Publications by authors named "Carolina Dellafiore"

Objectives: To assess performance and cutoffs of the 2-dimensional shear wave elastography technique available on the Aplio i800 ultrasound system (Canon Medical Systems, Japan), using transient elastography as reference standard, and to assess the correlation of shear-wave-speed dispersion with liver fibrosis or steatosis.

Methods: This was a single-center cross-sectional study. The correlations between values obtained with transient elastography and 2-dimensional-shear wave elastography, and between shear-wave-speed dispersion and fibrosis or steatosis, were assessed with Pearson's r.

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Background & Aims: Ultrasound is the imaging modality most widely utilized in the general population for diagnostic purposes. Controlled attenuation parameter is a novel noninvasive method for assessing steatosis. Our aim was to investigate whether the clinical value of controlled attenuation parameter in patients referred for abdominal ultrasound examinations is affected by liver fibrosis.

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Purpose: To evaluate the inter-device reproducibility of retrobulbar blood flow measurements obtained by two commercially available CDI (color Doppler imaging) devices.

Methods: The right eyes of 10 healthy volunteers were investigated. Four examiners, namely two ophthalmologists and two radiologists, performed CDI examination of the ophthalmic artery, central retinal artery and temporal short posterior ciliary arteries using both CDI devices: ESAOTE MYLAB™ and SIEMENS ANTARES STELLAR PLUS™.

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In 2007 the Italian National Institute of Health issued Guidelines for the use of diagnostic imaging techniques in the detection and the characterization of focal liver lesions. Since the publication of these guidelines in 2008, several studies relating to this topic have been published. Thus, we felt the need to assess whether interval research and new advancements in diagnostic imaging have yielded new evidence that should modify the recommendations that were previously issued.

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Purpose: This study was done to evaluate the intra- and inter-operator reproducibility of colour Doppler imaging (CDI) in assessing blood flow velocity in the ophthalmic (OA), central retinal (CRA) and short posterior ciliary arteries (SPCA) in healthy subjects.

Materials And Methods: The right eye of two groups of eight healthy volunteers was examined. Two radiologists and two ophthalmologists, divided into pairs, measured peak systolic velocity (PSV), end-diastolic velocity (EDV) and resistivity index (RI) of each vessel using a different CDI device for each group.

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Gray-scale ultrasound is the diagnostic technique of choice in patients with suspected or known renal disease. Knowledge of the normal and abnormal sonographic morphology of the kidney and urinary tract is essential for a successful diagnosis. Conventional sonography must always be complemented by Doppler sampling of the principal arterial and venous vessels.

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