Aims: Although the risk of thrombosis is well documented for inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] patients, the underlying pathological mechanism seems to be different from other thrombotic conditions. Determining the factors responsible for the increased risk of thrombosis in IBD would help to improve the management of this frequent complication.
Methods: We studied the interplay between platelets, coagulation, and von Willebrand factor [VWF] in 193 IBD patients and in experimental models [acute and chronic] of colitis in wild-type and VWF-deficient mice.
Background: The effect of factor VIII (FVIII) or emicizumab on thrombin generation is usually assessed in assays using synthetic phospholipids. Here, we assessed thrombin generation at the surface of human arterial cells (aortic endothelial cells [hAECs] and aortic vascular smooth muscle cells [hVSMCs]).
Objectives: To explore the capacity of hAECs (resting or stimulated) and hVSMCs to support thrombin generation by FVIII or emicizumab.