Publications by authors named "CatPhuong L Vu"

Article Synopsis
  • Proximal scaphoid fractures are challenging to treat due to risks like nonunions and avascular necrosis from its blood supply; using the proximal hamate as an autograft for reconstruction is explored in this study.
  • The study involved testing cadaveric forearms to measure changes in contact pressure and area in the radioscaphoid joint after autograft surgery, finding that while pressures remained similar, contact areas decreased post-surgery.
  • Results indicate that while the hamate autograft alters the contact area due to its shape, it does not significantly change peak contact pressures at the radioscaphoid joint, suggesting this could be a viable reconstruction option.
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Forearm fractures present a unique challenge due to the anatomic relationship of the radius relative to the ulna. Associated with the complexity of the treatment for these fractures is the management of nonunion and malunion of the radius and ulna. Evaluation and management of forearm nonunions require a critical evaluation of contributing factors prior to surgical intervention.

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Purpose: Surgical options for displaced metacarpal shaft fractures include the use of Kirschner wires, plates and screws, and most recently, intramedullary headless compression screws (IMHCS), which have been reported using only retrograde insertion through the metacarpal head. We evaluated IMHCS fixation of metacarpal shaft fractures through an antegrade approach in a cadaver model.

Methods: We performed antegrade placement of IMHCS in 10 cadaver hands including all 5 digits (total of 50).

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Purpose: This study evaluated metacarpal morphology for antegrade placement of intramedullary headless compression screws (IMHCS) for metacarpal fracture fixation.

Methods: We analyzed 100 hand computed tomography scans to quantify cortical thickness, intramedullary diameter, and metacarpal lengths. In addition, dorsal or ulnar overhang of the metacarpals over their respective carpal bones was measured.

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Study Design: Retrospective cohort study OBJECTIVES: To determine prevalence of hereditary multiple osteochondromas (HMO) and utility of MRI surveillance in a prospective Spine at Risk (SAR) program. Unidentified intraspinal exostoses in HMO can lead to neurologic injury in children during sedated procedures but no MRI guidelines exist. We sought to determine the prevalence and age of intraspinal exostoses from MRIs, and indications for MRI surveillance.

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Background: Allogeneic blood transfusions have inherent risk and direct cost in total hip arthroplasty. Anterior total hip arthroplasty has grown in popularity with increased utilization. This approach may offer an enhanced recovery but has been associated with increased blood loss.

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