Objective: To assess the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the planning of breast cancer treatment strategies.
Materials And Methods: The study included 160 women diagnosed with breast cancer, who underwent breast MRI for preoperative staging. Using Pearson's correlation coefficient (), we compared the size of the primary tumor, as determined by MRI, by conventional imaging (mammography and ultrasound), and in the pathological examination (gold standard).
Objective: To evaluate the anatomical differences of fetus and adults concerning the inguinal region of male gender, as well as the presence of possible morphological basis for the higher incidence of inguinal hernias in the right side in both groups.
Methods: Twenty human stillborn fetuses and twenty in natura adult male corpses were dissected in order to compare the length of the inguinal canals, the longer diameter of the deep and superficial inguinal rings in both sides of each corpse, and the presence or not of overlap between the deep and superficial rings.
Results: No statistically significant differences were observed in both groups regarding the measures of the deep and the superficial rings, as well as the inguinal canals, when in comparison to the respective contralateral anatomical structures of each specimen.