Publications by authors named "Carrara P"

The advent of free electron lasers has opened the opportunity to explore interactions between extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photons and collective excitations in solids. While EUV transient grating spectroscopy, a noncollinear four-wave mixing technique, has already been applied to probe coherent phonons, the potential of EUV radiation for studying nanoscale spin waves has not been harnessed. Here we report EUV transient grating experiments with coherent magnons in Fe/Gd ferrimagnetic multilayers.

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Background: Women's artistic gymnastics (WAG) is a complex aesthetic sport in which athletes start at a young age and are exposed to high loads during their careers. Little is known about the external and internal training load characteristics among elite young gymnasts.

Hypothesis: High training loads, with variations over the weeks, are expected.

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Hybrid elastic and spin waves hold promises for energy-efficient and versatile generation and detection of magnetic signals, with potentially long coherence times. Here we report on the combined elastic and magnetic dynamics in a one-dimensional magnetomechanical crystal composed of an array of magnetic nanostripes. Phononic and magnonic modes are impulsively excited by an optical ultrafast trigger and their decay is monitored by time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect.

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β-thalassemia patient treated with thalidomide: dimensional reduction of EMH foci (MRI evaluation) and reduction of hematological responce at follow-up.

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Bicontinuous microstructures are essential to the function of diverse natural and synthetic systems. Their synthesis has been based on two approaches: arrested phase separation or self-assembly of block copolymers. The former is attractive for its chemical simplicity and the latter, for its thermodynamic robustness.

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Engineering surfaces and interfaces of materials promises great potential in the field of heterostructures and quantum matter designers, with the opportunity to drive new many-body phases that are absent in the bulk compounds. Here, we focus on the magnetic Weyl kagome system CoSnS and show how for the terminations of different samples the Weyl points connect differently, still preserving the bulk-boundary correspondence. Scanning tunneling microscopy has suggested such a scenario indirectly, and here, we probe the Fermiology of CoSnS directly, by linking it to its real space surface distribution.

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Time-resolved optical spectroscopy represents an effective non-invasive approach to investigate the interplay of different degrees of freedom, which plays a key role in the development of novel functional materials. Here, we present magneto-acoustic data on Ni thin films on SiO as obtained by a versatile pump-probe setup that combines transient grating spectroscopy with time-resolved magnetic polarimetry. The possibility to easily switch from a pulsed to continuous wave probe allows probing of acoustic and magnetization dynamics on a broad time scale, in both transmission and reflection geometry.

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The femtosecond evolution of the electronic temperature of laser-excited gold nanoparticles is measured, by means of ultrafast time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy induced by extreme-ultraviolet radiation pulses. The temperature of the electron gas is deduced by recording and fitting high-resolution photo emission spectra around the Fermi edge of gold nanoparticles providing a direct, unambiguous picture of the ultrafast electron-gas dynamics. These results will be instrumental to the refinement of existing models of femtosecond processes in laterally-confined and bulk condensed-matter systems, and for understanding more deeply the role of hot electrons in technological applications.

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Here, we report on a novel narrowband High Harmonic Generation (HHG) light source designed for ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) on solids. Notably, at 16.9 eV photon energy, the harmonics bandwidth equals 19 meV.

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Obtaining the mesostructure of concrete from X-ray computed tomography (CT) requires segmentation of the data into distinct phases, a process complicated by the limited contrast between aggregates and mortar matrix. This paper explores the possibility to add baryte or hematite into the concrete mixture to enhance the contrast between cement paste and aggregates in CT, thus allowing for a semi-automatic segmentation. Raw and segmented CT images of plain and modified concrete mixtures are obtained and compared to assess the validity of the proposed approach.

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The encapsulation of transcription-translation (TX-TL) machinery inside lipid vesicles and water-in-oil droplets leads to the construction of cytomimetic systems (often called 'synthetic cells') for synthetic biology and origins-of-life research. A number of recent reports have shown that protein synthesis inside these microcompartments is highly diverse in terms of rate and amount of synthesized protein. Here, we discuss the role of extrinsic stochastic effects (i.

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The diffusion of chloride ions in hardened cement paste (HCP) under steady-state conditions and accounting for the highly heterogeneous nature of the material is investigated. The HCP microstructures are obtained through segmentation of X-ray images of real samples as well as from simulations using the cement hydration model CEMHYD3D. Moreover, the physical and chemical interactions between chloride ions and HCP phases (binding), along with their effects on the diffusive process, are explicitly taken into account.

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Purpose: A preliminary assessment of the MRI-compatibility of metallic object possibly embedded within the patient is required before conducting the MRI examination. The Magnetic Iron Detector (MID) is a highly sensitive susceptometer that uses a weak magnetic field to measure iron overload in the liver. MID might be used to perform a screening procedure for MRI by determining the ferromagnetic/conductive properties of embedded metallic objects.

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The attraction of nucleic acids to lipidic compartments is the first step for carriers of potentially inheritable information to self-organise in functionalised synthetic cells. Confocal fluorescence imaging shows that a synthetic amphiphilic peptidyl RNA molecule spontaneously accumulates at the outer bilayer membranes of phospho- and glycolipidic giant vesicles. Cooperatively attractive interactions of -3.

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Background: Bariatric surgery is considered an effective option for the management of morbid obesity. The incidence of obesity has been gradually increasing all over the world reaching epidemic proportions in some regions of the world. Obesity can cause a reduction of up to 22% in the life expectancy of morbidly obese patients.

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The key factor in decision-making is the quality of information collected and processed in the problem analysis. In most cases, patents represent a very important source of information. The main problem is how to extract such information from the huge corpus of documents with a high recall and precision, and in a short time.

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Permeable vesicles containing the proto-ring anchoring ZipA protein shrink when FtsZ, the main cell division protein, polymerizes in the presence of GTP. Shrinkage, resembling the constriction of the cytoplasmic membrane, occurs at ZipA densities higher than those found in the cell and is modulated by the dynamics of the FtsZ polymer. In vivo, an excess of ZipA generates multilayered membrane inclusions within the cytoplasm and causes the loss of the membrane function as a permeability barrier.

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Macromolecular hybrid structures were prepared in which two types of enzymes, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and bovine erythrocytes Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), were linked to a fluorescently labeled, polycationic, dendronized polymer (denpol). Two homologous denpols of first and second generation were used and compared, and the activities of HRP and SOD of the conjugates were measured in aqueous solution separately and in combination. In the latter case the efficiency of the two enzymes in catalyzing a two-step cascade reaction was evaluated.

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Sixty cases of human rabies in international travelers were reviewed from 1990-2012. A significant proportion of the cases were observed in migrants or their descendants when emigrating from their country of origin or after a trip to visit friends and relatives or for other reasons (43.3%).

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Current research on the origin of life typically focuses on the self-organisation of molecular components in individual cell-like compartments, thereby bringing about the emergence of self-sustaining minimal cells. This is justified by the fact that single cells are the minimal forms of life. No attempts have been made to investigate the cooperative mechanisms that could derive from the assembly of individual compartments.

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Synthetic biology is first represented in terms of two complementary aspects, the bio-engineering one, based on the genetic manipulation of extant microbial forms in order to obtain forms of life which do not exist in nature; and the chemical synthetic biology, an approach mostly based on chemical manipulation for the laboratory synthesis of biological structures that do not exist in nature. The paper is mostly devoted to shortly review chemical synthetic biology projects currently carried out in our laboratory. In particular, we describe: the minimal cell project, then the "Never Born Proteins" and lastly the Never Born RNAs.

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Biological systems evolved with the ability to communicate with their biotic surroundings through chemical signalling. Production, perception and decoding of the information carried by signal molecules allow individuals of a community to interact, cooperate, and coordinate their activities, establishing complex social behaviours. In this paper we speculate about the opportunity to use semi synthetic minimal cells (SSMCs) as artificial entities able to communicate, by processing biochemical information, with natural systems.

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An accurate assessment of body iron accumulation is essential for the diagnosis and therapy of iron overload in diseases such as thalassemia or hemochromatosis. Magnetic iron detector susceptometry and MRI are noninvasive techniques capable of detecting iron overload in the liver. Although the transverse relaxation rate measured by MRI can be correlated with the presence of iron, a calibration step is needed to obtain the liver iron concentration.

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune, chronic inflammatory, non-organ specific disease. SLE patients present a high prevalence of thrombotic and arteriosclerotic disease. The aim of the present work was to study the erythrocyte aggregation kinetics, and the effect of plasma factors, namely, immunoglobulin and fibrinogen concentration, as well as cell factors such as deformability and erythrocyte membrane lipid fluidity on the erythrocyte aggregation, in SLE patients and healthy controls.

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