Publications by authors named "Catherine Hodgson"

Introduction: Improving the lives of children and adolescents with parental mental illness (CAPRI) remains an urgent political and public health concern for the UK and European Union. Recurrent parental mental illness is believed to lead to fractures in the family, academic and social lives of these children, yet interventions are poorly targeted and non-specific. Part of an interdisciplinary programme of work (the CAPRI Programme; grant number: 682741), CAPRI-Voc aims to achieve two goals: first, to test the feasibility of our longitudinal imaging paradigm in mother-infant pairs where the mother has a diagnosis of severe mental illness.

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Objective: Taking a dyadic perspective, this systematic review examined the relationship between attachment constructs and differences in support behavior in romantic couples.

Method: Four databases were searched including PsychINFO, Embase, OVOID MEDLINE, and AMED. Out of 2,401 unique references, 43 met the study inclusion criteria.

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Masking is widely used in the management of tinnitus, however, masking at the perceived spatial location of tinnitus has not been investigated. This article examines the development of a method for the spatial masking of tinnitus. This report consists of three studies: Study I is a proof of concept study comparing customized spatial masking to conventional bilateral masking; Study II is a prototype evaluation in which the spatial masking paradigm was compared to a bilaterally equal masker using iPods connected to hearing aids in a 4-week cross-over trial; and Study III is a 4-month crossover pilot study-using prototype hearing aid-based maskers, and in which three-dimensional (3D) masking (2 months) was compared to a Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (2 months).

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ANO1, a calcium-activated chloride channel, is highly expressed and amplified in human cancers and is a critical survival factor in these cancers. The ANO1 inhibitor CaCCinh-A01 decreases proliferation of ANO1-amplified cell lines; however, the mechanism of action remains elusive. We explored the mechanism behind the inhibitory effect of CaCCinh-A01 on cell proliferation using a combined experimental and in silico approach.

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Semantic errors are commonly found in semantic dementia (SD) and some forms of stroke aphasia and provide insights into semantic processing and speech production. Low error rates are found in standard picture naming tasks in normal controls. In order to increase error rates and thus provide an experimental model of aphasic performance, this study utilised a novel method- tempo picture naming.

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Recently, there has been great interest in errorless learning as a new intervention technique. This may be because there are data from both basic neuroscience and clinical application that suggest it is superior to more traditional trial and error methods. In the contemporary literature the most prominent investigations of errorless learning are those designed for rehabilitation of memory impairments.

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This study analyses the naming performance of MP, a nonfluent aphasic speaker, and demonstrates that she has a context-sensitive naming deficit, which manifests in worse naming of a target set when multiple targets are depicted at once and a multiname utterance is prepared. Experiments 1 and 2 documented the effect in composite-picture descriptions, compared to standard naming. Experiment 3 documented it in the naming of picture lists of length 2 and 3, compared to 1; and Experiment 4 documented it in the naming of one of two pictured items, under conditions that encouraged preparation of both item names.

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