Publications by authors named "Cawood A"

Measurements by volunteer scientists using participatory science methods in combination with high resolution remote sensing can improve our ability to monitor water quality changes in highly vulnerable and economically valuable nearshore and estuarine habitats. In the Chesapeake Bay (USA), tidal tributaries are a focus of watershed and shoreline management efforts to improve water quality. The Chesapeake Water Watch program seeks to enhance the monitoring of tributaries by developing and testing methods for volunteer scientists to easily measure chlorophyll, turbidity, and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) to inform Bay stakeholders and improve algorithms for analogous remote sensing (RS) products.

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This systematic review summarises evidence regarding oral nutritional supplement (ONS) use in children with, or at risk of, faltering growth (FG). Ten randomised controlled trials (RCTs), compared changes in outcomes amongst children receiving ONS versus control were included. Overall, 1116 children (weighted mean (WM) age 5 years; n658 (59%) male) were recruited, of which 585 (52%) received ONS (WM intake contribution 412 kcal, 16.

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The impact of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) on patients with complications (disease related morbidity) requires further exploration. This systematic review included 44 randomised controlled trials (RCT) (29 RCT surgical, 15 RCT medical patients) examining the effect of ONS in community settings on the incidence of complications (n = 716, mean age 67 years, range 35-87). ONS (mean intake 588 kcal/day, range 125-1750; protein 22 g/day, range 0-54; mean energy from protein 22 %, range 0-54) were prescribed for a mean 74 days, range 5-365.

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Background: Cow's milk allergy (CMA) is one of the most common food allergies among children. Whilst avoidance of cow's milk protein is the cornerstone of management, further treatment of symptoms including those affecting the gastrointestinal, skin and respiratory systems plus other allergic comorbidities, maybe required. This study aimed to quantify the wider economic impact of CMA and its management in the United Kingdom (UK).

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Background: Healthy gut microbiota is important for prognosis in cow's milk allergy (CMA). The application of synbiotics (specific pre- and probiotics) in extensively hydrolyzed formulae (eHFs) is a relatively new concept.

Aims: To evaluate a synbiotic-containing, whey-based eHF (SeHF) with galacto-oligosaccharides, fructo-oligosaccharides, and bifidobacterium breve M-16V in infants with CMA.

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Introduction: Cow's milk allergy (CMA) is common in infants and children. Clinical presentations may vary, with a range of symptoms affecting the gastrointestinal (GI), skin and respiratory systems. Whilst the primary focus of research to date has been on the management of these symptoms, studies investigating the broader clinical burden of CMA are limited.

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Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) is common and costly. Clinical trials of infants with CMPA have shown that the use of an amino acid formula containing pre- and probiotics (synbiotics) (AAF-Syn) may lead to significant reductions in infections, medication prescriptions and hospital admissions, compared to AAF without synbiotics. These effects have not yet been confirmed in real-world practice.

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Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) is associated with dysbiosis of the infant gut microbiome, with allergic and immune development implications. Studies show benefits of combining synbiotics with hypoallergenic formulae, although evidence has never been systematically examined. This review identified seven publications of four randomised controlled trials comparing an amino acid formula (AAF) with an AAF containing synbiotics (AAF-Syn) in infants with CMPA (mean age 8.

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COVID-19 negatively impacts nutritional status and as such identification of nutritional risk and consideration of the need for nutrition support should be fundamental in this patient group. In recent months, clinical nutrition professional organisations across the world have published nutrition support recommendations for health care professionals. This review summarises key themes of those publications linked to nutrition support of adults with or recovering from COVID-19 outside of hospital.

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Inteins are selfish genetic elements residing in open reading frames that can splice post-translationally, resulting in the ligation of an uninterrupted, functional protein. Like other inteins, the DNA polymerase B (PolB) intein of the halophilic archaeon has an active homing endonuclease (HEN) domain, facilitating its horizontal transmission. Previous work has shown that the presence of the PolB intein exerts a significant fitness cost on the organism compared to an intein-free isogenic .

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Objectives: Malnutrition is a common and significant public health problem, especially for older adults, as the consequences are costly. National guidelines (NICE CG32/QS24) highlight the need to identify and manage malnutrition, the implementation of which was deemed "high impact to produce cost savings". The 'Malnutrition Pathway', endorsed by NICE and other professional bodies, is a practical evidence-based guide to help community healthcare professionals (HCP) to implement guidance on malnutrition management.

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Large trials assessing oral nutritional supplements (ONS) and dietary advice (DA) in primary care are lacking. This study examined effects of ONS + DA versus DA on intake, weight, QoL, healthcare use and satisfaction in malnourished free-living older people. Three hundred and eight people (71.

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Objective: Since nutritional screening is not routinely and accurately performed by busy care workers, the aim of this study was to evaluate a self-screening electronic measuring station that includes sonic height measurements.

Methods: In all, 114 patients, 18 to 85 y of age and attending gastrointestinal outpatient clinics, followed automatically triggered audio-recorded instructions for weight and height measurements. The patients also provided information about unintentional weight loss to establish malnutrition risk using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST).

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Self-screening using an electronic version of the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool ('MUST') has been developed but its implementation requires investigation. A total of 100 outpatients (mean age 50 (sd 16) years; 57 % male) self-screened with an electronic version of 'MUST' and were then screened by a healthcare professional (HCP) to assess concurrent validity. Ease of use, time to self-screen and prevalence of malnutrition were also assessed.

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Background & Aims: Malnutrition is common in care home residents, but information on the cost-effectiveness of nutritional interventions is lacking. This study, involving a randomised trial in care home residents, aimed to examine whether oral nutritional supplements (ONS) are cost-effective relative to dietary advice.

Methods: An incremental cost-effectiveness analysis was undertaken prospectively in 104 older care home residents (88 ± 8 years) without overt dementia, who were randomised to receive either ONS or dietary advice for 12 weeks.

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Background & Aims: Few trials have explored the effect of nutrition support on quality of life (QoL). This study examined the effects of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) vs dietary advice on QoL in malnourished care home residents.

Methods: 104 malnourished, care home residents (medium + high risk), identified using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool ('MUST'), (mean age 88.

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The objective of this study was to determine the effects of prescription omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid ethyl esters (Omacor®) on blood pressure, plasma lipids, and inflammatory marker concentrations in patients awaiting carotid endarterectomy. Patients awaiting carotid endarterectomy (n = 121) were randomised to Omacor® or olive oil as placebo (2 g/day) until surgery (median 21 days). Blood pressure, plasma lipids, and plasma inflammatory markers were determined.

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Background: Although nutritional screening with a tool such as the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) is recommended for outpatients, staff are under pressure to undertake a variety of other tasks. Little attention has been paid to the validity of patient self-screening with MUST.

Objective: This study in 205 outpatients with a mean (±SD) age of 55 ± 17 y (56% male) assessed the practicalities of self-screening, its agreement with screening undertaken by a trained health care professional (HCP), and its test-retest reliability.

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Disease-related malnutrition is common, detrimentally affecting the patient and healthcare economy. Although use of high protein oral nutritional supplements (ONS) has been recommended to counteract the catabolic effects of disease and to facilitate recovery from illness, there is a lack of systematically obtained evidence to support these recommendations. This systematic review involving 36 randomised controlled trials (RCT) (n=3790) (mean age 74 years; 83% of trials in patients >65 years) and a series of meta-analyses of high protein ONS (>20% energy from protein) demonstrated a range of effects across settings and patient groups in favour of the high protein ONS group.

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Objective: To examine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) incorporation into atherosclerotic plaques and the association with plaque inflammation and stability.

Methods And Results: Patients awaiting carotid endarterectomy (n=121) were randomised to consume control capsules or n-3 PUFA ethyl ester capsules until surgery (median 21 days). The fatty acid compositions of plasma and carotid plaque phospholipids, plaque features, and expression of inflammatory genes were determined.

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Purpose Of Review: This review evaluates our current knowledge on the association of fatty acid abnormalities in cystic fibrosis with the disease process, and makes a case for a well-designed clinical trial to evaluate the clinical efficacy of long chain n-3 fatty acids.

Recent Findings: It has long been known that cystic fibrosis patients exhibit fatty acid abnormalities, but these have not been well investigated in tissues affected by the disease. Recent studies have demonstrated that such tissues do indeed show abnormalities in the proportions of linoleic, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids, and have demonstrated alterations in fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism in cystic fibrosis.

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The in-vitro dissolution profiles of two carbamazepine formulations (Tegretol and a generic carbamazepine) have been assessed and the bioavailability of carbamazepine compared in 12 epileptic children at steady-state. Dissolution from the generic formulation (100 and 200 mg tablets) tended to be greater than for the proprietary tablets. However, the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine when assessed at steady-state were similar for the two formulations.

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Chromosome behaviour during meiosis in male Syrian hamsters heterozygous for one of three translocations was analysed as part of a study of the transmission of these structural changes. Synapsis was studied using preparations of synaptonemal complexes, and chiasmate associations and the results of anaphase I segregation were studied in air-dried preparations of metaphases I and II respectively. The main findings were: (i) that, at least in the two trivalent-forming translocations, there is no simple relationship between either the frequency or the extent of synapsis and chiasma formation between the chromosomes involved in the translocation; (ii) that the presence of a univalent in a substantial proportion of metaphase I cells does not necessarily lead to irregular segregation as judged by analysis of metaphase IIs; and (iii) conversely, that in translocation heterozygotes in which metaphase I contains the chromosomes involved in the translocation as a quadrivalent or as two bivalents, with no univalents or trivalents, unexpected numerical segregation can be found.

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The radiosensitivity of meiotic stem cells from photoregressed testes of the Syrian hamster was studied after in vivo irradiation with 2.67 Gy (1.77 Gy/min).

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