Publications by authors named "Ceriani M"

In about 250 clock neurons in the brain form a network that orchestrates circadian rhythmicity. Among them, eight small Lateral ventral Neurons (s-LNvs) play a critical role, synchronizing the circadian ensemble the neuropeptide Pigment-Dispersing Factor (PDF). Moreover, their neurites show daily variations in morphology, PDF levels, synaptic markers and connectivity.

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Tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) are thin, dynamic, long membrane protrusions that allow intercellular exchanges of signaling clues, molecules and organelles. The presence of TNTs and their involvement as drug delivery channels have been observed in several types of cancer, including glioblastoma. Recently, increased attention has been directed toward nanoparticles (NPs) that can be transported in TNTs.

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imaging of dynamic sub-cellular brain structures in is key to understanding several phenomena in neuroscience. However, its implementation has been hindered by a trade-off between spatial resolution, speed, photobleaching, phototoxicity, and setup complexity required to access the specific target regions of the small brain of . Here, we present a single objective light-sheet microscope, customized for imaging of adult flies and optimized for maximum resolution.

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  • In animals, circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior are governed by a brain circadian clock, which operates through single-cell oscillators and adapts based on environmental changes.
  • Research on mouse neurons that express vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) shows that these neurons exhibit daily rhythms of fiber expansion and retraction, similar to those seen in fruit flies.
  • These findings suggest that the structural changes in clock neurons are essential for maintaining the circadian rhythm and regulating responses to environmental factors throughout the day.
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Hyperthermia elicits several physiological and behavioral responses in livestock to restore thermal neutrality. Among these responses, vasodilation and sweating help to reduce core body temperature by increasing heat dissipation by radiation and evaporation. Thermoregulatory behaviors such as increasing standing time, reducing feed intake, shade-seeking, and limiting locomotor activity also increase heat loss.

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Most of the responses present in animals when exposed to stressors are mediated by the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system, known as the one responsible for the "fight or flight" reaction, triggers cardiovascular changes such as tachycardia or vasomotor alterations to restore homeostasis. Increase in body temperature in stressed animals also activates peripheral compensatory mechanisms such as cutaneous vasodilation to increase heat exchange.

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When an organism detects decreases in their core body temperature, the hypothalamus, the main thermoregulatory center, triggers compensatory responses. These responses include vasomotor changes to prevent heat loss and physiological mechanisms (e.g.

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Modeling human neuronal properties in physiological and pathological conditions is essential to identify novel potential drugs and to explore pathological mechanisms of neurological diseases. For this purpose, we generated a three-dimensional (3D) neuronal culture, by employing the readily available human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line, and a new differentiation protocol. The entire differentiation process occurred in a matrix and lasted 47 days, with 7 days of pre-differentiation phase and 40 days of differentiation, and allowed the development of a 3D culture in conditions consistent with the physiological environment.

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Bovines infected by bovine leukemia virus (BLV) are characterized by presenting low proviral load (LPL) or high proviral load (HPL). It is reported that animals with HPL in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) present a decrease in apoptosis, an increase in viability and the proliferation rate, while animals that maintain an LPL have an intrinsic ability to control the infection, presenting an increased apoptosis rate of their PBMCs. However, there is little information on the effect of BLV on these mechanisms when the virus infects somatic milk cells (SC).

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The retrovirus bovine leukemia virus (BLV) might produce abnormal immune function, associated with susceptibility to developing other infectious diseases, including mastitis. This study aimed to determine the proviral load and cytokines gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMBC) and milk somatic cells (SC) in BLV-infected and non-infected cattle. Of 27 BLV-infected cows in PBMC, 17 (62.

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Hypothermia is one of the principal causes of perinatal mortality in water buffaloes and can range from 3% to 17.9%. In ruminants, factors affecting hypothermia in newborns may be of intrinsic (e.

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Background: Circadian rhythms time physiological and behavioral processes to 24-hour cycles. It is generally assumed that most cells contain self-sustained circadian clocks that drive circadian rhythms in gene expression that ultimately generating circadian rhythms in physiology. While those clocks supposedly act cell autonomously, current work suggests that in some of them can be adjusted by the brain circadian pacemaker through neuropeptides, like the Pigment Dispersing Factor (PDF).

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High temperatures for extended periods, which do not allow animals to recover from heat stress, affect in particular those BLV-infected animals that carry a high proviral load. For this study, animals were discriminated between BLV (+) and BLV (-), and those belonging to the first group, were classified based on their proviral load. The expression of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and its receptors, which play an important role in disease progression, were quantified by qPCR in two different seasons.

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After mating, the physiology of Drosophila females undergo several important changes, some of which are reflected in their rest-activity cycles. To explore the hypothesis that mating modifies the temporal organization of locomotor activity patterns, we recorded fly activity by a video tracking method. Monitoring rest-activity patterns under light/dark (LD) cycles indicated that mated females lose their ability to anticipate the night-day transition, in stark contrast to males and virgins.

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This paper presents ARCA, a software system that enables semantic search and exploration over a book catalog. The main purpose of this work is twofold: to propose a general paradigm for a semantic enrichment workflow and to evaluate a visual approach to information retrieval based on extracted information and existing knowledge graphs. ARCA has been designed and implemented following a user-centered design approach.

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Background: Lipid homeostasis is an evolutionarily conserved process that is crucial for energy production, storage and consumption. Drosophila larvae feed continuously to achieve the roughly 200-fold increase in size and accumulate sufficient reserves to provide all energy and nutrients necessary for the development of the adult fly. The mechanisms controlling this metabolic program are poorly understood.

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Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid that has been discussed for its safety and efficacy in cancer treatments. For this reason, we have inquired into its use on triple-negative human breast cancer. Analyzing the biological effects of CBD on MDA-MB-231, we have demonstrated that both CBD dosage and serum concentrations in the culture medium influence its outcomes; furthermore, light scattering studies demonstrated that serum impacts the CBD aggregation state by acting as a surfactant agent.

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The drive to sleep is strongly influenced by time of day, with temporal information conveyed through the circadian clock. In pursuit of the neural mechanisms underlying this process, in this issue of Neuron, Sun et al. identify a novel circuit that links circadian output neurons to sleep-promoting neurons within the mushroom bodies.

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RalGPS2 is a Ras-independent Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor for RalA GTPase that is involved in several cellular processes, including cytoskeletal organization. Previously, we demonstrated that RalGPS2 also plays a role in the formation of tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) in bladder cancer 5637 cells. In particular, TNTs are a novel mechanism of cell-cell communication in the tumor microenvironment, playing a central role in cancer progression and metastasis formation.

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  • Hydrogels serve as effective 3D scaffolds for various applications including cell culture, drug delivery, and regenerative medicine.
  • A new chemical cross-linking method using diethyl squarate was used to create gelatin-based hydrogels at concentrations of 5% and 10% w/v.
  • The 5% gelatin hydrogel demonstrated excellent swelling properties and was found suitable for culturing chondrocyte cells, while also allowing for the study of how different sized molecules diffuse within it.
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Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) main host cells are B lymphocytes. Infected animals can be classified into high or low proviral load (HPL or LPL respectively), regarding the number of proviral copies infected lymphocytes they carry. After infection, there is an overexpression of several cytokines, particularly TNF-α, which has a delicate regulation mediated by receptors TNFRI and TNFRII; the first one involved with apoptosis, while the other stimulates cell proliferation.

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Glioblastoma (GBM) is a particularly challenging brain tumor characterized by a heterogeneous, complex, and multicellular microenvironment, which represents a strategic network for treatment escape. Furthermore, the presence of GBM stem cells (GSCs) seems to contribute to GBM recurrence after surgery, and chemo- and/or radiotherapy. In this context, intercellular communication modalities play key roles in driving GBM therapy resistance.

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Rhythmic rest-activity cycles are controlled by an endogenous clock. In , this clock resides in ∼150 neurons organized in clusters whose hierarchy changes in response to environmental conditions. The concerted activity of the circadian network is necessary for the adaptive responses to synchronizing environmental stimuli.

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Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is an endogenous lipid produced on demand by neurons and glial cells that displays neuroprotective properties. It is well known that inflammation and neuronal damage are strictly related processes and that microglia play a pivotal role in their regulation. The aim of the present work was to assess whether PEA could exert its neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects through the modulation of microglia reactive phenotypes.

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Heat stress is one of the environmental factors that most severely affects milk industry, as it has impact on production, immune responses and reproductive performance. The present study was conducted with high-performance Holando-Argentino cows. Our objective was to study TNF-α and its receptors pattern expression in cows from a region characterized by extreme climatic seasonality.

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