Publications by authors named "Carolina Pardo Diaz"

Integrating information across sensory modalities enables animals to orchestrate a wide range of complex behaviours. The relative importance placed on one sensory modality over another reflects the reliability of cues in a particular environment and corresponding differences in neural investment. As populations diverge across environmental gradients, the reliability of sensory cues may shift, favouring divergence in neural investment and the weight given to different sensory modalities.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an adhesive loaded with 0.2 % copper (Cu) and 5 % zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (Nps) on its adhesive properties and enzymatic activity at the hybrid layer ex vivo in a randomized clinical model.

Methods: Fifteen patients participated in this study, and a total of 30 third molars were used.

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Sex chromosomes are evolutionarily labile in many animals and sometimes fuse with autosomes, creating so-called neo-sex chromosomes. Fusions between sex chromosomes and autosomes have been proposed to reduce sexual conflict and to promote adaptation and reproductive isolation among species. Recently, advances in genomics have fuelled the discovery of such fusions across the tree of life.

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Geographical barriers like mountain ranges impede genetic exchange among populations, promoting diversification. The effectiveness of these barriers in limiting gene flow varies between lineages due to each species' dispersal modes and capacities. Our understanding of how the Andes orogeny contributes to species diversification comes from well-studied vertebrates and a few arthropods and plants, neglecting organisms unable to fly or walk long distances.

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Visual preferences are important drivers of mate choice and sexual selection, but little is known of how they evolve at the genetic level. In this study, we took advantage of the diversity of bright warning patterns displayed by butterflies, which are also used during mate choice. Combining behavioral, population genomic, and expression analyses, we show that two species have evolved the same preferences for red patterns by exchanging genetic material through hybridization.

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Worldwide women have increased their participation in STEM, but we are still far from reaching gender parity. Although progress can be seen at the bachelor's and master's level, career advancement of women in research still faces substantial challenges leading to a 'leaky pipeline' phenomenon (i.e.

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Traits under divergent ecological selection that also function during mating can be important in maintaining species boundaries. Few studies have considered mutual mate choice, where both males and females base mating decisions on the same trait. Wing colouration in Heliconius butterflies evolved as a warning signal but also functions as a mating cue.

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Vertical gradients in microclimate, resource availability, and interspecific interactions are thought to underly stratification patterns in tropical insect communities. However, only a few studies have explored the adaptive significance of vertical space use during the early stages of reproductive isolation. We analysed flight-height variation across speciation events in Heliconius butterflies, representing parallel colonizations of high-altitude forest.

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Parallel evolution of morphological traits is widely reported, providing evidence for the role of local conditions in driving adaptive divergence. Comparatively, fewer studies have tested for parallelism in behavior, and it is less clear to what extent heritable behavioral shifts contribute to adaptive divergence. We exploit repeated incipient speciation across altitudinal gradients to explore behavior and physiology in Heliconius butterflies adapted to high-elevation.

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Article Synopsis
  • Heliconius butterflies are a key subject for studying various ecological and evolutionary processes due to their diverse habitats in Central and South America.
  • Research shows that while the microbiota of different Heliconius species is taxonomically similar, its abundance varies significantly, influenced by geographic barriers like the Central Cordillera of Colombia.
  • The study suggests that geography affects the abundance of these microbial communities, but they do not play a beneficial role in the butterflies' ecology, as the presence of specific microbes is not linked to their pollen-feeding habits.
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Why warning patterns are so diverse is an enduring evolutionary puzzle. Because predators associate particular patterns with unpleasant experiences, an individual's predation risk should decrease as the local density of its warning pattern increases, promoting pattern monomorphism. Distasteful Heliconius butterflies are known for their diversity of warning patterns.

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This study evaluated shear bond strength (SBS) of thermally aged composite resins repaired using different surface protocols. Four-hundred composite resin samples were made using the following materials (100 samples per material): Filtek Z350XT (FXT); Spectra Smart (SSM); IPS Empress Direct (EDI); and Forma (FOR). Each group's samples were then divided into 10 groups (n = 10 samples per group): G1: no surface treatment; G2: phosphoric acid-etching + universal-adhesive (PU); G3: surface roughening + PU (RPU); G4: RPU + silane (RPSU); G5: surface roughening + hydrofluoric acid-etching + universal adhesive (RHU); G6: RHU + silane (RHSU); G7: dry sandblast + PU (DsPU); G8: DsPU + silane (DsPSU); G9: wet sandblast + PU (WsPU); and G10: WsPU + silane (WsPSU).

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Objectives: Our goal was to evaluate the clinical behavior of resin-based composite (RBC) restorations with sealed marginal defects using nano-filled flowable RBCs (FRS) compared with resin-based sealant (RBS); this work used marginal adaptation, marginal staining, and secondary caries according to the World Dental Federation (FDI) criteria.

Materials And Methods: This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Fifty-four patients who met the inclusion criteria (older than 18 years old; with high cariogenic risk determined by Cariogram software; and restorations with marginal defects, 3 and 4 according to FDI criteria) were randomly divided into three groups.

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Speciation is facilitated when traits under divergent selection also act as mating cues. Fluctuations in sensory conditions can alter signal perception independently of adaptation to the broader sensory environment, but how this fine-scale variation may constrain or promote behavioural isolation has received little attention. The warning patterns of butterflies are under selection for aposematism and act as mating cues.

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Hybrid zones, where distinct populations meet and interbreed, give insight into how differences between populations are maintained despite gene flow. Studying clines in genetic loci and adaptive traits across hybrid zones is a powerful method for understanding how selection drives differentiation within a single species, but can also be used to compare parallel divergence in different species responding to a common selective pressure. Here, we study parallel divergence of wing colouration in the butterflies Heliconius erato and H.

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To what extent can we predict how evolution occurs? Do genetic architectures and developmental processes canalize the evolution of similar outcomes in a predictable manner? Or do historical contingencies impose alternative pathways to answer the same challenge? Examples of Müllerian mimicry between distantly related butterfly species provide natural replicates of evolution, allowing us to test whether identical wing patterns followed parallel or novel trajectories. Here, we explore the role that the signaling ligand WntA plays in generating mimetic wing patterns in Heliconius butterflies, a group with extraordinary mimicry-related wing pattern diversity. The radiation is relatively young, and numerous cases of wing pattern mimicry have evolved within the last 2.

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Objective: To quantify the volumetric polymerization shrinkage (VPS) of different conventional and bulk fill resin composites, through micro-computed tomography (μCT), and qualitative comparison of gap formation through optical coherence tomography (OCT).

Methods: Box-shaped class I cavities were prepared in 30 third-molars and divided into 5 groups (n=6): G1- Filtek Z100 (Z100); G2- Tetric Evoceram Bulk Fill (TEC); G3- Tetric EvoFlow Bulk fill (TEF); G4- Filtek Bulk fill (FBU); and G5- Filtek Bulk fill Flowable (FBF). All groups were treated with Adper Single Bond Plus adhesive and light cured (Bluephase 20i).

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Dung beetles of the subfamily Scarabaeinae are widely recognised as important providers of multiple ecosystem services and are currently experiencing revisions that have improved our understanding of higher-level relationships in the subfamily. However, the study of phylogenetic relationships at the level of genus or species is still lagging behind. In this study we investigated the New World beetle genus one of the richest within the New World Scarabaeinae, using the most comprehensive molecular and morphological dataset for the genus to date (in terms of number of species and individuals) Besides evaluating phylogenetic relationships, we also assessed species delimitation through a novel Bayesian approach (iBPP) that enables morphological and molecular data to be combined.

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The use of subtle features as species diagnostic traits in taxa with high morphological similarity sometimes fails in discriminating intraspecific variation from interspecific differences, leading to an incorrect species delimitation. A clear assessment of species boundaries is particularly relevant in disease vector organisms in order to understand epidemiological and evolutionary processes that affect transmission capacity. Here, we assess the validity of the recently described Rhodnius taquarussuensis (da Rosa et al.

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The Andean uplift has played a major role in shaping the current Neotropical biodiversity. However, in arthropods other than butterflies, little is known about how this geographic barrier has impacted species historical diversification. Here, we examined the phylogeography of the widespread color polymorphic spider to evaluate the effect of the northern Andean uplift on its divergence and assess whether its diversification occurred in the presence of gene flow.

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Sex-specific pheromones are known to play an important role in butterfly courtship, and may influence both individual reproductive success and reproductive isolation between species. Extensive ecological, behavioural and genetic studies of butterflies have made a substantial contribution to our understanding of speciation. Male pheromones, although long suspected to play an important role, have received relatively little attention in this genus.

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Neotropical Heliconius butterflies are members of various mimicry rings characterized by diverse colour patterns. In the present study we investigated whether a similar diversity is observed in the chemistry of volatile compounds present in male wing androconia. Recent research has shown that these androconia are used during courting of females.

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Understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic variation and the mechanisms involved in the evolution of adaptive novelty, especially in adaptive radiations, is a major goal in evolutionary biology. Here, we used whole-genome sequence data to investigate the origin of the yellow hindwing bar in the Heliconius cydno radiation. We found modular variation associated with hindwing phenotype in two narrow noncoding regions upstream and downstream of the cortex gene, which was recently identified as a pigmentation pattern controller in multiple species of Heliconius.

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The wing patterns of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) are diverse and striking examples of evolutionary diversification by natural selection. Lepidopteran wing colour patterns are a key innovation, consisting of arrays of coloured scales. We still lack a general understanding of how these patterns are controlled and whether this control shows any commonality across the 160,000 moth and 17,000 butterfly species.

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An important goal in evolutionary biology is to understand the genetic changes underlying novel morphological structures. We investigated the origins of a complex wing pattern found among Amazonian Heliconius butterflies. Genome sequence data from 142 individuals across 17 species identified narrow regions associated with two distinct red colour pattern elements, dennis and ray.

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