methylenecyclopropylacetyl-carnitine. The enzymes involved in this activation are also present in some prokaryotic cells, raising questions about the potential role of intestinal microbiota in the development of intoxication.

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Article Synopsis
  • * They studied blood samples from 263 horses, including those with AM, healthy horses grazing together, and others with colic, and found some key differences in their blood that could help identify AM.
  • * The researchers discovered that younger geldings (castrated male horses) had a lower risk of getting AM, and a specific type of blood marker could help tell if a horse with AM would survive.
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The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical significance of fecal quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) results when taking the cycle threshold values (Ct) into account. The study included 120 qPCR-positive fecal samples obtained from 88 hospitalized horses over a 2-year period. The mean Ct of the qPCR test was evaluated in regard to (1) clinical outcome and (2) systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) status (no SIRS, moderate SIRS, or severe SIRS) of the sampled horses.

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Different blood gas analyzers are used in equine practice. Every machine needs to be validated, as they have not been designed for use in horses. The aim of this study was to compare the newly marketed GEM5000 machine to the formerly validated epoc machine for blood gas analysis in horses.

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Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been used empirically for decades in equine medicine to treat intestinal dysbiosis but evidence-based information is scarce. This in vitro study aimed at assessing the effect of a commonly used pre-FMT processing method on the bacterial composition and viability of the fecal filtrate. Three samples of fresh equine manure (T) were processed identically: the initial manure was mixed with 1 L of lukewarm water and chopped using an immersion blender to obtain a mixture (T), which was left uncovered during 30 min (T) and percolated through a sieve to obtain a fecal filtrate (T).

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Equine atypical myopathy (AM) is caused by hypoglycin A (HGA) and methylenecyclopropylglycine (MCPG) intoxication resulting from the ingestion of seeds or seedlings of some tree species. Interestingly, not all horses pasturing in the same toxic environment develop signs of the disease. In other species, it has been shown that the intestinal microbiota has an impact on digestion, metabolism, immune stimulation and protection from disease.

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Lawsonia intracellularis (LI) is an obligate intracellular gram-negative rod causing equine proliferative enteropathy (EPE). Occasional cases of EPE have been reported in foals living in Belgium, but the seroprevalence of equine LI in this country is unknown. The target population included clinically healthy adult horses, whose blood samples were collected and analyzed for specific IgG antibodies against LI using a blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test.

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Background: Omeprazole administration is associated with changes in gastric and fecal microbiota and increased incidence of Clostridioides difficile enterocolitis in humans and dogs.

Hypothesis/objectives: Study purpose was to assess the effect of omeprazole on gastric glandular and fecal microbiota in healthy adult horses.

Animals: Eight healthy horses stabled on straw and fed 100% haylage.

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Objective: To assess whether an oral direct factor Xa inhibitor (DiXaI) anticoagulant drug used at the low end of the recommended dose in people achieves presumed prophylactic plasma concentrations and does not induce bleeding in horses.

Design: Experimental study.

Setting: Field study.

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Reasons For Performing Study: Acid-base imbalances observed in human paediatric patients are associated with outcome. Likewise, neonatal foals may have different acid-base imbalances associated with diagnosis or prognosis.

Objectives: To determine acid-base imbalances by the quantitative method in ill neonatal foals and assess their association with diagnosis and prognosis.

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Background: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is frequent in horses with severe gastrointestinal disorders. Postmortem studies have found fibrin microthrombi in tissues of these horses, but studies relating these histopathological findings with antemortem hemostatic data are lacking.

Hypothesis: Antemortem classification of coagulopathy is related to the presence and severity of fibrin deposits observed postmortem in horses with severe gastrointestinal disorders.

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Objective: To assess the progression of plasma D-dimer concentrations and coagulation status in horses with different types of colic.

Design: Prospective clinical observational study performed between March 2004 and September 2008.

Setting: Veterinary university teaching hospital.

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Objectives: To determine if plasma iron concentration is different between horses with and without systemic inflammation (SI) and to assess the accuracy for the detection of SI by assaying plasma iron and fibrinogen concentrations, individually or combined. To assess the prognostic value of plasma iron concentration and to describe the progression of plasma iron and fibrinogen concentrations during hospital follow-up, and its relation to SI and survival.

Design: Prospective observational study evaluating plasma iron and fibrinogen.

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At Nice university hospital, an educational board game has been designed by the kidney transplant team for patients suffering from kidney failure. Hilarein is a tool to support therapeutic education which demonstrates that it is possible to learn while having fun.

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Background: Sick neonatal foals suffer from a variety of endocrine and metabolic derangements that may be related to outcome. There are several hepatic and lipid metabolism blood markers that have never been assessed in neonatal foals.

Objectives: Assess panel of endocrine and metabolic variables in group of sick and healthy neonatal foals in order to describe their relationship with diagnosis and survival.

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Reasons For Performing The Study: Bacterial meningoencephalitis is a severe complication in septic foals and there is scarce and often unclear information in the equine literature.

Objectives: To report the most frequent clinical signs, clinicopathological findings, causative agents, treatments given and outcome of a group of foals with confirmed bacterial meningoencephalitis.

Methods: Foals aged < 6 months of age admitted to the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (2004-2009) with confirmed bacterial meningoencephalitis were retrospectively included in the study Diagnosis of bacterial meningoencephalitis was made by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture, CSF analysis consistent with bacterial infection, observation of bacteria in CSF cytology or postmortem confirmation.

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Reasons For Performing Study: Nutritional support in critically ill neonatal foals is of great importance given their high metabolic rate and minimal stores of energy and protein. Nutrient requirements of healthy growing foals have been estimated based on daily milk intake; however, little is known about the resting energy expenditure (REE) of sick foals.

Objectives: To determine REE in critically ill neonatal foals (sepsis and/or hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy [HIE] and compare this with REE in control foals.

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This retrospective study evaluated the efficacy and side effects of palatal sclerotherapy in standardbred racehorses suspected to have intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (IDDSP). Fifty-one horses were treated with multiple endoscopically guided injections of 3% sodium tetradecyl sulfate in the soft palate. Two groups were identified: those that had respiratory noises during exercise (n = 27) and those that did not (n = 24).

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The costochondral junction constitutes a potential site of infection in septic foals and it could be favored by thoracic trauma. Standard radiographs and ultrasonography are useful tools for diagnosis of this condition and ultrasound-guided needle aspiration could permit the definitive confirmation of infection.

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To select among breast cancer patients and according to breast volume size those who may benefit from 3D conformal radiotherapy after conservative surgery applied with prone-position technique. Thirty-eight patients with early-stage breast cancer were grouped according to the target volume (TV) measured in the supine position: small (≤400 mL), medium (400-700 mL), and large (≥700 ml). An ad-hoc designed and built device was used for prone set-up to displace the contralateral breast away from the tangential field borders.

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Reasons For Performing Study: Acid-base disturbances are traditionally assessed using the Henderson-Hasselbach equation. The simplified strong ion approach describes more accurately the complex acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities present in endurance horses.

Objective: To describe acid-base and electrolytes changes in fit horses competing in a FEI*** 120 km endurance race and to compare the traditional vs.

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Background: There is limited information relating bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cytology and cytokine messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression in racehorses with inflammatory airway disease (IAD). HYPOTHESIS AND OBJECTIVE: We hypothesize that cytokine expression in BAL cells would correlate with cytology. Thus, we evaluated the mRNA expression of selected cytokines in BAL cells in racehorses with exercise intolerance and lower airway inflammation.

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Background: Coagulopathies detected in horses with gastrointestinal problems seem to be associated with poor outcome. Plasma D-Dimer concentration is a sensitive test for assessing coagulopathies.

Hypothesis: Plasma D-Dimer concentration tested on admission is related to diagnosis and outcome in horses with colic.

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Background: Heparin is used in humans as prophylaxis of hypercoagulable states and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). However, babies need a higher heparin dose than do adults. Septic neonate foals are at high risk of hypercoagulable state and DIC, and there is limited objective information about heparin dose for equine neonates.

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