Objectives: In this study, we present safety and efficacy data for a surgical alternative for the treatment of postprostate surgery urinary incontinence, based on the use of the periurethral constrictor, a two-part device--constrictor cuff and self-sealing valve with a tube--activated by injection of saline solution.
Methods: From May 2001 to October 2007, 30 patients with postprostate surgery urinary incontinence were submitted to implantation of the periurethral constrictor.
Results: The mean follow-up was 42.
Background: In this study, a new safer and faster intragastric balloon procedure was also employed to treat pre-obese patients (body mass index (BMI) < 30).
Methods: From June 2006 to June 2009, 20 such patients were submitted to the Silimed Gastric Balloon treatment, as a part of a multidisciplinary program involving clinical, psychological, and behavioral approaches. For the 16 patients who had completed the 5-6-month treatment, the initial mean weight and mean BMI were 74 kg and 27.
Background: The authors developed a new intragastric balloon procedure with the objective of making it safer, faster, and less expensive than the established ones. The proposed procedure uses a new gastric balloon with technical improvements in the placement and removal procedures.
Methods: From June 2006 to July 2007, 52 patients were submitted to the new treatment with the Silimed Gastric Balloon (SGB), as part of a multidisciplinary program involving clinical, psychological, and behavioral approaches.