Publications by authors named "Cermak I"

This article examines the hypothesis that the dialogical integration of life experiences is related to successful aging. Life story interviews with 93 older Czech adults were sorted into categories characterized by specific patterns of life experience integration: (i) without dialogical processes, (ii) with differentiated I-positions, (iii) with dialogical relationships, (iv) partially integrated, and (v) completely integrated. The results indicated that the categories were ordered, yielding low-level correlations with scales of successful aging in predicted directions.

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We report on a Paul-trap system with large access angles that allows positioning of fully isolated micrometer-scale particles with micrometer precision as targets in high-intensity laser-plasma interactions. This paper summarizes theoretical and experimental concepts of the apparatus as well as supporting measurements that were performed for the trapping process of single particles.

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Nowadays, the use of digital technology is an important issue that should be addressed during the treatment of people who have eating disorders. The involvement or absence of this issue reflects the understanding, experience, and atttude of health-care professionals toward their clients' use of technology. The aim of the present study was to investigate the perceptions of health-care professionals and their assessment of their clients' usage of digital technology while developing strategies for treatment.

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For the synthesis of high-quality thin films, ion-beam assisted deposition (IBAD) is a frequently used technique providing precise control over several substantial film properties. IBAD typically relies on the use of a broad-beam ion source. Such ion sources suffer from the limitation that they deliver a blend of ions with different ion masses, each of them possessing a certain distribution of kinetic energy.

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Reports from schools indicate that adolescents with learning disabilities (LD) frequently show risk-taking behaviour (RTB), but evidence is lacking. The aim of the study was to assess the associations between LD status and RTBs among Slovak adolescents and to explore whether family affluence and family composition have a moderating or mediating role in these associations. Data from the Slovak national HBSC study 2014 were analyzed.

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Investigations of charging processes on a single dust grain under controlled conditions in laboratory experiments are the unique way to understand the behavior of dust grains in complex plasma (in space, in laboratory, or in technological applications). An electrodynamic trap is often utilized for both holding a single grain and continuously measuring its charge-to-mass ratio. We propose a modified design of the linear quadrupole trap with the electrodes split into two parts; each of them being supplied by a designated source.

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This study deals with the question of how therapists naturally develop an integrative perspective. A grounded theory analysis was conducted, based on retrospective interviews with seven experienced therapists (working together in the same training program). Adoption of an integrative perspective was found to be an unintended consequence of the development towards an autonomous personal therapeutic approach.

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The present paper reviews our latest, and brings several new, results on charging of dust grains of various materials and sizes. Charging processes of dust in space and their influence on the dust dynamics are analyzed in laboratory simulations of secondary emission, field ion and electron emissions, and dust sputtering. Single micrometre-sized grains and grain clusters are stored in a hyperbolic quadrupole field under ultra-high vacuum conditions for long time periods.

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