Publications by authors named "Celine Nadal"

We exploit a relation between the mean number N(m) of minima of random Gaussian surfaces and extreme eigenvalues of random matrices to understand the critical behavior of N(m) in the simplest glasslike transition occuring in a toy model of a single particle in an N-dimensional random environment, with N>>1. Varying the control parameter μ through the critical value μ(c) we analyze in detail how N(m)(μ) drops from being exponentially large in the glassy phase to N(m)(μ)~1 on the other side of the transition. We also extract a subleading behavior of N(m)(μ) in both glassy and simple phases.

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We study the probability distribution of the index N(+), i.e., the number of positive eigenvalues of an N×N Gaussian random matrix.

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Using a Coulomb gas method, we compute analytically the probability distribution of the Renyi entropies (a standard measure of entanglement) for a random pure state of a large bipartite quantum system. We show that, for any order q>1 of the Renyi entropy, there are two critical values at which the entropy's probability distribution changes shape. These critical points correspond to two different transitions in the corresponding charge density of the Coulomb gas: the disappearance of an integrable singularity at the origin and the detachment of a single-charge drop from the continuum sea of all the other charges.

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We compute analytically, for large N, the probability distribution of the number of positive eigenvalues (the index N+) of a random N x N matrix belonging to Gaussian orthogonal (beta=1), unitary (beta=2) or symplectic (beta=4) ensembles. The distribution of the fraction of positive eigenvalues c=N+/N scales, for large N, as P(c,N) approximately = exp[-betaN(2)Phi(c)] where the rate function Phi(c), symmetric around c=1/2 and universal (independent of beta), is calculated exactly. The distribution has non-Gaussian tails, but even near its peak at c=1/2 it is not strictly Gaussian due to an unusual logarithmic singularity in the rate function.

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We study a system of N nonintersecting (1+1)-dimensional fluctuating elastic interfaces ("vicious bridges") at thermal equilibrium, each subject to periodic boundary condition in the longitudinal direction and in presence of a substrate that induces an external confining potential for each interface. We show that, for a large system and with an appropriate choice of the external confining potential, the joint distribution of the heights of the N nonintersecting interfaces at a fixed point on the substrate can be mapped to the joint distribution of the eigenvalues of a Wishart matrix of size N with complex entries (Dyson index beta=2), thus providing a physical realization of the Wishart matrix. Exploiting this analogy to random matrix, we calculate analytically (i) the average density of states of the interfaces, (ii) the height distribution of the uppermost and lowermost interfaces (extrema), and (iii) the asymptotic (large-N) distribution of the center of mass of the interfaces.

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